Sunday, August 31, 2008

Princess for a Day

Since I have to be at church between 7 - 7:30 am many Sundays, I have had to let a few things slide over the years.
A few of those things have been a cozy Sunday morning "dream" breakfast with the family, as well as getting the final approval on the kids' choice of dress. As they have grown older, it hasn't been as much of an issue, but wow, the scrapbook that we could have had.
I know that many ladies pick out outfits the night before, and I have on occasion. But for the most part, that just hasn't been at the top of my Saturday evening priority list.
My husband ROCKS!!
and the fact that 2/4 weeks of the month, for the whole of our marriage, he has single handedly taken care of getting the kids ready and to church on time, speaks for itself....UN.BE. LIEVE.ABLE!!! I know most wives won't let their husbands dress the kids...ever!
With that being said, over the years it has been somewhat of an unspoken joke amongst the Sunday school teachers...."oh, Jen must be singing this week."
Yes, some of the outfits have been absolutely hilarious.
For the most part, my husband just lets them pick out what ever they wanted to wear...ok, not for the most part....he did.
Plaids, and, purple, red - it doesn't matter.
Mismatched shoes, and a few choice times - no shoes at all.
And during this past Christmas season, a beautiful velvet dress with tennis shoes ....I admit, often the shoes are not put back where they should be.
I know, I know...if I don't take the time to pick them out, I can't complain.
Through it all, I have learned many things about myself.
Namely, to conquer that pervasive attitude of pride that just manages to sneak its way in when you least expect it.
What will people think of me?
Hopefully, they see me as a mom who passionately loves her children. But more importantly, sees me as a wife who appreciates the husband who has faithfully supported her, and given of himself so that she can use the gifts that God has given her...even when it means putting up with the grief that she gives about the outfit choices.
Thank you, honey....I LOVE YOU!
This is the precious blessing that greeted me this morning as I picked her up from her Sunday School class. Re-encated at home...of course.

Ahhhh.....don't we all just want to be princess for a day?
Well, she was...her princess dress in all its glory.
I must say...after I got past the initial chuckle, she sure does look cute!
I am so thankful that she is conscious of the "no white after Labor Day" rule.
She got it all in on August 31st.

She is a Precious Princess, and the daughter of the ONE TRUE KING!!

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Back to School ideas

Every month I send out a traditions newsletter with wonderful ideas to engage your family for that month's upcoming holiday. This month's theme was Back to School, so we're tangenting a bit from the holiday traditions, but I thought I would share some of these great ideas with you. Especially, creative solutions on keeping the kids artwork under control.

Once Upon A Family
Once Upon A Family

Once Upon A Family
Teach your children a little bit about nature. Watch plants grow before your eyes with a bookshelf terrarium. Cover the bottom of a jar with gravel, then add 1/4 inch of ground charcoal. Mix 2 parts potting soil, 2 parts peat, and 1 part builder's sand; add to jar. Dig small holes for plants, such as sweet flag or Chinese elm. Spray completely with water before putting on lid. The terrarium should retain moisture, so rewatering won't be necessary, but you should check the soil periodically to be safe.

Once Upon A Family

Your child will be more likely to eat lunch if he gets to help choose the menu. We have made it easy for the two of you to map out lunches for the week which will make great use of your time and make grocery shopping easier. Just download and print our magnetic chart onto a full-size magnet sheet. Then print the food name label onto a second magnetic sheet and cut it out. Together, come up with a variety of sandwiches, fruits, healthy snacks, and desserts; then print them out and let your child fill in the blanks. I offer a beautiful family meal planner in our Chaos to Connection line, as well as "Homemade in a Hurry" meals and mixes allowing you to gather around the dinner table more often.
Once Upon A Family

Once Upon A Family
With the start of the school year, children will begin their after-school
activities and consequently spend more time in the carpool.
A canvas shoe bag is perfect for keeping toys tidy &
easy to reach in the car.

Once Upon A Family
Once Upon A Family
Once Upon A Family
How many little masterful works of art do you currently have in your home?
Whether your child attends preschool or kindergarten or is home schooled,
arts and crafts are a natural part of any curriculum.
What do you do with these masterpieces?
Before we explore the solutions, there are several things to
consider when organizing children's artwork.

