Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Get ready....

I am SOOO behind on our blog, and for that I apologize....This is a long post, have fun!
We have been having so much fun lately! Tyler and Jacob...especially Jacob...have been growing up so fast! Jacob is getting SOOO big, he's my Chunker Munker...Chunky Monkey...Michelin Man...Chubs...and any other names you can think of to describe my cute-not so little-baby. Tyler just continues to suprise us each day with the things he knows. He is slowly getting better at his ABC's and 123's, although right now counting starts at 3 and not 1. :) He is not yet potty trained, although he does have his own potty, and sits on it every now and then. One day...one day...I just remind myself of something I heard once "There has never been a 16-yr old who wasn't potty trained." :) I'm hoping that him seeing his cousin Evan in big boy undies now will encourage him in the right direction.
We've been going out a lot more now. We like to go play with Evan, Allison and Aunt Bekah a lot, as well as with his new friends Jackson and Liam (sp?)- whom he is doing his preschool with in a few weeks. We like to go to the Zoo and have also ventured over to the Botanical Garden's here as well.
Jack has been working a lot lately because they are just finishing up a project. It's been a little rough with him being gone a lot more than usual, but somehow I'm surviving. He has been given the "Boss" hat temporarily because his boss was out of town for a while. I am so proud of how well he has done at this new job, he has only been there 6 months and already was handed this great oppurtunity to showcase his skills in front of some top dogs in the company! We feel that many great things will come from this move, and we think...keyword think...we'll stay here for a while, but who knows!
Okay- so here's the rest of the update in pictures and videos!

Jacob's Blessing- We blessed Jacob at church on August 3, 2008. He was quite the big baby...not the typical newborn being blessed. He didn't fit in his blessing outfit, we had to leave the top button of his pants unbuttoned (as you'll notice in the second picture) because he is so chubby already. It gave everyone a good laugh. Jack's brother's family came to be there as well.

Jacob loves his big brother SO much, his face just lights up when Tyler comes into his view. Tyler loves to make his baby brother laugh too, here is a video I took earlier this month.

We are so lucky that our children are always so happy! Crying is a rare occurance with our babies, and for that, I am thankful for every day!!!!

Jack's brother recently got the Wii Fit game...Tyler learned a new form of exercise...I'll let the video speak for itself.... "Oga mommy, Oga!"

It's a zoo here...literally....we have a season pass to the Zoo here in Omaha, and go a few times a month, Tyler really enjoys it, and I use it as a form of exercise. Pushing two 20lb kids in a double stroller up and down hills is hard work! So anyway, Tyler got out his animal toys a few weeks back and told me he was feeding them. Yummy pizza!

Tyler loves playing with his blocks with daddy...and Jack loves playing with the blocks as much as Tyler! Daddy built Tyler a guitar to play with (Tyler LOVES playing with pretend guitars all the time!). They also like to build robots, a garage for Tylers Hot Wheels, and they like to see how tall of a tower they can build.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

2008 Olympics

I'm tired. So tired. Jack and I can't seem to tear ourselves away from the Olympics each night to get to bed at a reasonable time! (And as you all know kids just don't care if you stayed up too late "That's your problem mom, not mine. You knew I'd wake up in the middle of the night...twice...you should have went to bed earlier"-Jacob)

Our favorite sport to watch has been the swimming, in the all amazing Water Cube in Beijing! We have watched World Record after World Record be smashed to pieces...mostly by the all amazing, and arguably the best athlete in history, Michael Phelps. Did you watch the U.S. Men swim that 4x100 free relay?!?! Holy Moly, I'm not one for sports (I like to watch..not participate) and I was on the edge of my seat! I feel priviliged to have been able to watch it LIVE! It was awesome!

(sorry for the bad quality...its the best I could find for now)

Jack and I aren't the only ones having fun watching the Olympics, Tyler enjoys it too! "Watch umpics mommy!" Friday night we let him stay up late to watch the opening ceremonies because it is part of who he is. It was really neat to see all the amazing dances, tai chi, and the costumes were amazing too! He has fun chearing on the athletes too.

If you haven't had a chance to watch some of the primetime Olympic games, try to watch a little bit of it, you won't regret watching history being etched into the books!

Monday, August 11, 2008

Funny boy

This morning I was in another room while Tyler was watching cartoons, his "kid" cartoons were over and the "bigkid" cartoons started, so I asked him to turn off the TV...which he usually does right away...however...this morning his answer to me was this "Just 2 seconds mommy". At first I wasn't sure I understood him correctly and asked him again to turn the TV off..."Just 2 seconds MOMMY!"

Wow, they really do hear everything you say to them...and file it away for later use. Funny boy.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Jacob- 3 months

Here's the little Chunky Monkey we like to call Jacob, 3 months old already!
He is a hefty 15 1/2 lbs! And a bundle of energy and joy!
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Some recent photos

Tyler's first time finger painting- he was a bit concerned at first when he got "dirty" and kept asking me to wipe his hands, he'll learn.

Does this hat make my head look big?

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Tyler's Many Faces

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