Wednesday, July 11, 2012

This guy really hit the bad luck (and stupidity) DUI trifecta:
The 54-year-old New Mexico resident was booked last month on his seventh -- yes, seventh -- drunk-driving charge. This last one was a real doozy: He injured a local judge who was a passenger in a second car struck in a collision with Yazzie’s vehicle.

It gets worse: Yazzie is suspected of being involved in two hit-and-run accidents that evening before he struck the judge’s car.

And he had two teenage passengers in the car.

You just can't make this kind of stuff up.

This is how it works. First, some blowhard -- in this case, God help us, an elected U.S. Representative -- makes an outrageous and false statement. Then, when he is called on it, he denies he said it, and brands the media -- which simply quoted him -- as an "attack machine."

At sum, what is at work here, especially with the so-called Tea Party, is a variation on the big lie paradigm: prevaricate as loudly and as much as possible; if someone calls the truth of your statement into question, muddy the waters.


Tuesday, July 10, 2012

How 1/2 an inch can make all the difference in causing a trip and fall accident:

The Lawyer As Ambulance Chaser:
The real ambulance chasers are not trial lawyers in general, or personal injury lawyers, or even personal injury lawyers that happen to advertise; there’s nothing wrong, unethical, or improper about marketing legal services, about making it known to the public your existence and the nature of what you do. The bulk of their work is nothing more than helping injured people obtain just and fair compensation. Anyone who calls that ambulance chasing is pushing an political agenda.

The real ambulance chasers are the lawyers who see terrible stories in the headlines and either send private investigators or drive out there themselves to solicit, sometimes browbeat, the client into representation by hook or by crook, making guarantees, offering bribes, et cetera. It’s a small fraction of the personal injury world. . . .

Monday, July 09, 2012

Grand Theft Cart? Ted Nugent's Drummer Charged With Golf Cart Theft, DUI
Are Social Security Benefits ‘A Form Of Modern 21st Century Slavery’?

Uh, no. As a Knoxville Social Security Disability lawyer, I get very frustrated when these talking head "pundits" blithely say that when unemployment runs out, then people go and get on Social Security Disability. Believe me, if it was that easy to get approved for Disability, then I would not be getting as many grey hairs as I am.

The fact is that it is damned hard to get approved. It takes an average of 3.5 years to go through the Social Security process. A claimant must have more than a legitimately disabling physical or mental condition even to have chance of getting approved. And even claimants who are obviously incapable of holding a job can, and do, get denied.

Given the delays and uncertainties of seeking Social Security Disability, there is just no way the unemployed are relying on disability to get by. And frankly, the big lie meme tends to make people think any claimant is gaming the system, i.e., that the claimant does not really deserve the disability benefits. The whole approach by these "pundits" is contradictory, anyway. Consider: to collect unemployment, one must certify they are ready, willing and able to work. To get disability, one must prove the obvious -- that there is no job in the national economy for which the claimant is qualified.

This whole argument is just a crock. It's a subterfuge for the real agenda: dismantling the Social Security system, piece by piece.

Friday, July 06, 2012

100 famous guitar riffs in one take. Cool!

Are DUI checkpoints constitutional? This article, from Salt Lake City, suggests that they are not if they are worded so broadly that they are like "throwing out a trawling net to see what you catch." In other words, if the stated purpose of the roadblock is to check for drugs/alcohol, then fine; if it is to check for any criminal activity, then that's impermissibly overbroad.

Which made me wonder. Here in Knoxville:

Officers "issued a total of 1,093 traffic citations during the campaign, including 94 to motorists who were cited for not wearing a seat belt or for violation of the child restraint law, Rausch said in a news release today. Officers also cited 64 motorists for driving on either a suspended or revoked license, or for driving without any license.

Now, it appears true that this Knoxville effort was not in a DUI checkpoint context. But, did the officers really have probable cause to make almost 1,100 stops in an eight hour period? Like I said: makes me wonder.

Thursday, July 05, 2012

Drinkers & drivers beware -- DUI tests: Now an offer you can't refuse. I wonder how many times officers sought a search warrant to compel a blood test over the recent holiday?

Friday, March 09, 2012

Man drove through fence, onto Philadelphia runway; charged with DUI. This is a guy who really, really wanted to get out of town, I guess.

If you ever get charged with a Knoxville or East Tennessee DUI after driving onto an airport runway [or for any other reason, for that matter], please give us a call. I think we can help.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Social Security fund running out of money: totally inaccurate. "The author of the Sun Times article and all those who worry about Social Security make a classic mistake: they think the Social Security Trust Fund still exists, that it functions as it did when the program started, and that it could run out of money. That's not been so for more than 40 years."
High times living off Social Security Disability. Not.
'Stella awards' filled with falsehoods: "The 'Stella awards' are ranked lists of personal injury lawsuits that, on their face, are frivolous but resulted in large damage awards. The originators of these lists choose to remain anonymous. The reference to “Stella” comes from Stella Liebeck, now deceased, who in 1992 suffered injuries caused by hot coffee purchased at a McDonald’s restaurant in New Mexico." Here's the takeaway:

For the most part, the Stella awards lawsuits are a complete fiction. In circumstances where there actually was a lawsuit, the description of the lawsuit is incomplete and/or false in important ways. By way of example, the first-place Stella award winner every year is Mrs. Merv Grazinski who, while motoring along in her Winnebago, sets the cruise control, gets up from the driver’s seat to make coffee, has an accident, sues the manufacturer for failure to warn of the risks inherent in this activity and recovers a seven-figure damage award. This story is a fabrication. There never was such a lawsuit.

The article then describes what actually happened in the McDonald's coffee case. I'd almost bet money that the facts are not what you think they are. You, like most other Americans, have been duped by the big lie propaganda from the forces of darkness.

I also recommend the excellent -- and depressing -- documentary, "Hot Coffee," for a more comprehensive look at that Big Insurance and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce are doing under the radar screen to usurp your rights in the judicial system. Why is it depressing, you may ask? Because the movie demonstrates convincingly the four-prong strategy to deny you meaningful access to the courts for redress of your legal problems, as well as the unlimited funds the above-named organizations will spend to achieve their goals.