* Be consistent. Kids thrive on structure because they know what to expect.
If they know they can keep one art piece a week to go into their monthly file,
they will be prepared emotionally which will make the decisions easier.

* Realize it is not about the artwork. At a much deeper level it is about teaching
them the skills to make decisions and live a clutter free life.

* Have the children make the decision. Empower your child to choose which
art piece to keep and how you can enjoy it the best. Instead of holding out
10 pieces at a time, try holding two and have them choose one. Then hold
two more and so on. Decisions are often easier when there are not so many
choices all at once.

Okay, now we are ready for creative solutions to keep the artwork under
control while honoring your child's creative spirit.

1. Postage Stamps: Can you believe you can turn your child's artwork into
real postage stamps? Check out PhotoStamps or PictureItPostage to see
how easy it is!

2. Greeting Cards, Calendars, Postcards, T-shirts, etc: You can turn the
masterpiece into an actual greeting card!
You can do almost anything now digitally! offers a wide variety of products that can
show off the artwork,
and family and friends can purchase what they like for themselves!
If you have a Mac, use iPhoto to create cards, calendars, postcards
and more. Online photo albums will also have these features.

3. Online Photo Album: Create a special website to display all the
kid's artwork for everyone to enjoy. Before you think you can't
possibly do that, there are easy ways to have an online photo
album without knowing all the technical stuff.

4. Turn the artwork into a business: If your child is producing a
ton of amazing art, you may want to consider creating a business
by turning the art into products others can enjoy. Again, with you can set up your own store. The possibilities
are endless--journals, mugs, t-shirts, cards, magnets, stickers,
bags, and so much more!

5. Stationery: Who wouldn't love to get a fun piece of mail?
In fact, you and your child can create different stationary sets
for family and friends so they too can share the artwork with others.
Your child can also use their artwork for thank you's, invitations,
journal entries, or a simple hello.

6. A Year of Art: Choose 12 pieces of art and turn it into a calendar
for your family to enjoy or for other relatives who want a piece of
your child in their home. You can do this several ways: buy a
calendar and paste the artwork over the picture page, scan the
photos into the computer and order a calendar with the artwork online,
or make it completely by scratch!

7. Snap Shot in Time: Take a picture of your child with the art piece
and place it in a scrapbook, memory box, or online album.
Can you think of a better way to capture the age of your c
hild and their masterpiece? This suggestion works especially
well with larger than life projects that take up way too much
space or would require crazy storage solutions.

8. Artwork Portfolio: Contact me about purchasing our
Artwork Portfolio (it's huge and beautiful). It's
on special this month for $30. Regularly priced at $45.

Once Upon A Family

Once Upon A Family
"Here's a way to make a kid smile and let him know you're thinking of him during those long days when they’ve gone back to school. Place a smiling piece of fruit accompanied by a silly note in his lunch bag. Use a nontoxic dry-erase marker to make faces that are safe to eat and flavorless. While a smile is always nice, a slumbering fruit with closed eyes is cute, and a jolly face with a tongue sticking out is saucy and fun. Then write a short happy note to include with the fruit, such as ‘You're apple-solutely fabulous!’ " ~

Once Upon A Family
Stories of My Life Booklets & Box Set The Stories of My Life are a series of booklets in which you write about events, opinions, feelings, ideas and more. The important thing is that the story is in your own words and your own handwriting. Just imagine how treasured these stories will be years from now as they are shared generation after generation. Store them in our beautiful Stories Of My Life Box. Box measures 6.5" x 5.5" x 4.5". #LC055 Retail: $39** , Special Price: $25***

Once Upon A Family

Artwork Portfolio
Show your little "Picassos" just how much you value their artwork by keeping it all in this beautiful but sturdy 20.5" x 26" portfolio with protective sides. Treasures such as these should never be stored in drawers or attic boxes where they can get lost or damaged. #CC021
Retail: $45** , Special Price: $30***

*Special is valid Sept. 1 - Sept 30, 2008
**Customer pays shipping on the retail price of the Customer Special Product.

