A true friend is someone who understands your past, believes in your future and accepts you today, just the way you are.--- Anon

Scroll for more quotes!

For most of history, Anonymous was a woman.
-Virginia Woolf (1882 - 1941)

Ok. Sex is fine. Sex is good. Sex is GREAT! Okay, okay, we need men for sex... Do we need so many?
-Martin Sage and Sybil Adelman

There's a fine line between genius and insanity. I have erased this line.
-Oscar Levant (1906 - 1972)>

Women who seek to be equal with men lack ambition.
-Timothy Leary (1920 - 1996)

Links to My Favorite People

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Fuck vegetarians, all Gods are carnivorous.
-Margaret Atwood, The Blind Assassin

Things I Wrote

BM Oran & WH Burdine

Trying to determine what is going on in the world by reading newspapers is like trying to tell the time by watching the second hand of a clock. Ben Hecht (1893 - 1964)


Let us make one point, that we meet each other with a smile, when it is difficult to smile. Smile at each other, make time for each other in your family. Mother Teresa (1910 - 1997)


You see things;and you say, 'Why?' But I dream things that never were; and I say, "Why not?" - George Bernard Shaw


At the age of eleven or thereabouts women acquire a poise and an ability to handle difficult situations which a man, if he is lucky, manages to achieve somewhere in the later seventies-PG Wodehouse


If you have made mistakes, even serious ones, there is always another chance for you. What we call failure is not the falling down but the staying down. - Mary Pickford


Transported to a surreal landscape, a young girl kills the first woman she meets and then teams up with three complete strangers to kill again - unknown


The absence of flaw in beauty is itself a flaw. - Havelock Ellis


But when a young lady is a heroine, the perverseness of forty surrounding families cannot prevent her. Something must and will happen to throw a hero in her way. - Jane Austen


Only exceptionally rational men can afford to be absurd. - Allan Goldfein


Astronomy compels the soul to look upwards and leads us from this world to another. Plato (427 BC - 347 BC)



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Tuesday, February 13, 2007

I've Moved

In case anyone is wondering where I went I have moved to futuresize8.blogspot.com


Sara needed you at 3:29 AM


Tuesday, November 07, 2006


Sometimes I clog my toilet. Well, more than sometimes. Tonight I clogged the toilet again. I plunged. . .and plunged. . .and plunged. . .and nothing happened. except that the plunger kind of worked like a blender and made shit soup in my toilet. Not only did it look wonderfully apetizing, it also smelled great. And just like any other kind of soup the smell filled my whole apartment. After lighting every candle I could find I called my emergency maintenance for my apartment.

I had called emergency maintenance once before when I got locked out of my apartment. A really nice guy came and let me in. He was probably in his late forties/early fifties. I dropped something down my garbage disposal once and the same man came. I expected to see the same guy tonight.

When my doorbell rang I went and opened the door and there was a 27-32 year old HOT man. I mean the kind of guy I would normally have been more than happy to meet. And he had a great smile! And then I realized I had to let this extremely attractive nice smile guy in and he was going to have to deal with my shit soup. I was completely mortified. I just sat on my couch while he was in there working away and I had one of those wish the floor could open up and swallow me moments. He smiled again on his way out(the maintenance people here are always very nice!) but I am afraid that due to my embarassment I probably came off as gruff and almost rude. I jsut wanted to get him out of my smelly apartment so I could pretend the whole thing had never happened!


Sara needed you at 4:59 PM


Friday, September 29, 2006

10 Reasons I Should be Grateful I am Single

1-I am fat enough.

"We've all been there--you get into a relationship, and suddenly you're trying out new recipes all the time and cuddling instead of exercising. Well, things tend to get worse with marriage. A recent Cornell University study found that women generally gain five to eight pounds in the first few years of marriage and unhappily married women gain an average of 54 pounds in the first 10 years."

2. I am just starting my new career path.

"It's amazing what you can accomplish when you have the time, the quiet and the lack of familial responsibilities. In fact, your premarital motivation to excel in life may be biologically programmed."

3. I despise doing the dishes.

"You know that saying about a tree falling in a forest and there's no one there to hear it? Well, if you leave a sock on the floor but there's no one else there to see it, does it really need to be picked up? If you're a single woman, you can contemplate deep questions like this one because you have more free time. According to one study published in the Journal of Marriage and Family, women do less housework when single than when married. Men, on the other hand, do more housework when unmarried (that's probably because there's someone picking up after them once they're wed...). So the message here is for unmarried women to enjoy their less chore-filled life; fill those free hours with classes, good books, blabbing with friends--whatever makes you happy."

4. I like my gamecube, PS2, Red couch, Nintendo DS, and my ugly underwear.

"Go ahead: Splurge on that pricey moisturizer or that obscenely large plasma TV you've been lusting after. You don't have to justify your purchase to anyone but yourself. Once you mix money with marriage, though, things change--and fast."

