Every day after lunch, the students have about 20 minutes free time. After that, it's time to clean!
Students from all three grades are assigned a specific group (by color). I have been assigned to the Green group. On the days where we do not have to clean, we either meet outside to play "figure 8 jump-rope" or play volleyball/dodgeball in the gym. However, we pretty much clean four times a week because there are four floors in the school. Every day is a different place.
Cleaning tasks are assigned by the students themselves. The oldest students assign specific places for everyone in the group. The places are the classrooms, hallway, restrooms, staff rooms, and meeting rooms.
This requirement allows the students from all three grades to get to know one another. Thus, building a great sense of team work and school spirit. At the end of cleaning, the small groups will meet to debrief the cleaning session. I have personally enjoyed cleaning with the students because I get to know more about them outside of the English class.
I was told that many Japanese schools have this same requirement. This kind of explains how the people in Japan are often very clean or like to be clean. It's become a habit for many of these students at a young age.
Cleaning the classroom... 1) push all the desks to the back of the room
2) students with brooms with push all the dust to the back of the room
3) the 'wipers' get down and clean the floor with a towel by hand
4) 'wipers' rinse towels and push all the desks to the front of the room; students with brooms will start brushing all the dust in one spot
5) putting all the dirt into the pan
6) final 'wipers' for the back of the room
7) all students will put the desks back to where they were
I have gotten to know many of my students through cleaning. I often cheer for them in the hallway.
Or I run along side hurrying them....
Or I walk by with a smile and wave :)
There's this one student.
I found out the direct translation of his Japanese name in kanji...into English...
Saint Bamboo Forest.
I love this kid.... such a good sport.