Sunday, April 12, 2009

Breaking in the Harley

Last weekend we went on an overnight motorcycle trip. It was Isaiah's first trip on his new Harley. Even though it was FREEZING COLD I thoroughly enjoyed myself.

We stopped in Bryce Canyon and walked the Bryce Point. The View was AMAZING!

Our biker gang are Isaiah's coworkers. Jubal (far left) and Chris (to the right of me) are single if there are any interested ladies :)
After Bryce we road through the Escalante Staircase on the most scenic highway in Utah. The views were absolutely stunning. You could seriously see forever. We stopped to get a few pictures of the boys and their bikes. I didn't post them but they had me take about ten different pictures so we could get the bikes from every angle. Boys and their bikes :)

Aren't we the cutest biker couple ever?
Before the trip Isaiah bought us some Harley Davidson boots. With the boots and our Leather chaps we're definitely riding in style.

There was a HUGE crow behind us on a tree. It looks like it is standing on Chris' head.

Just enjoying the view.

It's so amazing the see the world on the back of a motorcycle. I'm always impressed at the diversity in landscaping that the Lord created. We really are soooo lucky to live in Utah and have so many national parks within a few hours drive...or ride!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Isaiah more Prince or RM?

People are always telling Isaiah he looks like Prince William. I was going through some of our wedding pictures last night and saw this one. When I saw it I thought WOW, he really does! I always knew he was my prince charming :)

What do you think? Can you see the royal resemblance?

Isaiah says at work people come up to him and tell him he looks like that guy from the RM. I'm assuming they are talking about Kirby Heyborne. The resemblance isn't as striking but I guess it's there...

So I thought this would be a fun poll. Do you think Isaiah looks more like Prince William or Kirby Heyborne. Be sure to vote and leave a comment too!