One question I am asked fairly often as a Knoxville Social Security attorney is whether Social Security benefits can be garnished, or otherwise taken away in payment of a legal judgment. The answer is: "maybe." The key seems to be making sure that funds against which a garnishment is attempted are clearly identifiable as Social Security benefit payments. So, the best advice is to make sure the Social Security payments are deposited into their own separate account, and not mixed up with your other cash on hand.
Think you may have a Knoxville Social Security disability claim? Here's a primer on the different kinds of disability options, both public and private.
Keep Your Kids Safe from Non-traffic-related Automobile Accidents: Wise advice regarding such potential dangers as backovers in the driveway, power window dangers, uncontrolled vehicle rollaway, and heat-related incidents.
DUI and reckless driving could get you shot in California: Sheriff's Deputies Shoot Reckless DUI Driver at End of Pursuit in Cerritos

Monday, February 20, 2012

Yet another ridiculous post about the unemployed trying to make up the difference by filing for Social Security Disability. As hard as it is [very hard] and as long as it takes to get approved [anywhere from 6 months to 5 years], The real chances of anyone actually getting replacement income from Social Security is somewhere between slim and none. As lawyers handling Social Security claims in Knoxville and East Tennessee, our actual experience tells us that any such correlation is nonsense.
David Lee Roth explains the ban on brown M&Ms at Van Halen concerts:

Brown M&Ms from Van Halen on Vimeo.

They're just dumb musicians. Not.
Hey, we fooled 'em once, maybe we can fool 'em again: State Republicans seek to make it even harder to pursue a lawsuit.

Any time a lawyer takes a personal injury case on a contingency fee, that lawyer does a cost benefit analysis. Are the costs -- or is the gamble -- worth it in light of the possible benefit of a good outcome? By establishing limits last year on how much you can sue for -- no matter how bad the negligence or injury -- and by making it even more of a gamble to try a lawsuit in court [the so-called "loser pays" bill now being considered], Big Business, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, and Big Insurance are making the costs -- the gamble -- much higher. In this respect, the Republican-led Legislature and the Republican Governor are merely the tools of those pernicious Big Three.

What this is about is restricting peoples' access to the courts by making it too expensive and chancy for lawyers even to take your case. While we all snooze, our rights are being systematically taken from us. Even conservatives object to these brazen efforts to usurp the power of the judicial system.

If your state representative or senator is supporting this legislation, they are not representing your interests; they are instead in league with those Big Three named above who have the money and lobbying power to buy influence legislatures and judges. Call your representative/senator and make it clear to them that unless they represent you, then you'll be voting for anyone else come re-election time.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Talk about massaging the data: Social Security Disability claims swelling in recession. Another unspported speculation that disability claims are increasing because people are using Social Security as a fallback when their unemployment ends.

Let me tell you why this is bunkum. I have been doing Social Security Disability and SSI work for almost 20 years. Never have I found it easy or routine to get disability approved. It is a multi-step, time-consuming process. The system is somewhat weighted against younger people -- i.e., in their prime working years -- which makes it even harder to get approved. Based on our experience, it is just completely fallacious to think that people can easily or routinely jump right into Social Security Disability if they're otherwise unemployed. It just doesn't work that way.

What makes me so sure? Just the time factor alone. Let's say you lost your job, and your unemployment is set to run out next month. It's not like you can just submit an application, be approved , and be in line for Social Security payments within a month or two. I just finished up a Social Security claim; it lasted five years. And my client was denied benefits.

Here's the other inconsistency about this trash talk. If you are on unemployment, you must certify that you are ready, willing and able to work. To apply for Social Security Disability, you must certify that you are unable to work. The two conditions, of course, are mutually exclusive.

To get Social Security Disability in Knoxville or anywhere else for that matter, you must actually have a disabling condition. I just do not believe that the Social Security administrative law judges would overlook that little detail to give charity to undeserving disability claimants. People who want to destroy the Social Security system can manipulate statistics all they want; we see what's happening on the ground, client by client, and year by year.

This type of editorial strikes me as more propaganda by those who have, aiming to -- again -- stick it to those who those who have not. Do not be fooled into believing that we need to make it harder to get what is already very difficult to obtain. If we let that happen, then we go from merely very difficult to essentially impossible (to get disability benefits). And believe me: it won't be USA Today's editors, or all these financially comfortable pundits who end up suffering when regular people find that one more government program that actually does some good has been ripped to shreds.

Tuesday, February 07, 2012

Cops: Dad was DUI when he came to pick son up for DUI. Like father, like son?

Friday, February 03, 2012

Big Boobs Blamed for Bad DUI Test Performance. Well, it has the virtue of being a creative argument, I suppose.
RIP Andrew Gold. I knew Andrew a little, and admired him enormously. He was an early online guy through AOL, sporting the username of "Q Brain." I had a brief email correspondence with him, and he was very kind to give some recording and equipment advice to a rank amateur [me]. I got to meet him a couple of times, when his band Bryndle playing in Knoxville in 1995 and in Nashville in 1996. He was funny, smart, and one hell of a musician.

I literally was stunned to learn -- by accident -- that he died last June from a heart attack, at age 59. Guitar Player Magazine, which I have taken to reading lately, apparently never said a word about Andrew's death. So I decided to reacho out to them. Here's the text of an email I just sent to Michael Molenda, Editor-In-Chief of Guitar Player:

Dear Mr. Molenda:

I have become a recent reader of Guitar Player, and am writing to you because I think there has been an injustice done.

I discovered by accident last night that Andrew Gold, a multi-instrumentalist, singer and producer, died at age 59 in June 2011. As you may know, Andrew had a profound effect on the shaping of the 1970s California country rock sound, which has affected almost all facets of pop, rock and country music today. As a sideman with Linda Ronstadt during her most popular years, Andrew to a large extent was her sound, for instance playing all the instruments on her hit cover of "Heat Wave," which I still consider to be the definitive performance of that song. As a solo artist Andrew scored a top hit with "Lonely Boy," and his "Thank You for Being a Friend" also was a big hit, as well as becoming iconic as the theme song to television's "The Golden Girls." His vocal performance of the theme song to television's "Mad About You" resulted in one of the most effective theme songs in that medium's recent history. While his instrumental versatility approached the genius level, his guitar playing alone was extraordinary and noteworthy, crossing genres effortlessly and creating unique amplifier settings and hardware configurations that have yet to be duplicated, so far as I know.

Where is his obituary in Guitar Player?

I went back and re-checked the June and July issues, but saw not one mention of his death. Perhaps I missed it, or maybe you reported on this sad passing in a later issue. If not, however, I urge you to prepare the appropriate tribute to this man. Anyone who came of age in the 1970s has likely heard and enjoyed his playing and singing. I strongly believe that recognition in Guitar Player of this loss is more than appropriate. It is required.

Thank you for your time in considering this email.

A sad loss. Very, very sad.

Thursday, February 02, 2012

Continuing medical education for doctors on what they can do to properly document their patients' ailments relative to Social Security Disability claims. Continuing education for the rest of us on what our doctors ought to be doing, as well.
Defining Social Security Disability relative to a child's claim.
DUZ (Driving while Zamboni-ing)? Zamboni Driver Accused Of DUI. No, really, he, uh, couldn't keep his Zamboni in the right lane. Or something.