Once Upon A Family

Once Upon A Family
Stories of My Life Booklets & Box Set The Stories of My Life are
a series of booklets in which you write about events, opinions, feelings, ideas and more.
The important thing is that the story is in your own words and your own handwriting.
Just imagine how treasured these stories will be years from now as they are shared
generation after generation. Store them in our beautiful Stories Of My Life Box. #LC055 Retail: $39** , Special

Friday, August 29, 2008

12,166 feet!

We all know that camping is definitely a mixture of beauty and bedlam.

I am the "Queen of Forced Bonding."

Being in youth ministry for so many years, during the days when I could still do a back bend, and shoot Kix out of my nose, just enabled me to have a knack for forcing people to get to know each other.
Don't worry, as an adult I hate my kind of people too. :)
(how do I put a real smiley face on here?)
Anyhow, camping is the ultimate in forced bonding....I love it....(mostly, except for the don't get any sleep, have the hugest bug bites known to man, and I have issues with trying to go to the bathroom if I think others can hear factor, but besides that)'s the ultimate in creating family bonding and special memories, and I am all over that...!
So imagine when my sis in law from Colorado sent us this picture of their camping site.
My nephew picked Wheeler Lake, CO - 12,166 feet to go camping for his bday...
I can't even count that high!

In the second picture, it is
hard to see, but there is a lake in the foreground, in front of the
She shared no bedlam moments, but I know if it was us camping, we would have surely broken down with no cell coverage, had no one around for another 15,000 feet, had a leaking tent, and bears would have eaten all of our food.
So just pretend it was us camping...makes the story better.
Have a fabulous Friday, you amazing blogging friends!
Isn't God amazing to display such majesty? WOWZA!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

The Little Things...

For those who frequent my blog,
you know that one of my passions is CHOOSING JOY.
I love to celebrate the simple things, and stimulate the senses. It is by taking your everyday rituals, and turning them into something meaningful, that your house becomes a true haven - a sanctuary.
It's about turning the ordinary into the extraordinary, and that extraordinary is often so simple.
I often get asked,"What is your dream?"
I honestly reply, "I am living it."
Is it hard to believe that a college educated woman could be living her dream by being at home with her five children?
I think people that have met me through speaking engagements, music or work from home avenues assume that I am short changing myself.
I didn't plan on posting about any of this today, but I just had to share an example of how God's faithfulness continues to speak to my dream.
This confirmation happened today through a simple act of the ordinary ministering to my lonely soul in extraordinary ways.

Every morning I drag myself to the coffee urn and freshly grind my Starbucks roast. This morning, to my horror (and horror it it surely was), I remembered that it was empty...not a bean to be found. This has never happened.
(I buy the 2 lb. pack from Starbucks and it's always in supply.)
What is a girl to do without her morning coffee?
For those of you that are coffee drinkers, you are relating....I knew I was gearing up for a coffee headache.
To those of you who have no idea what I am talking about,
you may be thinking "addiction."

The morning continued and an hour later, one of my teenage sons came to me with this unbelievable site. It was full before....oops.

He had no idea that I didn't have my Starbucks this morning, but he saw a little bit of cold coffee (don't even make a snide remark here or it will ruin the moment:),
knew that that was exactly how I made our "coffee smoothies," and decided to make one for me...unannounced, unasked for, and completely unexpected.
For those of you who have teens, or remember those teenage years, the simple act of my son making his own special Frappuccino on a dreary, rainy morning for his little, old, not- so- happy mommy....made my day!
I know that you can understand.
He made something that was so simple become a balm to sooth my soul.
I choose joy in the journey, and am so thankful that I have a Lord who continues to bless and affirm this adventure even when the road is really rocky, the climb is woefully windy, and the descent is delightfully daring.
It's times likes this when the Lord chooses to speak to me.
He affirms that the consistency and work is worth it.
He assures me that the times when I want to pull out my hair is not in vain (like a few times when I was just trying to type this).
He knows this, and allowed the ordinary actsof my teen age son become an extraordinary affirmation for his weary mother.

Come join me, let's snuggle on the sofa over this coffee, and share life.
It's really, really yummy.
Who needs a Starbucks barista when you have a blessing of a boy...I mean young man?

