Saturday, January 30, 2010

Baby Registries

Alright, here's the deal. Today Kraig and I went and did our baby registries. We have one at Target, and one at Babies R Us. It seems like it took us forever walking around both stores. I think we got all the basics...I hope at least. I felt so lost doing the registry. This is something so completely new to us. I did register for a few things that I don't expect anyone to get us, I did it because at Babies R Us, anything left in our registry they will send us coupons for. Plus having an active registry with them, I will be able to exchange things with out a receipt!!
I am nervous, I worry that we won't have everything we need. I worry about the birth (this one scares me a little actually). I worry about the baby, constantly. I worry about everything really. So much can go wrong, and so much can happen.
So anyone that has a chance, please check out my registries and let me know if there is anything that I missed. I also know I didn't register for diapers, and wipes. I figured that there were cheaper ones that work just as well out there then the limited ones at either store. There are also a bunch of bottles & binkies that I registared for not knowing what I need, or what the baby will like. There are probably a few things that I registered for that aren't necessary, but seemed cute and fun (I couldn't help it!! I swear!!). I also swear there are things I registered for that didn't show up, or that there are things that I didn't register for (at Target) that are there, but I didn't get a print out at the store for either one, oops!! I think I figured why somthings didn't show up, I think it is because they don't carry it on line??? That's just my guess, since most of what didn't show up was binkie's and clothing.
Babies R Us
(P.S. Sorry that at Babies R US, most do not have pictures, if you search for the item number most of the pictures will come up.)

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Does anyone know what today is??

Today is the 65th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz. Not something to celebrate really, but something that needs to be remembered. There are too many people that want to say it never happened, but it did. Millions died. Many lost their entire family.
Hitler's political platform, sounded wonderful to the Germans. He was promising:
To make Germany great again
To solve unemployment by making more public service jobs
To stop hyperinflation
To protect his people (Germans) from the communists and other bad influences
To abolish the Treaty of Versailles
To let Germans back into the country
To increase German Lebensraum (Living room for the German People)
To get rid of large companies which were not owned by Germans
To sell more local produce so that all German prosper from the changes and so that they wont have to pay a lot of money for overpriced imported goods from markets
All of these are included in the book he wrote while in prison called Mein Kampf, which translates to My Struggles. It is mostly autobiographical, many believe he over exaggerated the truth.
There are so many books that tell of the struggles of some of the people that lived through the concentration camps. I suggest reading "Night" by Elie Wiesel. There is also a very awesome book called "Hubener Vs. Hitler" about a LDS teenager that formed a resistance against Hitler.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

One thing down, several left to go

This weekend we bought the car seat. I didn't get the color I was hoping to get, this is the one we got.

To me this still seems very surreal. It is so strange to me to be pregnant, and to know that in a few short months my entire life is going to change, all because of a tiny person. I have also decided that Kraig is going to be afraid of the baby for a while, he swears that he may break her. He says this about all babies, and is usually too afraid to hold them.

Friday, January 15, 2010


Alright in high school I had a slight issue with food, mainly I would see food and want to throw up. So I pretty much didn't eat most of high school (I was pretty much anorexic caused by severe stress). Even now I don't love food. Nothing ever sounds good. Nothing ever really looks good (with the exception of a few things).
Now I am almost 2/3 the way through my pregnancy, and I don't have any cravings. There are days when somethings sound better then others, but I don't actually crave anything. There are times that I want something super yummy, but I don't know what I want. So here I am still having issues eating, and I don't know how to solve my issue with food. There are probably a few who are wondering why I am the size I am, simply because of hormones.
How do people learn to love food? Am I always going to have this aversion to food? Yes I am eating, and I am eating enough, but I often feel like I am forcing myself to eat.

Monday, January 11, 2010


Alright, I have been looking at baby stuff for a while. In the process of trying to figure out what I need right away, what I need later, and what I can live without, I have found that everyone has different opinions on this. So I what I would like to know is, what are somethings that I will honestly have to have when I bring our little girl home (besides the car seat & bassinet)??
The more help I get the better please!!

Also here are a couple of pictures of my baby belly.

P.S. I do know that we will need diapers too.

Thursday, January 07, 2010

Out with the old, in with the new, or something like that

I decided that since I never stick to my New Year's resolutions, that this year I am not even going to bother. Besides this year a lot of things are going to change for us.
Well almost not bother. I have made one goal for the whole year. To live. To enjoy as much as I possibly can. Note I did not say enjoy every day, I know there are going to be days that simply won't happen. So often we get so wrapped up in life, and time goes by so fast that we never simply enjoy the moment though. Also there are people out there that never truly live, they never venture. I don't want to look back in a few years and realize that I missed so much.
With this year and me being pregnant going to have a baby this year. I want to enjoy her, and enjoy every thing I can with her. Kraig and I have pretty much decided on her name it will be Kate Lynn. She will share the same middle name as Kraig. I love that connection.
I have also been thinking of what I can do so I don't have to continue working. It is so hard, I want to stay home, but with all the strange expense that have been popping up lately I really can't quit right now. Hopefully shortly after the baby is born, I can. I know somehow things will work out. However if anyone feels the urge to just give us a million dollars, I won't argue too much :)

Saturday, January 02, 2010

More fun baby stuff

Alright, here are a few more really cute things I got for the baby.

Here is a bunny from my SIL Jillyn (picked out by my nephew Kaden) and a bear from my mother in law.

A really cute dress and sweater set & a blanket from my SIL Stacy

These I bought myself, not really meaning to, they were meant for a couple of my nieces, but I got the completely wrong sizes, and I thought they were really cute so I just kept them.

Then Kraig's cousin AmyLynn gave me a few things that her baby won't be able to wear because she will be too big by the time it is warm enough to wear them. She also gave us a couple of other things that she thought I would like.

This is going to be so completely true!! Kraig is so excited!

I love the bee!!

A really cute dress

Some really cute PJ's

I love the little butterfly on the dress!!

It is getting really hard not to buy stuff for my baby, but so far I have been pretty good. I did go buy latches for my cupboards though :) I figured we should child proof the big things now so we don't forget. We are going to have to do the small things too, but this is just a start.

Also just a side note I realize that my blog layout is broken, so I am trying to fix it.