Wednesday, February 01, 2012

Misleading Headline: Rural communities have strongest reliance on disability benefits. Maybe so, but one reason for that is, as the article states, rural access to health care is limited, and poverty "begets bad health and greater rates of disability...."

A commenter also makes the very good point that the headline is "A classic case of confusing cause with effect. People on low fixed incomes tend to seek rural areas because of low costs of housing and living in general. Living in an urban setting requires far more income for everyday expenses such as food, shelter and transportation."

There seems to be this push to believe that people are applying for -- and getting -- Social Security Disability because the economy is bad and they are out of work. Wheile there are alsways some that attempt to game the system like this, our experience as Knoxville Social Security attorneys suggests very strongly that those undeserving claimants by and large are denied benefits. Unfortunately, the deserving people also are denied.

The average person does not realize how difficult and time-consuming it is to get approved for Social Security Disability. In at least 90% of the cases we see here in East Tennessee, you're looking at the initial application being denied, reconsideration being denied, and your best chance at an approval being at an in-person hearing before an administrative law judge. If denied there, you must appeal to the Social Security Appeals Council, and then to federal district court. And of course, the reward for perseverance leading to an approval is a relatively paltry amount of monthly benefits. Believe me when I say that most, if not all of our Social Security Disability clients would much rather work and make a living than go through the mind-numbing torture of a disability or SSI claim.

I just had a case conclude, that began in 2006. The client did not get a hearing until May 2009, almost three years after filing. He was denied by the ALJ five months later, despite that ALJ having all the evidence with which to make a decision right then and there at the hearing. The Appeals Council denied him in December 2009. We filed suit in federal court and submitted our brief in support of his position in October 2010. The federal court did not rule on this case until January 5, 2012, and denied the client his disability benefits. So, five and a half years after filing, and a year and three months after filing our brief, the client got the Social Security brand of justice. DENIED.

The next time you think that it's a snap to get Social Security Disability benefits, think again.
Huh? Personal Injury Lawyers Pounce on Cruise Ship Disaster: I know Mitch Proner; he went to college with my wife. My question is, how does a New York lawyer inject himself into a pretty clearly Italian case:

Legal experts said the plaintiffs will face high hurdles in keeping a lawsuit in a U.S. court. They point to clauses in Costa passenger tickets requiring that claims involving cruises that don’t touch a U.S. port be brought in Genoa, Italy, where the owner of the Concordia is based. Clauses specifying venue for lawsuits are widely used in the cruise-ship industry — and typically require that cases be brought near the jurisdiction where the cruise line is based. U.S. courts have often upheld those clauses. But Proner and Bern say they will argue that this case is so egregious that those provisions should not apply.

Well, I guess it's a creative argument that the contract should not apply because negligence or harm was "egregious," but let's say that it's a long shot argument, at best. I suppose one could make claim against Carnival in Florida, which is what one set of lawyers has done. But there seem to be contractual limitations on where claims can be filed for injury or breach of contract as a result of the shipboard experience. If so, I suggest that what we are seeing is a grandstanding PR campaign by these lawyers.

Frankly, I never once thought that I had any business trying to attract victims of this tragedy. Now maybe I would have if the ship had sunk off the coast of [landlocked] Tennessee, but, uh, that's not likely to happen.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

In the "best defense is a good offense" department: A man who had pleaded guilty to DUI manslaughter stemming from a crash near Tampa, Fla., on Christmas Day 2007 now denies causing the crash that killed three of the four people in the vehicle he hit, and has sued the estate of the person whose death he admitted causing.

Now, when you talk about frivolous lawsuits, here's an example. By pleading guilty to a criminal offense, he essentially is admitting civil liability for the same incident. It's a bit difficult (uh, impossible) to overcome his own admission in the criminal case.

His lawyer, who is also his sister, filed the lawsuit. I wonder if she has any experience in personal injury claims or litigation, because it sounds like a real boneheaded move to me.
Man with a death wish? "A man was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence Thursday over allegations he shut down San Francisco's subway system for more than two hours after driving his SUV onto the underground tracks...."

Even more seriously, he was charged with failure to obey a traffic sign. Oooh.
Some of the ways our federal government has supported the middle class.
After 16 -- yes, 16 -- years, IRS issues final regs on exclusion of damages for personal physical injury. This is not very world-shaking, but it is noteworthy that monetary recovery only relative to physical injury or physical sickness is excluded from income. In other words, if you have a recovery based on emotional distress, then the IRS regs require you to report that as income. On the other hand, "The regulations also permit the exclusion of damages for emotional distress, to the extent the emotional distress is attributable to a physical injury or physical sickness, and also permit the exclusion of damages that do not exceed the amount paid for medical care for emotional distress."

It's unfortunate that in our supposedly enlightened world, there is still a distinction drawn between bodily injury and the just as legitimate emotional or psychological injury.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Along with terrible human tragedy, a heart-warming canine rescue story.

Here's a story on the facts of the incident.
Injured in a car wreck? In Florida, if the Republicans have their way, you will HAVE to go to the ER and not your family doctor. And, if you don't go within 72 hours, your personal injury protection insurance (no fault) claim will be denied.

At first blush, this looks like just another stupid idea by politicos who obviously need to get a life. But consider. How many of us would just not go to an understaffed, overcrowded ER, regardless of how we felt? Or, how many of us would wait a few days to see if we had any real accident-related injuries before seeking medical treatment. Perhaps, those Repubs are just trying to winnow down the number of claimants who could legitimately make a claim. Devious, and heartless. And certainly not in the best interest of the constituents the claim to represent.

Life Care's Colonial Hills Nursing Home in Maryville loses certification: Multiple -- multiple -- violations, including sexual molestation, medication errors, and others led to this action which in essence closes the facility and forces the evacuation of the residents.

Unfortunately, when it comes to nursing homes, these types of incidents are all too common.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Cuts to Social Security payments could cost 419,000 jobs. According to the Southern Rural Development Center, "If Social Security payments were reduced by only five percent, the nation’s economic output would decrease by $63 billion, 419,000 jobs would be lost and tax revenues would decrease by $7.8 billion."

If that is the case, then who are the geniuses who are crying wolf, demanding that Social Security gets cut down? My guess is that those critics don't rely on Social Security.
DUIs and insurance rates: This item focuses on Florida law, but the principles should remain the same even if you are in an East Tennessee or Knoxville DUI incident.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

No Social Security Crisis:

It has built up a $2.5 trillion surplus, largely in anticipation of the growing numbers of baby boomers who are beginning to claim Social Security benefits. It was always expected that this surplus would shrink over time, but it is clear that the steep recession has accelerated this decline. There clearly is a need to make some changes in the program to restore its long-term funding and spending balance. But there is no crisis in Social Security and no reason to scare the daylights out of the more than 50 million Americans who depend on the program's retirement and disability benefits.

