Thursday, April 19, 2012

Soft Spring Colors

The Paper Players are having a great challenge this week. Jaydee is the hostess for this wonderful CAS challenge with a twist...'watercolour'. I haven't done water coloring in a while so I thought it would be fun to dig out the watercolor papers and give this challenge a try. The challenge at Card Crafters Circle is to use pastel or gentle colours.

After stamping this Raisin Boat "Joyous Garden" image onto my paper it was heat set, then I use a small detail brush to apply water over the image. The cute mailbox was colored using Distress and Vivid ink pads. Just press the ink pad into an old CD then pick up the desired color using a wet brush.

The background was flooded with water before I added the blue for the sky.

I rotated the "Freshly Made Sketch" to a portrait view to create this card.

I find it very difficult to do CAS...I simply love it and admire those who can do this genre. This is about as CAS as I get.

Back to creating cards in my Butterfly Garden.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

TMS on Wednesday

Okay now don't get confused...I'm confused enough for all of us! Here's the story....the wonderful ladies at Raisin Boat, graciously sent me 'The Undies in a Bunch' stamp set to use for yesterdays challenge. Knowing that my time would be limited because of my DH 'hospital tests', I created a card ahead of time using the "By The Beach' stamp set. Since the prize at Tuesday Morning Sketches is an "Undies" set, I thought I would show you another sample using the these stamps. Just think you could win a clean set of 'Undies' for your personal use! Not necessary to share! lol    Grab some paper and play along with the TMS sketch for this week. If you didn't see the original posting you can find it HERE.

The oval and the bottom rectangle were made by stamping the 'undies' with a Birthstone Kaleidacolor ink pad, then the images were colored with light shades of Copic marker. After the undies were fussy cut and the bottom pair was wrinkled to simulate 'a bunch' as in the sentiment. Question why is one undie called a 'pair' of underwear when it is clearly only one? lol :-)    I carefully cut the bottom of the clothespins just enough for the 'undies' to slide under the tip of the clothespin.

Just to remind you .... here is the TMS sketch for this week.

Back to creating cards in my Butterfly Garden.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Tuesday Morning Sketches #142

Welcome to another great week at Tuesday Morning Sketches. You're in for a real treat this week. Our 'new to us' sponsor is Raisin Boat! OMG they have over 255 exclusive clear stamp sets available and the best part is..........YOU RENT THEM! Okay lets be many stamps have you bought that you used once or twice then had to find a place to store them? I already know the answer and Raisin Boat has the solution, rent the stamps for a month then send them back. You create a 'pick list' with the stamps that you want and as you return a set the next one on your list is sent out to you. Did I mention 'a postage paid envelope'? Yup it is that easy, just put it into your mail box. If you fall in love with a set, you can purchase it at a special members price. Want more details...check them out HERE.

This card was made with the "By The Beach" set. There are a few more stamps in this set that weren't used on my card. Be sure to visit their site and check them out. The tiny shells on this card are from Hawaii.

Oh an interesting tidbit about this great place to rent stamps.......this company is owned and operated by two  mothers who are "RAISIN" their children.  There are 4 children and the first initial of each child's name was use in the Company Title..... B - O -A - T, hence the name "Raisin Boat" Cool huh?

This is the super marvelous, creative sketch by the ultra talented Melissa. Won't you join us this week? We'd love to see what you create with this sketch.

BTW as you probably have notice...I'm laying down on the job again and turned the sketch on it's side.

I'm entering this card in the following challenges. Goes ot Bling, Blue, White and Shells

Back to creating cards in my Butterfly Garden.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Flourishes #164

Thanks, blogging friends, for all of your prayers and well wishes for my DH.

Time for another Timeless Tuesday Challenges at Flourishes. Mona is this week's hostess and she is challenge everyone to create a tag or card focusing on a "Fruit" theme.

I am extremely disappointed in my camera....the cardstock behind the image actually matches the cherries but for some unknown reason it looks 'pinkish' in the photo and all the other photos that I took with different lighting :-( 

The cherries were coated with glossy accents to give them a bit of shine. The sketch that was used to create this card was from Tuesday Morning Sketches.

There's still time to enter the Flourishes challenge and the Tuesday Morning Sketches challenge. Both offer prizes!!! So grab some papers and play along.

Back to creating cards in my Butterfly Garden.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Take Flight

This will be a quick posting :-(  My DH has been in the hospital for some tests again this week. This current test last for 48 hrs, another 24 to go! We will be so happy when this is over. Enough about medical stuff, here's a card that I made for Freshly Made Sketches.

The sketch was turned on it's side...just like me...trying to get some sleep! Notice the bg paper, it has bi-planes on it just like the Hero Arts Stamped & embossed image. Gotta love it when I plan comes together especially when you have limited time to create.