5. I will take quality over quantity.

"Married couples may have more sex (approximately 98 times a year vs. singles' 49), but single people have better sex. According to a recent study published in the British Medical Journal, married women are significantly more likely to report problems with their sex lives than single women."

6. I love sleeping 7-9 hours a night.

"Studies confirm that single people generally get more rest -- seven to eight hours of sleep a night -- than married couples, which enhances memory, mood and concentration, as well as allows your immune system to recharge. And, according to scientists at the University of Luebeck in Germany, creativity and problem-solving may directly correlate with getting enough sleep."

7. I want to keep loving myself!

"One report by the World Health Organization indicated that married women, especially ones with children, have a higher risk for depression than single women, and researchers at the University of London found that single women generally have fewer mental-health issues."

8. I really don't need another reason to stay home.

"Here's another way to look at this: 'Singles don't rely on just one person to meet their needs. You don't automatically know who you're going to spend Friday night with,' says Sasha Cagen, author of Quirkyalone: A Manifesto for Uncompromising Romantics. 'The plus side is that you have a lot of different people in your life and potentially a greater sense of social possibilities.'"

9. I know I still get to fall in love again someday.

"'I have lived abroad, backpacked for close to a year, have been in love three times and much more,'" says Courtney Davis, 27, a media-relations manager in Boston. 'With every place and every person, my world has expanded.'"

10. He'll never have me at hello.

"'When people get married young, they often feel like the other person will complete them, and they have trouble moving past that Hollywood myth,' explains Chase. 'But maturity brings so much, because if you're able to communicate who you are and what you want, the better your chances of having a successful marriage.'"

The quoted parts of this article are totally ripped off from an article on Comcast.net. Only 10 sentences of this post are actually original. But the sentiment is still mine.


Sara needed you at 3:26 AM


Tuesday, July 25, 2006

New Stiff

That was supposed to be stuff, but I decided to leave it.

This weekend I had a friend who I don;t get to see much anymore come out for the day. She started as a work friend, and since i don;t work in that building anymore I don;t get to see her much. And since she laughs at my jokes, is hillarious herself, understands my particular brand of sarcasm, and knows about the guy who picks his nose and then touches things I miss her. She made work more bearable. And now that I have embarassed her with my gushing we will talk about the day.

We(she, me, and Paul) ended up going to the Ann Arbor art fair by accident. We wanted to go to this cool place called Pinball Petes and a comedy club called Improv Inferno and the art fair just happened to be occupying the streets we needed to use. Thanks to the art fair we had to pay double for parking and we saw way too much jewlery and pottery. But it was still cool walking around making fun of stuff. and there was some naked art that wasn't bad.

Pinball Petes was awesome as always. I played this weird DDR(Dance Dance Revolution) game, but it was with your hands instead of your feet. MUCH harder than it sounds. I am an expert Pod Racer(ok, not expert, but i kicked their asses!) None of us did very well on the motorcycle game, but thats because it was one of those games where the motorcycle moves around, and it was SO HEAVY. I have bruises on my thighs from that stupid game. But I laughed so hard I almost threw up, so I guess thats a good thing.

All in all, a very fun day!

I hate my cell phone. It will accept calls, but I can;t call out. But since I am eligible for a new phone September first i am just dealing with it. So if you have called me and i haven;t called oyu back this is why. And yes, of course I would give you a reference.

I still love my apartment, still love my job, will ALWAYS love my kitties! My new kitty Lemur-Bean, and my old kitty(not that old) Moxie get along great! And Pauls cat Mollhe gets along with Bean too.

So pretty much life is going well. There are a few things that could be better, few people I miss, but all in all, pretty darn good.


Sara needed you at 11:52 PM


Thursday, June 22, 2006


This post is going to offend people that consider themselves true book lovers. And I don;t mean readers, or lovers of the written word. I mean people who love books-the pages, the covers, the binding, the printing. I am about to say something that will make these people gasp.

I break the spines of my books.

It doesn't matter, paperbacks, hardcovers, first editions, signed, I break them all(sometimes even borrowed but that is out of habit. I replace them when that happens). If I thought a book was boring or poorly written and didn't finish it you can tell because the book will fall open right to the last page that I read.

The thing is that I, too, am a book lover. When I have time I can read 3-5 books a week, and when I don't have time I still manage to get 1-2. And yes, I consider myself a book lover, not just a reader. I love the printed word. I love the smell of the pages, the feel of a glossy dust jacket and the pure feel of the less smooth cover once I have taken the dust jacket off. I love the way the books look on my shelves. I love the feel of the rougher pages, and yes, I love the feel of the spine cracking under my fingers.

I worship the books, and cracking the spine is my way of doing so. People who profess to love books but don't want them to appear "used" have lost site of a books purpose. Why have a book sitting around looking as if it were new?

there is no better way to show love for a book then to have the next person who picks it up be able to tell that the last person who handled it read it thoroughly and loved every single page of it.