Which begs the question: who is spreading the unfounded rumor that Social Security is in imminent danger of collapse? And why are they spreading it?

Wednesday, November 09, 2011

Social media sites like Facebook being used to spy on injured workers. This is a growing phenomenon, which could spell real problems for personal injury or worker's compensation claimants especially. Some very worthwhile tips:

1.Make sure there is nothing you would not want your mother or the insurance company lawyer to see.
2.Search your name to see that what comes up is acceptable. Make whatever adjustments are necessary.
3.Check your privacy settings.
4.Don't answer emails or requests from people you don't know. (Keep in mind that because of the lawsuit process, the opposing legal team knows a lot about you and could send you an email that might make you think you know each other.)
5.Don’t accept a Facebook friend that you don’t know. Set up your Facebook to require an email before you will accept a new friend.

And, speaking as a lawyer who knows that most lawyers are way behind the technology curve, volunteer to your lawyer if you are prominent on Facebook, Twitter, or other social media. It could make the difference between a salvageable case and getting blindsided at trial.

Monday, November 07, 2011

Sober Brad Paisley pulled over for suspected DUI. My question is, why then was he pulled over?
Man to Social Security: I'm Not Dead! This part, I love: ""There could be cases where we've erroneously terminated someone," said Frank Vieria, who works in public affairs at the Social Security Administration."

I'm glad that guy's not a hit man. After all, erroneous termination is a bad thing, right?
Father fights delay in Social Security Disability payments: Terminally ill daughter died before Social Security benefits arrived.

The arbitrary five month waiting period is ridiculous. And is the "People's House" (House of Representatives) doing anything about it? No:

That bill, the Social Security Fairness for the Terminally Ill Act of 2009, was not passed before the session of Congress in which it was proposed ended.

Today there is a new bill in the House of Representatives — the Social Security Fairness for the Terminally Ill Act of 2011 — that aims to do the same thing. The bill is currently under legislative review.

What do you want to bet that the pending bill never sees the light of day?

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

The great Kittiwake camera mystery: do you know this diver? Apparently the camera, containing undated photos of Grand Cayman diving [that's the famous Sunset House mermaid in the photo] was found by a diver off the Florida coast.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

"In case you forgot -- or didn't know in the first place -- Wendell Potter, the former head of corporate communications for CIGNA, says profits drive the insurance industry, and that its highly paid executives deceive and manipulate to put shareholders first - above the health needs of their members.

Potter, certainly a guy in a position to know, said further that "there are no government 'death panels.' The law doesn't cut Medicare benefits and it doesn't call for a 'government takeover' of health care. . . . My colleagues and I came up with that term to scare the heck out of people." (emphasis added)

Anybody else feel manipulated and deceived?
Trespassing, yes. DUI, No: DUI conviction of man who was sitting in a parked car, in a private driveway, with the motor off, is overturned by the Nebraska Supreme Court. Said the Court:

We do not believe the Legislature intended to make a citizen drinking a beer while cleaning out his vehicle parked in his driveway guilty of a crime because the vehicle is overhanging the sidewalk," Justice William Connoly wrote in the 38-page ruling.

The county court concluded that because McCave had stated that he was leaving while he was in his vehicle with the keys in the ignition and the motor off, the officers could infer that McCave drove to (his father's and stepmother's) house intoxicated. We disagree.

For once, a sensible decision from the courts. Too bad it had to go all the way to the state supreme court first.

Starving the beast: "How cuts to Social Security Administration will hurt you."

You know, I see all this talk about budget cutting and how the lower and middle income people are going to have to suffer and sacrifice for the good of all. When are the wealthy people, who can most afford to make some sacrifices, going to be called upon to do their share?
New York High Court: lack of seat belts in busses actionable at law. I've always wondered how bus companies get away with having no seat belts. This court ruling shows that they will not necessarily get off scott free. From a personal injury point of view, this is a good decision.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Tennessee lawmaker who pushed guns-in-bars law charged with DUI: You reap what you sow?

Tuesday, October 04, 2011

Citizens say: Leave Social Security, other benefits alone. The takeaway from this story is that programs like Social Security are absolutely vital to millions of Americans. Any kind of profound change could destroy lives. It's easy to pontificate that we do not need such programs. It's a lot harder when we are absolutely dependent upon them.

Monday, October 03, 2011

Social Security Disability Requests Stalled To Give SS Supervisors Bonuses, Hurting The Injured. Normally, a Social Security Disability claim can take three plus years. Deliberate delays as described in the link are a travesty.

Friday, September 30, 2011

A voice of logic and reason on Social Security: Enough with the Social Security scare tactics. What I want to know is who is spreading the scare tactics -- aside from the obvious Rick Perry references -- and who stands to gain by bad-mouthing this program?

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Math doesn’t work on privatizing Social Security: "It’s just an idea that they [Republicans] throw out there, with no evidence of serious thought."

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

The Palestinians Want Peace --- Just Not With a Jewish State. Just in case you thought there had been any movement from the palestinean arab point of view in the past 60+ years, think again:

Earlier this month in Ramallah, the de facto capital of the Palestinian Authority, I interviewed Ghassan Khatib, director of government media for the Palestinian Authority and the spokesman for Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas. I asked him the same question: Do the Palestinians recognize Israel as the Jewish state?

He was more direct than the Palestinians students at Stanford.

His long answer amounted to: "No."

They don't even recognize that there is a Jewish people. Did you know that Abbas, in his U.N. speech, refused even to use the words "Jew" or "Jewish?" In referring to Israel, he spoke of "the Holy Land, the land of Palestine, the land of divine messages, ascension of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and the birthplace of Jesus Christ (peace be upon him)...." I guess no Jews have ever lived in "the Holy Land." Ridiculous, except no one is paying attention to the continuing intransigence of the Arabs. For instance:

Two Israeli peace proposals, in 2000 and 2008 … met virtually all of the Palestinians' demands for a sovereign state in the areas won by Israel in the 1967 war — in the West Bank, Gaza and even East Jerusalem. But Palestinian President Yasser Arafat rejected the first offer and Abbas ignored the second, for the very same reason their predecessors spurned the 1947 Partition Plan.

Each time, accepting a Palestinian State meant accepting the Jewish State, a concession the Palestinians were unwilling to make.

Finally we get down to it. The issue is not settlements, or land concessions, or the right of return. The issue is as it always has been: they want the Jews dead and/or gone. The only peace the palestinean arabs are interested in is a Jew/Israeli-free peace.