And since I now have a time limit on the computer, just like my kids, I am confessing to my eldest that I did go past the 15 minute limit and the timer did go off. I shut it off....OK. Your mother is admitting it, and you're right - 15 minutes is too short to get anything done, but 30 minutes is just right (without any editing, of course:)

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Alive and kicking...

Yes, I made it, and am still alive.
I have come out of the deep abyss to share with you my yummy granola recipe from the last post.
Thanks for all your commissary and practical advise about my school room.
I am honored that I could make you all feel better about yourself after seeing me bare it all. :)
Hee Hee...that was my intent.
Just way too many blogs that only show us their cute stuff,
and I have committed to beauty and bedlam.
It's almost back to pretty....almost.
Still loving on those hard to cart them off, but it must be done!
My son looked at my blog and asked me if I purposely messed it up just for the post. I chuckled and told him to walk downstairs and open his eyes.
Gotta love kids.
They just don't major on the minors. it is.
My so easy your preschooler could make it, cheap, and healthy as all get out - granola recipe.
(This only makes enough for my family at one serving, so I always double/triple the recipe.)
1. My first picture - Just pretend that you have poured 4 cups of old fashioned oatmeal into a large 9x13 roasting pan and that picture is right in front of your eyes.
See it? Not too hard to imagine, right?
Make sure you're envisioning the old fashioned, rolled kind.
Not those quick, short cut, instant type oats. No siree.
2. Heat oats in 350 degree oven for 5 minutes. Remove from oven, stir, heat 5 minutes more.
3. Heat together:
1/3 cup honey
1/4 cup oil
Remove from heat and cool, then add:
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 teaspoon almond extract
Combine together:
1 cup chopped nuts (pecan are fabulouso)
3/4 cup bran cereal (if you're kids are REALLY picky...may want to omit)
1 cup flaked coconut (I don't like coconut AT ALL, but I love it in this)
This is what it will look like...I know, not too appetizing yet.
4. Add to heated oats and mix thoroughly.
It is always hard for me to believe that this little bit of honey and oil can cover it all, but it does. Since I want mine really low fat, I stick to this amount of oil. You could increase it to 1/3 cup if you'd like. Granola is very forgiving.
This is just to get you started and then you play with it for the next time. * See my note below about other things I have added.
5. Pour honey-oil mixture over oat mixture.
Mix thoroughly, and add:
1 teaspoon cinnamon and 1 teaspoon nutmeg.
I added a few scoops of my Homemade Gourmet spice dip mix instead...oh, yummy, but the other will be just fine as well. Unless you want to try Homemade Gourmet's amazing line of foods, but you don't have to....ever. :)
6. Return to the oven, bake at 350 for 20 - 25 minutes,
STIRRING EVERY 5 MINUTES for even browning.
Hello, do you hear me...Bueeler, anyone?
This is the time when you set that timer and handcuff yourself to the stove. What ever you do, do not set the timer and then tell yourself this is a perfect time to go check your emails or blog. Can I stress this enough?
Lock the door, flee the temptation.
Checking the granola during the last 15 minutes of baking is a MUST for desired crispness and golden color. This is the only tricky part of the whole job, and yes, my bedlam moment.
Can you tell that I am speaking from exactly that experience?
HMMMM.....the proof is in the picture,
and I can't blame this one on my poor quality digital camera. :)
Top batch....bedlam. Bottom!

When it comes out of the oven, you can add 1 cup of raisins and/or 1 cup of chopped dates (no thank you), or dried apples, bananas or dried die for, but then it's not quite cheap, cheap anymore.
You can even choose not to add anything and then just set those additions in cute, little cups for family/guests to add at will. We love granola stirred in our yogurt.
That is my kids' favorite way to eat it.
Once you make it and figure out what you like/don't, you can adjust it to your liking. You may want it a bit sweeter with more oil.
*I didn't have any bran cereal when I made this batch, but I did have raw cracked wheat. Believe it or not, I added that for the "health factor, " not the yummy factor. I also added some sunflower seeds. Getting all the grain in this way is so incredibly healthy for your digestive system. Once you've "mastered" it, you can add wheat germ, or unprocessed bran. I know, sounds gross. I would never eat these things on my own but when made in granola, you don't even taste them. That is what I mean by can play with it, and it's a great way to improve your baking skills by seeing how easy it is.

