Carnival of the Cats #296

I am pinch hitting here as Artsy Catsy has not posted, think human is ill again. Still.

“I think so, send them some purrs and prayers, peeps and kitties. Thanks Meowza for taking over for them.”

me by the drip watering thingy

First up, Matata in a moving experience, really. LOL.

Boris is engaged in one activity every cat can enjoy especially on a cold day. Sure looks comfortable.

“Boris is one handsome cat,” muses Mog thinking a orange kitty would make a splendid addition to the family.

You have me!

What is that Callie is in? Poor kitty looks like she can’t get out.

Munchkin does her best to avoid the flashy. Not good enough as the flashy got her. Always does, always!

I do my best to look pretty in pink.

“My pants are ruined!”

So get more sturdy pants Mog.

The House of Chaos welcomes an itty bitty kitty into their midst. Did I say welcome? You know how it is when cuteness invades your domain.

Luna prepares to perform cat style. Now that’s a performance in itself.

Speaking of performing, Catschka put together one speedy performance I could get to enjoy.

Maddie favors us with extreme closeups here, sweet! You don’t catch me doing that.

“That’s cause you’re uncooperative.”

I cooperate just fine thankyouverymuch.

“Yeah, right!”

Tasha is the bearer of good news while Gypsy snoopervised. I’d like some of that.

“Oh, neighbors planted a whole lawn full of the stuff.”

Guessing that’s a no, Mog. OK, I’ll go there.

SonnyBob sure knows the place to go on a cold day. Works for me.

That wraps it up for this week except for late comers. Thanks for coming all. It’s been fun. Next week’s Carnival of the Cats is at the Pet’s Garden Blog. Submit here or email your cats to carnivalofthecats(at)

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[…] up at iMeowza as Artsy Catsy’s human is still ill and not responding. Send them your purrs and […]

[…] now finally up at iMeowza as Artsy Catsy’s human is still ill and not responding. Send them your purrs and purrayers. […]

Sorry your human is not well. I will be sending purrs your way.

Harry Spotter
.-= Harry Spotter´s last blog ..Fiona and me. =-.

A fine job of pinch-hitting! Thanks for handling all the Heavy Lifting on such short notice.

Friday Ark #270…

We’ll post links to sites that have Friday (plus or minus a few days) photos of their chosen animals (photoshops at our discretion and humans only in supporting roles). Watch the Exception category for rocks, beer, coffee cups, and….? Visit all the …