By the way, I find it amusing that the media is wringing its hands at this latest "crisis." The palestinean arabs have been taking these very same positions since before 1948. It's nothing new. It takes two to tango, and the palestinean arabs have refused ever to dance with Israel.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Legislature gives nursing homes a break: Like they operated sooo well before, that they have earned lighter (read: no) regulation? Honestly, I wonder how some of these people sleep at night.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Social Security: If Ronald Reagan could fix it 30 years ago, so can we fix it now.
OK, this borders on the ridiculous: F-16s Scrambled Due to Inappropriate Bathroom Use. Or, as Kevin Underhill quipped in the caption below an F-16 photo, "Hi there! Just here to kill you if necessary. That guy still pooping?"

Seriously, though, Kevin says the following, which makes a lot of sense:

According to security expert Bruce Schneier, "[e]xactly two things have made airplane travel safer since 9/11: reinforcing the cockpit door, and convincing passengers they need to fight back. Everything else has been a waste of money." After all, the 9/11 strategy stopped working on 9/11, as soon as passengers learned what was going on. (Ask the shoe and underwear bombers where all those bruises came from.) And yet we are still so terrified of a strategy that worked for less than one day that, ten years later, we scramble fighters in response to a slap-fight or long toilet stay.

Read the Schneier link, too. I think he's right.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Noteworthy Court Orders: I wish our judges has a sense of humor -- at least on paper -- like these guys. Here's my favorite, apparently directed to bickering litigants:

Greetings and Salutations!
You are invited to a kindergarten party on THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 2011, at 10:00
a.m. in Courtroom 2 of the United States Courthouse, 200 W. Eighth Street, Austin, Texas.

The party will feature many exciting and informative lessons, including:

• How to telephone and communicate with a lawyer

• How to enter into reasonable agreements about deposition dates

• How to limit depositions to reasonable subject matter

• Why it is neither cute nor clever to attempt to quash a subpoena for technical failures of service when notice is reasonably given; and

• An advanced seminar on not wasting the time of a busy federal judge and his staff because you are unable to practice law at the level of a first year law student.

Invitation to this exclusive event is not RSVP. Please remember to bring a sack lunch! The United States Marshals have beds available if necessary, so you may wish to bring a toothbrush in case the party runs late.

Hee hee.
Lowering the Bar got on this first, but it's worth a re-post. Let's just for the sake of argument say that I'm OK with nine federally-mandated medical insurance codes for injuries caused by turtles (yeah, you read that right). Now what I don't get are the thirteen codes assoiated with, ahem, "unspecified spacecraft" causing injury.

It gets better, that is, more absurd. Not only do they have a code for "Forced landing of spacecraft injuring occupant; initial encounter," they also have "Forced landing of spacecraft injuring occupant; subsequent encounter. I don't know about you all, but I very seldom have more than one encounter as an occupant on a spacecraft. But two?

Have I missed something? Is Lost in Space's Jupiter II for real (anybody ever wonder what happened to the Jupiter I? Or is that just me)? And where was I when they were handing out all these spacecraft for people like us to be occupants?

Shucks. I miss everything.

Justices Scalia and Ginsburg confronting the hundred pound elephant in the room.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Perry’s monstrous lies about Social Security: "Not only is Perry shooting wildly from the hip on these statements — a strategy cynically designed to attract angry, younger independent voters — he’s spewing some layered falsehoods that need to be addressed."

The takeaway: "Behind Social Security is an appallingly simple truth: We can put more money into it by asking higher-salaried employees to pay more, and by including immigrants and public-sector employees. I know that doesn’t have much political sizzle to it, but this kind of math doesn’t lie."
Well, this is a truly bad idea: Mandatory E-Verify Would Overwhelm Social Security Administration, Increase Disability Backlog.

Guess whose idea it is: The Republican House of Representatives.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Man charged with DUI after towing boat, trailer upside down: "Eric A. Willis, 40, of Avondale, was charged with DUI, reckless driving, resisting arrest and resisting arrest with violence, disregarding a police officer's signal, leaving the scene of a property accident, driving at an unreasonable speed, driving on the wrong side of the highway and two counts of failure to signal intention, said state Fish & Wildlife Enforcement Sgt. Gregory Rhodes."

What I want to know is whether the two counts of failure to signal intention occurred before or after he started driving on the wrong side of the highway.
This congressman has yet another plan to "save" Social Security, by converting it to an investment plan. It also creates a new federal cureaucracy to administer it. Here's the fundamental problem: Social Security is insurance, which pays out upon disability or upon reaching a certain age. By turning it into an investment plan, you fundamentally change the nature of the program. Oh, and by the way, what happens if the market tanks? Answer: "the above investment scenarios will undoubtedly have some down years where the portfolios would have a negative return...."

It might be worth thinking about if you could guarantee at least the benefit recipients currently get. But that's the problem with market-driven investments: return on investment cannot be either predicted or guraranteed.
I am seeing a lot of "news" stories excoriating Social Security lately -- more so than usual. Could it be that someone is trying to poison public opinion about Social Security in order to make it easier to gut the system? In light of Rick Perry's on-record statements condemning the program, I am skeptical about whether that's a coincidence.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Florida linebacker arrested for "resisting an officer with violence" and driving with a suspended sentence. Will the Gators suspend him or find a way to play him against Tennessee on Saturday?

I know what they ought to do, and I can guess what they'll probably do. And those are two different things.
Ok, now this is just too weird: Mel Gibson to make Jewish movie. You know, Mel, just leave well enough alone. This approaches the absurd, considering your past behavior.
What to look for in a new family car. Most of this is common sense, but it's a handy checklist if you're in the market.

The newer technology airbag is especially interesting. A number of years ago, our Knoxville personal injury practice had a client who was rear-ended and whose pickup was forced into the car ahead of hers. Yhe airbag deployed, and when she came to see me, her face looked like she had gone 10 rounds with Mike Tyson. If these improved airbags can reduce the amount of injury actually caused by an airbag deployment, that would be a good thing.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Social Security is no swindle. I particularly like this part:

there's one other way that you -- and Gov. Perry -- can distinguish Social Security from a Ponzi scheme. Ponzi schemes often leave their elderly victims penniless and with nothing to fall back on.

Nothing, that is, except Social Security.

To me, it is disturbing that a man who is governor of one of our larget states, and who thinks he is qualified to be President, doesn't know what a Ponzi scheme is. In and of itself, that ought to disqualify him from higher office. I mean, don't we want our best -- and brightest -- in these positions of great responsibility?

R.I.P. Cliff Robertson.
I've been somewhat following the U.S. Department of Fish & Wildlife Services search warrant executed on Gibson Guitar in Nashville and Memphis. Here is the search warrant affidavit that led a judge to sign the search warrant for Gibson.