Now back to the overcooked issue.
If this happens to you, whatever you do, DO NOT let the word burnt out of your mouth. It wasn't even really burnt, just a little crispy - which I do like.
The moment I let "burnt" slip....all of my kids - in unison...
well, I don't want the burnt one, mom.
So what do you do with granola that is just on the tad Tobacco Road side (hee hee, Nester)?

You package it up with a cute bow and bag (that we should all have for celebrating the little things), make a sweet card for your marvelous Mom telling her how much you love her, and that you made this granola exactly the way she likes it (which she does...she loves things that are burnt. Isn't that a bit on the weird side? I love my weird mom.)

I always have a few canning jars in my cabinets, and fabric pieces from yard sales make this fun granola making party something special. My daughter wanted to know who we were giving it to, and I said "no one, honey, just us." Our family deserves cute first and foremost.
These are the cups we eat our yogurt in. They just make you feel special.
Tangent.....These would make great Christmas presents....hmm....
Do a practice round and then triple this recipe, so you have lots to eat and share.
Make sure you cool it before storing it in an airtight container or freezer bag. Enjoy!! This is so fun with the kids. They love to do the mixing.

Friday, August 22, 2008

My head is spinning... care to join me?

Webster's dictionary defines "spinning" as:
3 a
: to revolve rapidly : gyrate b: to feel as if in a whirl : reel

Can you relate?
As you finish up the last minute details from your dog days of summer, and prepare for your fall programming, are you feeling that whirlwind effect?
I addressed it in an earlier post - Finding Margin in the Rat Race of Life
and yet here I am again.
My head is spinning.
I have so many things to finish up,
and school must get started....
someday, someday.
BUT I have to clean out the school/dining room.
Now I am going to show you what is awaiting me.
It is a bedlam moment for sure, or multiple bedlam moments if we're talking literally.
But this also comes with a WARNING!
If you are a TYPE A, "everything in its place" type of person,
you may want to leave the room immediately.
Get away from the computer and run for the hills.
I am not kidding.
I have explained the situation to one of my blissfully organized best friends...the kind of friend that can't go to bed until EVERYTHING is in its place.
I can't quite remember what her exact wording was, but it vaguely resembled
"I'd go insane, coronary, heart attack."
You get the picture.
I SO completely understand. I am it...setting a bad example for my children, and I would go screaming for the hills myself, if I could.
You see I decided to tackle my dining room, which is now really more like my school room. Instead of tackling it bit by bit like intelligent people do,
I decided to just pull it apart all at once.
Big mistake. I know myself better than that.
With every book that I pulled off the shelf, I had to hold it and smell it and love on it.
I heart books.
Books to me is like fabric to most of you designer types.
I see my mistake now, but its a little late to go back.
I should have remembered the hall closet fiasco...learn from your mistakes, Jen...LEARN!

So without further ado, this is what is I am fleeing from, and this is only a small portion of the book shelves...seriously.

So instead of doing what I am supposed to be doing, which is organizing my school room, I am pretending that it doesn't exist, and I am doing this.....sigh...

and this...bigger sigh. I heart to read!
(my kiddos keep taking pictures without my knowledge. Thought I would use them...they had just finished building a fort by the coach. At least that IS now picked up :)

And then (seriously, I am not exaggerating this AT ALL...that's the scary thing), my daughter begged me to cut her hair again...short. I asked if we could do it tomorrow, and she said, "No." Note to self, never ask a question if you intend for it to be rhetorical.
So instead of attacking my disarray with orderliness and diligence, I nervously cut her hair, and you can see it here, since no one read my blog way back July...hee hee.
It's just shorter...AHHH! Then as a much needed stress relief,
remember this...
I spray painted the ugly gold brass pineapple, destined for Good Will, into something I now proudly display on my new of this afternoon.
And then, I spray painted this ugly yard sale find from Saturday. Can you imagine a white 80's style sponge painting job? Oh, makes me shiver just remembering it.
I couldn't even bring myself to take a picture.
(Total lie...I forgot...such a bummer)
It makes me HAPPY, HAPPY, HAPPY just pondering its loveliness. I think I even twirled around in circles when I was done.
Total cost...including simply fabulous flowers and spray paint - $4.
Anything to keep my mind off the devilish details at hand.
THIS..AGAIN!!! I did make a bit of progress on this side of the floor.
Are you proud of me yet?

