Life is just too good to not quickly post about. Our time in the South is winding down (only 2 months left. Sniff. Sniff.) and we are enjoying every single humid minute while we still can!
(I know what you're thinking- "Is she really going to post for the first time in over a year without any explanation as to why?" The answer my friends is Yes! Yes I am.)
I could only upload pictures from my phone to this blog and apparently the majority of my pictures are from when we went to Disney World with my parents in April.
Mr. Ryder is 16 months and walking like a pro and starting to talk. This kid kills me every time I look at him. All he has to do is bat those baby blues and I am powerless against them. He also reminds me SO much of Hayden at this age. Pretty much, he's AWESOME!
Hayden is the silliest and smartest 4 1/2 year old in all the land. One minute he will be running around the house, laughing his head off while yelling "I'll get you, SQUEEZY!" And the next he is telling me "Before Jesus was born they used scrolls as their bible because they weren't able to make books back then." He keeps me rolling all day long.
Hayden's greatest tool is his imagination. It never stops no matter where we are.
At Disney World....
At home...
And even at church!
(I suppose I should point out that we don't let him take toy swords to church. This one was given to him for being a CTR Knight. He's pretty much the coolest kid I know. Just say'n)
Justin has been one hard working fella these days. From working in the clinic all day (seeing some pretty cute patients, if you ask me), to being an amAHHHHzing Dad, and winning a national business competition....... ya know, the usual!
I have to brag on him for a second because I am just too proud! Justin and his friend, Josh, worked super hard on this business plan and it paid off (literally!) because when they presented at the national competition in Chicago they WON!!!!
Hayden took this picture and said the reason he cut me out of the shot is because I was being too silly. First time EVER that he considered being silly a bad thing.
As for myself, I am just fine and dandy. Very content with my happy life here in Southaven. I'm not looking forward to leaving all our friends here but I know we must move onto the next adventure that lies ahead of us. I am very much looking forward to finally being close to family in Utah, even if it's only for 4 months. After that we will be moving to Arizona for 4 months and then Justin will graduate. After that, who knows????
My own little slice of heaven is on the banks of the Mississippi river watching the sun set with my little family.
Boy, are we going to miss this place!