In that affidavit, it is alleged that: India prohibits export of wood from India. Aff., para. 17; prohibited Indian ebony was imported and allegedly received by a company called Luthier Mercantile International. Aff. para. 18. While the shipment was marked for transport to Nashville, the final consignee was not identified in the paperwork. Para. 20. Luthier Mercantile's representative advised that the shipment was intended for Gibson Guitar in Nashville, id., even though customs forms indicated the final consignee to be Luthier Mercantile in Canada, contradicting the other declarations and paperwork indicating the materials were intended for Nashville. Para 21. The Indian export declaration falsely classified the shipment as being allowed parts (finished parts of musical instruments). Eleven imports in the past year have been noted to be of the prohibited type of wood. Para. 28.

The implication here is obvious: that Gibson, in order to get away with obtaining prohibited materials, set up a series of "straw men" to receive the prohibited materials. If true, that suggests Gibson knew full well what it was doing was in violation of law.

I have tried to distill the legalese in the affidavit for brevity's sake. My judgment is that the affidavit shows probable cause sufficient to issue the search warrant.

Gibson's CEO denies wrongdoing, but doesn't seem to address the implicit charge that Gibson is importing prohibited wood. He is upset that his business is being disrupted. He is mad that the Justice Department has taken the position that sending out any guitars with questionable materials would be obstruction of justice. He said the wood materials seized Wednesday are certified by the Forest Stewardship Council, a third-party organization that promotes responsible forest management. He does not address the implication in the search warrant affidavit, though -- that the importation itself violates Indian and U.S. law. He does trumpet the fact that he employs U.S. workers, and implies the dispute has to do with being compelled to use Indian-made finished parts.

Now, the conservative blogosphere immediately took the position that this search is a political vendetta by a Democratic administration against a CEO who is a known Republican. Aside from those bare circumstances, I see no evidence to support these muckraking allegations.

Gibson's CEO has allegedly said that "We have letters from a very high-level government agency in India that says that this product was allowable export," he notes. "And in fact, we have been buying the same product for well over 17 years, regularly." he also says that "Wood that we are buying is being bought by other companies in the industry, and they have not had any kind of action -- not so much as a letter or a postcard...." If there is evidence that other guitar manufacturers are importing wood in violation of law, then they ought to be subject to the same treatment. On the other hand, if the importation was above-board, why all the subterfuge about what was included in the shipment and who the final consignee was?

Frankly, I think it is inconceiveable that the Obama Administration is engaging in this action as some sort of low-level political chicanery, as suggested by the Administration's political/philosophical opponents. Given bureaucratic realities and the appearance of this action as a Fish & Wildlife operation, I would be surprised if the White House even had advance notice of the search warrant.

Friday, September 09, 2011

What Would Happen if Social Security Disappeared? In short, a "calamity."

Check out our Social Security Knoxville practice.
Todd Steed recalls his Blount County teenage triumph on eve of his musical return: Ah, the good old Etc. days. On the other hand, I don't remember it as a triumph as much as it was a marathon of two gigs in one night.

Actually the triumph was that my father restrained himself -- barely -- and didn't murder me the next morning when he saw the VW's dented quarter-panel and cracked window. Rock and Roll!
Reflections "from the Hill:"

I'm in my 41st year of Tennessee football, so I guess I have seen almost everything. From Bobby Scott (my first quaterback), to Condredge Holloway, to lights in Neyland Stadium for the first time (I was outside looking in -- there were no tickets to be had), to the return of favorite son Johnny Majors, to that magnificent third Saturday in October 1982 when we finally beat Alabama in the shadows of the World's Fair, to the glorious Sugar Bowl in 1986 when we whipped Miami and should have been named National Champions (nobody in the country was a better team that night), to Andy Kelly, the greatest comeback quarterback I ever saw at Tennessee, to Shuler, to Manning, to the 1998 national championship, and so forth.

In good times and bad -- and we had some terrible times -- there was always one constant: Neyland Stadium was always filled. Whether the team was good or bad, we always approached capacity. When the north upper deck was filled in, we always had in excess of 100,000 fans on hand. I would often quip: "101,000? Small crowd today." But it was no joke. Even when we were going 5-6 in 2005, we were still filling the place up.

Alas, no more.

At last Saturday's Montana-Tennessee game, the PA announcer was clearly thrilled to announce an [optimistic] attendance figure of 94,600. He's thrilled; I'm sad. For the opening game of the season. And not on broadcast TV? And no rain in the forecast? How is it that the stadium was so (relatively) empty?

The simple answer: the unbridled greed of the University of Tennessee Athletic establishment.

What do I mean by this? How about increasing mandatory "donations" from $500 to $4,000 per season for pairs of seats between the 20 yard lines?

How about building a very nice -- and totally unnecessary -- brick facade outside the stadium, and shaking down the fans to pay for it?

How about the east side skyboxes, which you don't get unless you have the net worth of, say, Warren Buffett?

How about the also-expensive club seats which took away prime seating from long time season ticketholders, with no real recomepense?

How about the apparently really nice concessions area for the club seating that we peons aren't allowed into?

How about the commercialization of the stadium experience, to the point where the constantly running ribbon ads around the bottom of the upper deck are actually more brilliant and vibrant that the football game we are there to see?

How about the concessions which, while not great before, are now licensed out to some outfit which charges more and gives less?

How about charging more for tickets to the "good" games, like Alabama, Georgia, LSU and Florida, while charging less ("less" meaning $40) for games like FCS opponent Montana?

How about the total prohibition on smoking (no designated smoking areas on the concourses), which affects probably half the fans in the stadium, making their game experience that much more difficult,stressful, and unpleasant?

Finally, and worst of all, how about charging the students of the University an activities fee which covers tickets to University sports, and then charging them an additional fee for football tickets?

To paraphrase Martin Sheen's classic line from Wall Street, "I know what these guys are all about, greed. they don't give a damn about football or the fans. They're in it for the bucks and they don't take prisoners."

Look, I know I'm one of the disaffected. I used to go to games under any conditions or circumstances. For example, I went to the Duke game in 1988 with a raging flu (I talked myself into believing I was over it, and promptly relapsed for another week; maybe because we lost, 31-26; still bothers me). If I could physically get into the stadium, I went. I used to say that Neyland Stadium was my church, and I attended six times a year.

I showed loyalty to the University that was loyal to me. When we paid a $500 mandatory "donation," it was a pain, but it didn't break the bank. But when it became clear that U.T. was interested in me only to the extent it could soak me for as much as possible, the bloom came off the rose.