I love this embossing powder it is called Golden Sand. I think it is great for this 'man' card. YEAH another one to add to my men's basket.

This is the great FMS sketch designed by Tui.

I'll be around to visit all my wonderful blogging friends later this evening.

Back to creating cards in my Butterfly Garden.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Tesday Morning Sketches #141

It's Tuesday, so that means another great sketch from Tuesday Morning Sketches.  This week Digital Delights is our wonderful sponsor. They have the most adorable whimsical characters and fantastic Digital Paper.  Since it is the second week of the month, this is a judged challenge. Each member of the design team will visit your blog and then vote on their favorite who will win the prize of the week.  The top five will receive a 'Top 5' badge for their blog.  The challenge this week is 'Think Spring'.  I can't wait to see what your interpretation of this theme. Grab some papers and play along with us!

After a long cold, white winter, I love the beautiful colors of 'SPRING'. The lovely crocus, daffodils and hyacinth are all blooming. This hyacinth stamp is from Flourishes and it was colored with Copic markers. The dp is from a K and Co pad, embossing folder is from Spellbinders (it's one their new ones) and the edging, rolled flower and shaped frame are also from Spellbinders.

This week this creative sketch was designed by Melissa. Lots of possibilities with this sketch. I turned it on its side to create this card. This is one of those 'use over again' sketches, so watch for it to appear on some of my other cards.

Please check out the TMS site to see the great cards this DT has created for you.  A word of 'caution' be prepared to be inspired by these super talented ladies!

Back to creating cards in my Butterfly Garden.

Saturday, April 07, 2012

Flourishes #163

Happy Easter, Happy Spring, Happy Everything!  We should be getting some warmer weather this weekend. Not really enjoying temps in the 30's and 40's...60+ is much more comfortable.

The Timeless Tuesday challenge this week at Flourishes is being hosted by Beate.  Because April is her birthday month.... the theme is 'Birthday'. So Happy Birthday, Beate. This one's for you.

Pretty self explanatory, so once again if you have any questions, I'll be happy to reply.

Wishing you all a wonderfully warm and sunny Easter.

A special "HELLO" to Debby, my most recent follower.

Back to creating cards in my Butterfly Garden.

Tuesday, April 03, 2012

Playing with Easter Cards

This is exceptionally 'late for me' to be making Easter Cards. I'm a 'do ahead' person. Yesterday I made a card for the Easter challenge at Flourishes. (you can see it HERE) Since the stamps were already inked, I thought that this would be the perfect time to make Easter Cards. I stamped several of the Flourishes images, then went in search of different color palettes for inspiration. I discovered a 'black, white with a TOUCH of brown' at the Play Date Cafe. These colors are not in my comfort zone but I thought I would give them a try.

The image was fussy cut after being colored with Copic markers. Spellbinders and MFT dies were used for the shapes.  The background was dry embossed then Versamark was lightly applied on the raised areas before embossing with Stardust embossing powder.

This is another card using the same stamps but with a different color palette.

And another color palette.

And finally the last card using different colors once again.

I used a sketch from Tuesday Morning Sketches for all of these cards. I just turned it upside down.

When I did a search for 'lilies', I was amazed at the number of different colors that are available for lilies. Which card is your favorite?

I think I'll go shopping for some lilies to plant in my yard. This time next year...I won't have to do an Internet search...I'll just take a stroll to my garden.

Back to creating cards in my butterfly Garden.

Tuesday Morning Sketches #140

Welcome back for another exciting week at Tuesday Morning Sketches. This week our marvelous sponsor is Doodle Pantry. I hope you play along for a chance to win a wonderful prize from the 'pantry'.

This delightful image is appropriately called 'Spring Song Birds'.  The sentiment is part of the digi image package. Coloring was done with my Copic markers.

This sketch, designed by yours truly, was used to create my card.  The sketch was turned on it's side and the circle was swapped for an oval.

The DT has created some outstanding samples to get your creative juices flowing. Please visit TMS to see these samples and then leave a little 'comment' love to show how much you appreciate their hard work and wonderful inspiration.

Back to creating cards in my Butterfly Garden.

Monday, April 02, 2012

Flourishes #162

Whew...I almost missed the deadline for the Flourishes Timeless Tuesday Challenge. Time flies when you're havin' fun! The challenge this week is 'Easter". What great incentive to get a few 'Easter Cards' completed before Sunday. Cutting it kinda close this year.

The card is pretty self explanatory so I won't bore you with all the details. If you have a question about the products that were used, send me an e-mail and I'll be happy to reply.

Back to creating cards in my Butterfly Garden.