And my last bit of distraction was making this yummy granola. I was hungry and the kids were asking for a snack. I flippantly through out, "let's make home made granola." Well, you can't make a statement without falling through on it. Especially when it comes to making a vow to your children, and keeping it.
We must model for them dependability, right?

So we did it, and it was YUMMY, and SO EASY!
And in less than an hour, we had this....well, we had lots more than what's being shown, but the 5 kiddos ate it. And the great thing I have learned is that this recipe will be my very next post.
Because I am learning that I must shorten my blog posts, and it would be entirely too long if I added the recipe. (Chuckling to myself at the irony there).
So again I ask "WHY?"
Because anyone can make it. Even your preschooler. It's easy, cheap, and SO VERY HEALTHY ....but they'll never know it (unless they're picky...hee hee)

Oh so now I have no more distractions. No more excuses. The kids are all outside.
The Beast of her here and dogs are behaving. My post is finally finished
(of which my teen age son assured me that no one is going to read a post this long, so thank you if you are still with me:).
I must descend...down my stairs to the dangerous dungeon, and pray that I make it out alive.
Because It's ALIVE, I tell you, and it's calling me, calling me, calling me.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

A Little of This and a Little of That

My hubby shared a unique and special evening last night with my nephew as he and many other men of influence in my nephew's circle were asked to gather for a "Christian" Bar Mitzvah posted by his dad (my bro). Sort of a wisdom council if you may. Now first off, we are not Jewish. But as a traditions consultant, I appreciate many of the strong traditions, feasts and festivals that are incorporated into the heritage that defines them. There are strong family ties found in the Jewish community and I admire that so much.
One of them is the rite of passage tradition - typically done in a Jewish family at the age of 13 when he is deemed ready for religious responsibility. For my nephew it was chosen because he was leaving for his first day of college. These men wanted to encourage and reflect on his emotional, spiritual, and social growth as well as challenge him and give him a charge going forward. So very cool. Can you imagine the impact that had on him? I wish I could have been a fly on the wall, but a bit too much testosterone for me.
I could go on and on with my passion for the powerful impact of traditions, but that wasn't at all what my post was going to be about...believe it or not.

Can you tell that I haven't figured out how to think succinctly about a post, type it, edit it etc. etc.
People ask how I have time to blog...I chuckle...well, since I have just started, I just type as I the top of my head.
That could definitely get me into trouble sometime in the future.
I have written a lot in the past.
I know that I am breaking all the writing rules....I even teach a writing class, but definitely will not let my students read my writing on this blog...hee hee.
Writing takes serious time and I still want to have a blog, which won't happen if I take my writing too seriously, or think too much about complex, compound sentences and sentence frangments.
That is for another venue.
Sometime in the future you may see it pop up now and then, but for now....

I will try and get better...better blogger, better. :)

Tangent coming back hubby came home last night at 11:00 pm, and informed me that he had invited Jimmy (my nephew) for breakfast at 6:30 to say good bye.
My husband assured me that he knew it would be fine with me. It was...kind of....breakfast definitely, the 6:30 thing....well......

He came.
6:30 was a little early for him as well, but we had a wonderful time.
He is an amazing young man, and we will see dynamic things from him in the future.

We woke up over some good coffee, banana/zucchini bread that I had already made, cantaloupe and a yummy, quick (but doesn't taste quick) apple, dessert breakfast thing. How is that for a name.
It's kind of like a coffee cake, but you invert it onto a plate and it looks beautiful every time. The problem with this is that because I am a new blogger, and do think "next blog, " quite often, I haven't quite arrived yet.
I forgot to take a picture of my beautiful presentation until after it was all gone.

You see, before a month ago, I would have never thought to take pictures of the food that I bake. Now, I realize that a beautiful picture with a recipe is eye candy to many.


And here's my other problem as a camera.
I tried and tried to make the picture into a work of art, but you know what I realized -
It's not always about the photographer ( I could have an eye for this thing you know). There's a lot to be said about the camera, and I never fully realized this until I started taking pics for this blog, and seeing the potential on other blogs...

