Even though I have MANY posts to add before this one I have to get it down somewhere before I forget. Tyler is so funny! The things he says just make us smile and think "Where do you think of these things?!" Here are some of his thoughts lately...
-We were on a walk and passed by a house for sale. He asked me to buy it for him. I told him I couldn't because I didn't have enough money, and he couldn't live by himself quite yet. He insisted he could. So, I went through asking him "Will you clean the whole house yourself?" "yes" "Will you cook for yourself?" "yes" "Will you brush your teeth and put yourself to bed?" "yes" "Will you change your diaper in the morning?" (he is still not night potty trained) "Well, I'll just come down the street and have you do that one mommy." HA! Later,when we got home from our walk he went inside and got his piggy bank. I asked why he got it, having completely forgotten about his home purchase request, and he told me he was going to buy the house himself.
-At dinner he randomly started telling us how to make our own
popsicle: "Take a cup outside mommy, and poor some lemonade in it, then call a helicopter and tell it to take the cup to the north pole, then bring it back! Because the north pole is super duper cold mommy."
- We were discussing paying
tithing and how not just grown-ups pay tithing. He got very serious and said, "But I don't know how to get my quarter to say ten on it mommy?!" (We pay a
tenth of all our income as tithing)
-Last week he and Jack were sitting next to each other getting haircuts and one of the stylists asked how old Tyler was. He responded, "I'm four and a half, and when I turn eight I'm gonna get baptized!!!" That's our little missionary!
He can get quite the attitude sometimes, but he is so full of joy and energy. I get comments from his teachers at school and church how they love all the comments he makes because he is so funny. We are always told how surprised people are to hear him talk so well at his age. He loves to be creative lately too. He will sit down with plain paper, scissors, tape, glue and a pen and create many interesting things and have a whole story to go along with his creation. Sometimes I'll ask him where he got the idea for his creation from and he simply responds, "That's just what engineers do mommy. Because I'm a little engineer." (just like daddy) He and Jacob have finally started playing together really well. They are really into creating "forts" or tents with their bedding and little kid chairs. They sit on our chaise lounge a lot and pretend they are driving to work or the doctors. Jacob just ADORES his big brother. I sit and watch him copy everything Tyler does without Tyler even realizing it. I can't believe how fast this little boy has grown up. I sit here looking at some of his baby pictures and feel like that time was an eternity ago, but at the same time feels like just last month...yet I have two other kids in addition to him! Though he can really try my patience each and every day, he is still my sweet little baby boy that I love so much and am so
grateful to have in my life.