And this disaffection afflicts many, if not most, of the Volunteer faithful. Along with the advent of HD TV, there are a lot of die hard fans -- me included -- who would rather watch the game in high definition than fight for an ever-more-expensive parking spot, pay a ton of money for concessions (last week: 2 hot dogs, 2 soft drinks, total $20.00. And no chicken sandwich, dang it!), get jammed in a too-small seat, get inundated by mindless and incessant advertising come-ons, not be able to smoke (for those who do) for hours on end, and ultimately watch a mediocre football team promoted by a greedy and insensitive athletic department administration. I began my football game trip at 2:55 pm last Saturday. I got home at 11:15 pm. Almost 8 1/2 hours. That's a major investment in time and energy.

I went to two games last year. I will probably attend more this year, but more for my kids than for me. I feel most sorry for the children; when I "got it" about Tennessee football at age 10, the subsequent years were wonderful -- rooting for my team through thick and thin. I wanted my boys to have the same profound football experience. It's a shame that the marketing geniuses at the Athletic Department have turned the pure joy of college football in the "First Tennessee Instant Replay," and other banal moneymaking devices. That is what I fear my sons and future Tennessee fans have in store for themselves: watching a series of commercials with a little football thrown in every now and then.

Until the University gets back to emphasizing the football game experience and starts showing some love to the 99% of the stadium-goers who, like me, sit in regular seats and have to work for a living to pay for the experience, it's going to continue to lose its previously loyal fan base. The way WE look at it is that, if the University doesn't show us any loyalty, why should we show any loyalty by attending games?

I'm still a Tennessee football fan. I will be rooting for the team against Cincinnati tomorrow. I'll still live and die by their (our!) wins and losses. But as great fans, we deserve better from an Athletice Department that wouldn't have a program without us.

Anyway, that's why we don't fill up the stadium regularly any more.
Dramatic video of Des Moines Iowa police pulling victims out of a burning car. This is a great example of law enforcement at their best.

Wednesday, September 07, 2011

This day in tech: "Handed a check for $100,000 made out to “Google Inc.,” [founders] Sergey Brin and Larry Page figure they better incorporate their fledgling search engine. So they do."

Note: it doesn't usually happen that way....
Knoxville red-light camera tickets fall sharply because of new state law. Well, it seems the Legislature -- kind of -- did something worthwhile this year.
From the "get a life" department: Two people charged with assault in Facebook fight.
According to a University of Florida study, Parents play a powerful role in predicting DUI:

for parents, even moderate drinking can result in one unintended consequence: an increased risk their children will drive under the influence as adults. . . . Writing in the current issue of the journal Accident Analysis and Prevention, University of Florida researchers found that about 6 percent of adolescents whose parents drank even sporadically reported driving under the influence at age 21, compared with just 2 percent of those whose parents did not imbibe.

I'm not sure if I completely buy this connection. The thrust of the article is that if a parent takes a drink, then the kid's chances of driving drunk increase by 4 percentage points. It seems to me that making this correlation minimizes the many other factors involved in the decision to drive drunk. Speaking personally, the times in my youth when I drove after having too much to drink had nothing to do with my parents, who drank sparingly [father] and never [mother].

Now, I do believe that a child who is raised in a household where drinking is a normal and regular part of the day is more likely to be a drinker in the same vein as the parent. Environmental factors count. Intuitively, however, taking that generality and applying it to drinking parents causing drunk driving may be a stretch.

Courtroom attire don'ts:

Deputy District Public Defender Karl Gordon once had a client, on trial for four carjackings, show up to court wearing the same sweatshirt he committed the crimes in.

Years ago, Deputy State's Attorney William Roessler watched a man argue a speeding ticket in district court while wearing a jacket with the words, "Hell On Wheels" printed on the back.

"I just wanted to ask him what he was thinking," Roessler said. "When he got up that morning and thought, 'What should I wear for my speeding ticket? Oh, I think I'll wear my 'Hell On Wheels' jacket.' "

Defense Attorney David Fischer once had a client show up to a DUI trial wearing a Bud Light T-shirt, featuring Spuds McKenzie, the iconic beer mascot of the 1980s.

"You kind of shake your head at them," Fischer said. "You want them to enter an insanity plea."

Gordon has instructed clients, who show up wearing shirts featuring 9mm handguns and marijuana leaves, to turn them inside out, at the very least.

While I generally dress casually in the office, I am very picky -- maybe more picky than other lawyers -- when it comes to what I wear in court. If I have to go to the courthouse for any reason, a coat and tie is required. Frankly, if I have to go over to the courthouse, I get uncomfortable even in a blazer/pant combination; in court, one wears a suit. Period.

Clients appearing in court want to wear clothes that show respect to the court as an institution and the judge as a person. Dressing nicely and respectfully can't hurt, and it certainly can help, when it comes to affecting the judge's opinion of you sitting in judgment of you as a litigant. On the other hand, dressing like a slob, or dressing for humor, or dressing over the top ("one couple ... after being reminded that court was a formal proceeding, came in to testify for the state wearing a tuxedo and prom gown") is not going to win you points with the judge.

Good luck applying for Social Security Disability: "Only 30% who applied in 2009 were awarded benefits, down from 44% in 1999, according to agency data." (click through to item 5 on the 10 item list)

As Knoxville Social Security attorneys, we hear all the time how easy it is to get approved for Social Security Disability. The statistic above is much more in line with our experience. From a practical point of view, it means that a lot of deserving claimants get the shaft, for basically arbitrary and unfair reasons. All the more reason to make sure that disability claims are filed on a timely basis and pursued aggressively.

Friday, September 02, 2011

"No Refusal" Weekend in DuPage County, Illinois: Those darn citizens, trying to "skirt the law by refusing to be tested" via breath test. How dare they know that breathalyzer equipment is notoriously unreliable. How dare they rely on their constitutional rights. As Knoxville DUI attorneys, we generally recommend that persons stopped on suspicion of DUI decline the field breahtalyzer because of its known lack of accuracy. There should be no stigma in insisting that the police use only the most accurate possible test to determine whether a violation has occurred. And taking blood test is the most accurate test.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

The solution to our woes? Better tennis = better position in global affairs.

Hey, I miss Connors and McEnroe and Borg and Evert, too, but come on.
Allstate's new tactic: Intimidating doctors that support plaintiffs' injuries. More fun and games from our favorite "anti-citizen" company! What's really happening? This: "What Allstate is attempting to do here is to intimidate those doctors who have the audacity to actually put the interests of injured citizens first and Allstate profits second. This is the same 'delay, deny, confuse and refuse' tactic that Allstate has used for years in defending personal injury claims."
The next time you are tempted to pet the sting rays up at Ripley's Aquarium or elsewhere, consider the risks: "The parents of a child who developed a bacterial infection after petting stingrays at the Tennessee Aquarium has filed a federal lawsuit seeking $2.4 million."