Sara needed you at 11:30 PM


Tuesday, June 13, 2006


When I go into a public bathroom there is always a stall that it feels natural to walk into. Either it is right in front of the door, or makes a straight line to the sink, or it is the middle stall. Something about it makes it feel like the natural stall to go into. I never go into that stall. I never go into it because I assume it is the most used stall. I actually go into the stall that feels the most unnatural to go into because i figure less people have used it. The one stuck behind the main door, or the one with the smallest stall area. And if there is barely any toilet paper left I will move to a different one because I feel like too many people have been in it. I will go to one with more toilet paper left. I know it's weird, but it's what I do.


Sara needed you at 2:11 AM


Saturday, May 06, 2006


I can;t believe it has been so long since I posted. I have moved to a new apartment which i LOVE! i have space, and room, and the ceilings aren't so low that they're cavelike like my old apartment was. My new one is great!

I love my new job. It is tech support and I am having a lot of fun learning new things and helping people fix things. It's a perfect environment for me. I am on a terrible schedule right now though. I am working 5 am to 2 pm. I love getting off work at 2 pm, but i HATE going in at 5! Starting next Sunday i go to my regular shift which will be 5 om to 2 am. That isn;t going to be great either, but it might make findgin classes for school easier. And I get an extra 10% on my paycheck for my shift ending after midnight so that's a bonus!

I have hung out with my ex who is one of my best friends and his new girl who I am not sure will ever be a friend. That's a weird situation. We hung out twice this week going to dinner and a comedy show both times. I had a great time, but things are still a little awkward so I don't know if a real friendship between us will ever take. But it might be the only way I ever get to see him because he is seldom away from her. She has taken my old place in a lot of things, as it SHOULD be. But it makes my time with him very limited. So I am trying to get along with both of them so he and i can remain friends. And she is ok, I think in different circumstances we would get along really well. It is just this is a little awkward. We'll see where it goes though. Last night she and I walked the leftovers back to the cars and I tried to have a conversation with her. Asked her how her job was, and how she liked it having moved here not that long ago. but the whole conversation seemed really forced. Hopefully it will all be more natural one day.

My 3 month eharmony membership ran out and nothing happened with it at all. I think maybe I will just quit looking for a while. Concentrate on school. Speaking of which, my first semester back is complete. YAY! I filled out my FAFSA for next year and because of the money I made last year my expected contribution towards my education is 9,000.00. So I don;t qualify for any grants or aid other than loans. It really makes me wonder how they figure that number out because I don't make very much money and there is NO WAY I have a spare 9 grand a year to put into my education. So loans it is!

So thats the update on me. I won;t wait so long to post next time.


Sara needed you at 5:54 PM


Thursday, March 30, 2006


I got a new position at work! The drive is going to be more than twice as long. But I really think I am going to like it. And there are more money possibilities and more promotion possibilities than in my current position. I have 5 weeks of training and I actually will get my weekends off for the first time in 3 1/2 years. I am SO EXCITED about that!

I had to have a tooth pulled. It is on the top right side of my mouth. I had a HUGE toothache for a while and I got so desperate I did go in to the dentist. They said the my roots had cracked and that there was an absess causing an infection. They didn't want to pull it with the infection so they gave me antibiotics and vicodin for the pain and set a date for it to be pulled later. I realized something. I don't like vicodin. I actually had to take a day off work because the pain was so bad it hurt to move my head and the vicodin made me feel groggy and like I was going to throw up at any moment. but the pain was worse than the nausea so I actually ended up taking 12 of them before the pain was gone enough to go to regular aspirin. Then, just when the infection was gone and therefore the pain was gone we had to yank out the tooth and put me BACK in pain. The tooth was pulled over a week ago, and it still hurts. It is a lot better so hopefully the pain will be gone soon. I ahve to get a bridge in 6 weeks and the copay is 620.00. that is more than I just paid for my new couch! but it will be worth it not to have my current white trash mouth(unfortunately this isn't my only missing tooth. I am missing one that is more visible too)

I got Kingdom Hearts 2! Unfortunately, i have played for over three hours and I have yet to get to one of the fun worlds. I have gotten to do some stuff, but I feel like it is still in the intro phase and that is WAY too long to be in the intro phase! Once I get to the main part of the game I know I will love it, but it is taking too long to get there.

Not much else going on that I feel like talking about. Lets just stay with the happy news of the job!


Sara needed you at 9:34 PM


Monday, March 06, 2006


I just had a 1 1/2 hour conversation with my mother about my life and feelings and whats going on with me. I just treated my mom like she was my friend. That might not seem like much, but that is something that has been hard for me. She said one thing to me about hiding my feelings when I was in junior high and I really took that to heart and haven't talked to her about me in depth since then. Yeah, I have talked to her, but about fluff. not feelings. and tonight I actually let myself go with her a little bit. I could tell it made her really happy. It made me really happy too.

I love my mom.


Sara needed you at 7:18 PM


Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Quote of the Day

"It's God punishing me for being an atheist."
-Jay Mccarroll first season project runway winner


Sara needed you at 9:02 PM
