We are loving the house. Absolutely loving it. It is slowly getting decorated for Christmas and feeling more and more like our place each day. It's so nice to have a place I can't wait to get home to at night. The condo was nice, but this is really OUR home.
Work is work. I'm super busy with grading. Once I get out of a hole I put myself right back in. I'm hoping to go to break in two days with no grading. We'll see if I'm successful.
I became an aunt on December 2. It's rather bittersweet as John's sister isn't speaking to us nor are we speaking to her. So I have a niece I could possibly never meet, if things continue they way they're going. Rebecca is super cute. Thankfully John's step-mom keeps me in the loop, as the rest of his family fails to tell John or I anything that is happening. Meet Rebecca:
Speech and debate season is in full swing. Students are SUPPOSED to be practicing daily after school, but few have and their scores at tournaments are showing that. But I can't force them to practice. We've been doing o.k. at tournaments, but we could be SO MUCH BETTER.
Ah Break! How I am counting the days!!!!!!!
So until next time, a few pictures of the house decorated. It's a start. Next year we want to do so much more, but on our budget right now, I'd say this is a pretty good start! :-)