As a Knoxville accident lawyer, I see the potential validity of the case. As to the amount claimed in the lawsuit, let's take a look at the Complaint to see exactly how bad the kid's injuries were: (1) diagnosis -- fish-handler's disease,a sssociated with his contact with the sting rays; (2) multiple surgeries and procedures, including several rounds of nail plate avulsion and tendon sheath incision of his right hand for debridement of suppurative tenosynovitis; (3) the kid's finger continued to swell, his nail bed turned dark blue, the skin on his right index finger turned necrotic, and he endured excruciating pain throughout his right hand, having to be put under anesthesia just to change the bandages; (4) the kid still continues to suffer from pain and loss of mobility in his right index finger and right hand and has undergone extensive therapy in an attempt to return his right index finger and right hand to normal use and function.

I'm a scuba diver, and have touched sting rays numerous times while underwater. I would think it's pretty uncommon for such an infection to occur. So the issue in this case is not whether the sting ray contact caused the injury; I see it more as whether it was foreseeable that such passing patron contact would lead to such an injury. More generally, was the Tennessee Aquarium negligent to allow patrons to touch the sting rays? Those are tough questions.

Four things you need to know about Social Security Disability. This is important fundamental information, entirely valid to Social Security disability in Knoxville.
Alan Gross, a subcontractor for the Agency for International Development, has been imprisoned in Cuba for almost two years. He has been convicted by the Cubans and sentenced to fifteen years in prison. His crime: making the Internet available to members of Cuba's "miniscule" Jewish community. So, if you thought the days of the old Soviet-style repression are of the past, think again. You can sign a petition urging his release on humanitarian grounds.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Wow. Here is the king of conflict of interest situations: English insurance companies sell deatils about car wreck victims, to the lawyers who will make claims against those very same insurers! The insurers apparently make over £3 billion a year from this odious practice.

I think that's called playing both ends against the middle.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Obama steps in to get help for local woman: You know something's wrong with the bureaucracy when it takes presidential intervention to get action on a Social Security Disability claim.
And Pigs Get Slaughtered: Allstate loses injury trial gamble: Now this is interesting. With $23,000 in medical bills, the arbitration panel awards a sum total of $25,000. So much for the fairness of arbitration, huh?

Allstate, who apparently wanted to rub salt in the plaintiff's wounds, refuses to accept the arbitration award and demands a jury trial. Result: "The Madison County Circuit Court jury took just 45 minutes on Aug. 16 to render the verdict. It included $23,820 for medical services, past and present, $3,500 for property damage, $40,000 for pain and suffering, and $15,000 for loss of a normal life." To those math-challenged folks like me out there, that totals $82,320.

Justice was done here.
Jockey Calvin Borel jailed for DUI. Well, sort of: " Borel was pulled over by Indiana State Police for making an unsafe lane movement. Hissam said Borel’s blood-alcohol content was “barely over” the legal limit of .08 percent." Hmm. Unsafe lane movement? What does that mean, exactly? I would be suspicious of the officer's motives in making this stop, unless Borel -- who is one of the preeminent horse jockeys around today -- was really weaving. And because the article doesn't say anything about weaving, I begin to wonder....In any event, it looks like Calving needs a DUI attorney.
Social Security Disability and SSI by the numbers.

Friday, August 19, 2011

University of South Carolina Halts Fraternity Recruitment: I'm shocked, SHOCKED, to learn that drinking is going on in college fraternity houses!

What I love is the last line of the article: "USC said sorority recruitment won’t be affected by the decision." Yeah, like girls don't drink. Riiight.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

National Public Radio has an interesting piece on Supplemental Security Income [SSI] benefits for children with severe mental disorders:

To those who believe the federal Supplemental Security Income program for severely disabled children is a lifesaver and not a boondoggle, Hulston Poe is a great example.

The 4-year-old was diagnosed with severe ADHD last October, after more than a year of violent temper tantrums, and kicked out of preschool. Case workers said there wasn't much they could do for him.

"We were at a standstill," says his mother, Suzanne Poe, who was scraping by as a single parent of two in Des Moines, Iowa.

Then doctors recommended that she enroll her son in the SSI program this year, and everything changed. A monthly check of $674 helps pay for Hulston's day care, a private tutor and medicines. Perhaps most importantly, the program made Hulston newly eligible for Medicaid, the joint state-federal health insurance program for the poor. He gained access to the doctors he needed.

"I can see a light in his eyes again," Poe says. "He just looks so much happier."

Let's hope worthwhile programs like this one don't end up on the cutting block.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Man Sentenced To 12 Years For Deadly DUI Crash: This guy lost control, spun out, and collided with another vehicle. The three yearold in his back seat was killed. The moral of the story is: don't drink and drive, especially with a child in your car.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Doctors who endorsed Medtronic product got millions. Reading the linked article reveals that some doctors may have received kickbacks -- that's not entirely clear at this point. More troubling, however, is the implication that allowing corporations to conduct their own safety testing is not, and may never have been, a wise procedure:

“Can we accept industry-sponsored studies as the basis to go full bore into the use of a product?” said Dr. Dan M. Spengler of Vanderbilt University. “I’m suggesting probably not, based on our experience here.”

Federal and state government agencies do not have the resources to really keep an eye on these corporations, so the government has relied on them to "self-police." But what about the temptation to buy the results of studies that are supposed to ensure reasonable product safety? Again, the suggestion here is that corporate businesses, which are notoriously amoral -- they're in it for the bucks, and they don't take prisoners -- cannot be trusted to regulate themselves.

Read more about Slovis, Rutherford & Weinstein's personal injury practice and our defective products practice here.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Our Legislature has tightened up the DUI laws again: "In Tennessee you can be considered an “impaired” driver if you're operating a motor vehicle with a BAC of .08 or higher, the same as the national limit, however if you are operating a commercial vehicle your limit is dropped to .04, even lower is the limit for drivers under 21 (.02) If you are pulled over and your BAC level is greater than a .15, the state is now making it automatic that a igniton interock system is situated in their vehicle."

Read about our DUI representation services.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Ford Pickup Recall: Ford Motor Co. has recalled 1.1 million units of its popular F-150, F-250 and Lincoln Blackwood pickup trucks due to a problem with their gas tanks that could catch fire. The recall includes models manufactured between 1997 and 2004.

Read more about our personal injury and defective products practices.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

While we do represent clients in DUI cases, I think we might have a problem with this guy: "A Louisville man pulled over for speeding was found to be wearing a shirt, shoes and nothing else, according to arrest records."


Social Security Administration to increase online presence: "SSA's long-term customer service delivery plan must recognize that a majority of the customers it will serve in 10 years will expect to conduct business electronically, conveniently and without the intervention of an agency employee," the report said, noting that SSA's Future Systems Technology Advisory Panel recommended the agency "prepare to move to an electronic self-service model where 90 percent of its business is online."

Read more about our Social Security practice.