
...But of these sophisms and elenchs of merchandise I skill not...
Milton, Areopagitica

Except he had found the
standing sea-rock that even this last
Temptation breaks on; quieter than death but lovelier; peace
that quiets the desire even of praising it.

Jeffers, Meditation On Saviors




Lansky @inf38

WikiLeaks Exposes Israeli Mafia’s Growing Influence

Neither WilĂ©n’s nor Ardin’s texts complain of rape.
Ardin's the woman the swine-news drones are championing as the rapee in Assange's currently-happening legal difficulties with the Swedish police.
The fdl piece links her w/ "Cuban" exciters of turmoil and nasty dreamers of scenarios of reconquest, inc. the "Cuban-American mafia".
It is the opinion, strongly held, of inf38, that the food chain of that mafia links vertically upward to a virtually invisible criminal organization, multi-national, hydratic, ruthless, that traces its ancestry directly to Meyer Lansky, the king of kings of pre-Castro Cuba's real economy, which was like Bangkok Vegas and your local street-ho drug-get boulevards all rolled into one tidy tropical island getaway.
It was a Cuba whose ostensible ruler, Batista, was mostly a beard for Lansky's vice operations on the island, in the 50's a wide-open sin park. So not only did the rico aristocracy of Cuba get booted to the penile state virtually en masse, Lansky's thugs and pimps and blackmailers got the heave-ho too. Creating a thirst for vengeance in men known for their long-arc vendettas.


"I’ll be now releasing the documents of one of the largest banks in America"

...they have to traverse on rooftops...

Amazon, the US internet company, has stopped allowing WikiLeaks to use its servers

Banana worm bread

a relative newcomer to the fight against global warming

A Supercell Thunderstorm Cloud Over Montana

We will know more today at 2pm EST

Other organizations that hosted the torture video have also had their websites attacked.



All it takes is a five-year-old in pale blue coveralls drawing in a coloring book for a door to open into the light, for the house to be built again and the ochre hillside covered with flowers.

Max Jacob
Dernier Poemes


"...absolute despair has no art."

"Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet."
Pashtun proverb

"...the child is also mother to the man."
Jim Harrison

The Church says:
the body is a sin
Science says:
the body is a machine
Advertising says:
the body is a business
The body says:
I am a fiesta.

Eduardo Galeano

"..those who do not love the truth will hate it."

"..dead fish always swim with the stream.'

"...all our pain comes from restraint of love."

"It is a long time now since I asked heaven for anything, and still my
arms have not come down."
Antonio Porchia trans. W.S. Merwin

"The people imagine they pray before God. But this is not so, for
prayer itself is the essence of divinity."
Anonymous Hasid

"Without religion, however, magic by itself draws man fatally under
the thrall of disincarnate beings who pervade the earth and feed upon
the emotional energies of the human organism. These are called demons,
but the word has ceased to have anything but childish meaning for
modern people."
Anonymous Gnostic monk

"God has not died for the white heron...God has not appeared to the birds."

"If the Apocalypse is really just around the corner the correct
attitude would seem to be one of lively curiosity."
Anita Brookner

"I was brought up to think it a sin to waste bread, and I have lived
all my life in a world that wastes life."
Sylvia Townsend Warner


the most hated man in Israel

50,000 pounds of cheese

The IDF kills 1 Palestinian civilian every 2 days, on average, with impunity

pigs in the news:

...after a wild boar attacked him in his olive fields yesterday, breaking both of his legs. The animals are believed to have been released from the nearby Itamar settlement. Such attacks are becoming increasingly common.
Palestine Monitor

way to go O-hi-o:

Following the revelation that an FBI informant may have opened fire just before the 1970 massacre of four anti-war students by members of the US National Guard, Congressman Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) has opened a probe into the events, requesting key documents from the FBI in a letter delivered Saturday morning.
raw story


For Tom
The personage depicted, not photoshopped, is Nikolai Yezhov.

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