It's just not possible to deliver any enticing eye candy with this $89 digital, but it's OK....because it makes me that much more appreciative for what my husband just ordered.....

I will be able to take a picture and you will gaze at it because it's beautiful...hee hee.

So here is my attempt to show you, and I didn't even have to move anything around because this is how it looked for breakfast - minus the full table of people not happy to be up at 6:30, of course.
I tried it without the flash, but it's much too dark...did I say it was 6:30?
You can see my cool Mikasa dishes that I got at the yard sale. I already told you about them in another post. Now you can see the cantelope and candle.

Here's a little bit of the apple thingy that was left. I will have to make it again, take a picture and post the recipe. I have seen lots of popular blogs do is the whole post.
Did you know that?

I finally got sick of no flash and turned it on, but I see why photography people say to not do the flash close up. :) All you see are the few left over apples that my daughter picked out

And that is why the post's title was "A Little of this and a little of that." There was no rhyme or reason to this. Should have made this into three nephew's Bar Mitzvah and explained it but I am not in a mood to be reflective and I SO would have to, my camera announcement could have been another, and my recipe with food could have been another. See, I am learning....just stick with me. It's only been one month.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Please help the "mistreated"....

Oh, I have missed my time here.
I know that the first sign of addiction is denial,
so I won't deny it....cold turkey from you all was hard...bedlam, I tell you, sheer bedlam.
So hard that I didn't quite make it, ok...I'll be honest... I didn't make it. I snuck on another computer for a few hours, alright.
Bad news....the laptop has a really bad virus, so bad that I don't think it will make it.

Good news, I have one standing in the gap for the time being.

Since many of you are coming by via the Nester's fun "mistreatment party," I thought I would take advantage of all the collaborative creativeness that is out there.
It's amazing all that I got done without blogger access. I just have to share a tad or I'll burst!

My girls' room wall color went from this so sad white primer - not kidding and not staged -
I don't believe in it...ha ha...

***edited to add...the Nester has clarified my definitions. Staging is only for when you are putting a house on the market, so I need to change my terminology to explain...hee hee). Whenever I want to take a pic of an area of my house, I decide it may not be worth it because of the time needed to get that area "picture worthy." So, it's a "take me as I am" approach...I need to clean/organized for the benefit of my family, myself, and making my haven a place of comfort and peace...not just for my blog.

To this happy pink/green....
(the pink isn't quite as bright as it looks on the pic).
It's not finished yet, so I can't wait to show you the final product of a room redo for under $20 (including the paint..gotta love Oops).
And I bought this 1928 antique sideboard yesterday at a yard sale,
right before my van died in the middle of an intersection leaving me stranded with my daughter minutes away from the 15 family neighborhood sale we had been hunting for... whew...I got that all in with only one breath (stayed tuned and I'll tell you the story)

But I know you didn't come to get a recap on my week,
you came for this....

and this.......

What else do you do with a nasty garbage can cabinet door that was slowly deteriorating and falling off its hinges?
You do a mistreatment and make it the cutest little garbage nook in the world.
Don't you just want to climb in, hang out there and have a cup of java? Well, maybe not now that you actually see the garbage, but before that...maybe?
For those of you who have germ issues...this is perfect. You just slide it off the suspension bar and throw it in the washer whenever you feel the need.
Here's where I SO need your help.
Why make the Nester do all the work?
Plus, since she's a friend in real life, I promised that I would never come asking her for advice....this doesn't count, does it?
I am only using her linky thing.
For those of you new to my blog...I have 21 gorgeous windows like this that are in dire need of your help...they are not even mistreated, they are untreated, and I don't know what to do....HELP!! Even with all her inspiration,
I am paralyzed with the thought of mistreating gi-normous windows like these.
I have gorgeous fabric to go with this room, just waiting...very patiently...much more patiently than my kids ever have waited, but how do I do these three beautiful windows with the transoms over them? Any ideas?
The chair and table can be pulled away from the wall a bit. My kids are just cozied up watching the Olympics and remember...I don't believe in staging:)
I can't wait to hear your ideas,
and if you want another Nester cabinet here and scroll's a really good one!!