Monday, May 24, 2010

New Meat Loaf Album Art by Julie

Here it is! Meat Loaf's new album, Hang Cool Teddy Bear, with a brand new cover by me, Julie! As you may have guessed, I'm pretty excited about this cover because its evolution was such a fascinating experience of creativity and because everybody is so happy with it. In addition, in the interior booklet that comes with the CD, Meat Loaf has featured art by Boris as well as two of our sons, Anthony Palumbo and David Palumbo. The Deluxe Version of the CD is actually a book with a short story by Kilian Kerwin, the art I've just mentioned, and a bunch of really cool photos. Also, the single, Los Angeloser, features David's painting X-Ray Vision/These Things Really Work on the cover.

I was excited when I did Meat Loaf's Bat III cover a few years ago, but this album breaks new ground for everybody involved. You have to hear the music! It's new and it's fantastic!

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Dorian Vallejo

You may be familiar with our son Dorian's art in its many faces, as an illustrator back in the 90's and later on as a fine artist. His first book of life drawings is now out!
You can visit his website for more about his art HERE and you can view this cool video preview!

Friday, May 7, 2010

New Book Released!

As many of you know, between the two of us, we have three sons and a daughter--all of whom are fantastic artists. One of them, David Palumbo, has just released his 2010 edition of "Quickie", a beautiful collection of nudes painted in oil. We know you're going to love it because we sure do! Click HERE for more information as well as a video flip-through of the book.

Monday, April 26, 2010


Here's your chance to help future artists as well as to own an original piece of art! The Society of Illustrators Scholarship Fund is holding an auction of 12 miniature paintings (5x7 inches) by 12 different illustrators, of which I am privileged to be one. The paintings will be on exhibition at The Society of Illustrators in New York City through the month of May. The bidding will begin the first or second week of May. This is an annual event (each year featuring different artists) which was the creation of Irene Gallo and Dan Dos Santos. Irene, who is the senior art director at TOR Books, has posted all the paintings in her always-inspiring blog, The Art Department. Check it out and get ready for the bidding!

Monday, April 19, 2010


For a while now, I've been expanding my painting territory to include wildlife art, mostly focusing on wolves. At the suggestion of Scott Usher at Greenwich Workshop, I've decided to try out painting some horses. It's interesting--I miss painting the fur that wolves have, but the muscularity of the horse, being similar to a muscular human, really appeals to me. Good thing I don't need to choose between horses and wolves--there's plenty of paint for both of them!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Video Trailer

If you liked David Palumbo's painting video we posted in January, you'll love this 4 minute trailer for his upcoming full-length instructional DVD (available in May)! Judging by this trailer, with awesome music by Anthony Palumbo, it's clear that the DVD is going to be extremely informative. In the actual DVD, the painting is shown in real time with commentary.

But, for now, the trailer is just lots of fun. Watch it for yourself and see what we mean!

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Yamato Sculptures

Something a little different for you to see!
Yamato Toys has produced two great sculptures based on two of our paintings, "Golden Lover" by Julie and "Monica's Ax" by Boris. For more information please contact them directly.