Sunday, September 24, 2006


I don't have the pics yet, They are in Marks friends truck, Mark for got to get them last night :( But heres jsut a taste of what made me CRY! I miss it sooooooobad,a nd this wasn't even the style I used to dance, but I just LOVE IT!! Its the winner of So you think you can dance, Benji, with his cousin Heidi (who was top 4 ont he show with him) I got this off of her blog. FANtastic!!!

Friday, September 15, 2006


Things are good, busy b-day weekend coming up, This week was pretty good, rocky start but finishing strong. Gotta go!

Monday, September 11, 2006

the hurrier I go, the behinder I get

Yeah yeah, same story. I have TONS to do, so what the heck am I blogging for?? BLEH! I was reading thru a bunch of my old posts the other night. WHEW what a year! Unfortunatly I am at the same weight I was last year at this time. That reallly really sucks. And I get an F for my eating today. I was carless all morning, but couldn't have Casey take me to the gym cuz I had to be home to get my couches delivered. YAY!!! They are cute. Mabye not what I'd pick out, but very cute. My front room will be done in a cottage theme. Look, anything is better than what was going on in there before, Nada. I've just totally spun my wheels today. I did get sort of a workout in, because I needed to go pick up my car from the place and didn't have anyone nearby to take me so I strapped the boys in the stroller and walked there. Kind of a wierd thing to do, but I needed to get it so I could pick up the kids fom school, so I just did it. It was only 2 and half miles, hello, I run that all the time, walking it is no biggie. It was a little hot though. Hey, I got my car. Bad news is, its not leaking oil, its leaking GAS (yipes) so I gotta get it to the dealership tonight (its covered under a recall they say)which means I will again be carless till wednsday night. I'm either gonna have to get Mark to switch his carpool days with someone, or get a rental. I have to have a vehicle, no debate. We'll see what happens.

My mom asked if we could have Thanksgiving here again this year. *insert scream* My inner Martha rears her ugly head. I didn't want to be catty, so I didn't say "sure, if someone else will help with the dishes this year". I'm sure I can find the opportunity to be catty and say that at some point. I can't promise I won't be crazy again with the cleaning, however. It hasn't been done since last year. I hate to love Thanksgiving!! Let the circus begin!!!!! Wheres my spreadsheets?????

It won't be as bad, I promise. I can use a lot of the stuff I had to get new last year, this year. And Mark can't go out of town and leave me the week before, AND he'll get the day off that day, so I'll have a helper. My front room is now full of furniture, so I won't have to get tables, it'll just be buffet style. bla bla bla bla. I'm sure if Tracey ever reads this she can think of some new crap I could add to my list to make sure I'm completely stressed and a raving lunatic by November 25th. :D

Saturday, September 09, 2006


By the way.......yesterday was my 1 year anniversary of BLOGGING!!!!! WOW!!!!!!I think I should just start reposting last years entries because its all just gonna be the same old crapola.

No Subject

Here we are again. Man these weeks go fast nowadys!!! everytime I turn around its saturday again! I weighed in this morning at 143. No real poundage lost this week. :( I'd honetly say I was 98% clean this week, and hit all workouts with a vengeance plus extra cardio, so hopefully the changes are just slow or I've put on a little muscle or something. I have been lifting good and been VERY sore. Today my butt and legs HURT, and my abs were sore yesterday and my triceps the day before that. MY clothes are comfy and my tummy feels pretty flat, even though inches havent' really gone down much either. Its all happening, I just have to be patient. Its freeday today, but I am really liking the "flat" feeling I have going right now, I'm not ready to give it up just yet. I'm going for a more "big picture" loss. I'm shooting for 5 pounds every 4 weeks, with another 3-5 the last 2 weeks. That will put me at 125, where I want to be. What can I do to make next week more perfect???? Drink more water and go farther on my HIIT. Thats the ONLY thing I could improve, seriously.

On the home front. Crappy week for me personally, but it was just me. I got a lot done, but I'm still so behind. Today is shaping up to be a busy Saturday. I already paid Rent, went to the bank, picked up Cade from a sleepover, then the kids have a movie/field trip to "How to Eat Fried Worms" (just Cade and Sadie) and my car is leaking oil like crazy so I need to get it in today, and Marks Gramma called and wants a perm TODAY. So the plan will be, get chores done till movie time, then while they are there get the car fixed, then go pick up gramma and do her hair in the later afternoon. OH yeah, Mark is at a softball tourney all day, so he's no help. *I need a serenity moment on that one....breathe in, stay calm, breathe out*

Yesterday I spent from 2 to 6 helping move my Aunt's house. She's divorcing her hubby (FINALLY) he's completly insane. And dying, but hes such a psycho that nobody really cares anymore. You would not even believe it. ANYWAY I find out my mom and aunt are planning on loading the trailer with her stuff to take to Thatcher (where she'll live with her mom) and I'm thinking they need help. Um yeh, the 3 of us loaded 6 tall cabinets, an entertainment center, and filled this HUGE trailer (15 foot enclosed) with books, craft stuff (the woman is Michaels on wheels)and all my uncles stuff to be "dropped off". Me, my 50 yr old mom, and my 62 yr old (very out of shape )aunt, and a dolly. It was HARD WORK!! My legs were killing me!! And my shoulders! The upside to this adventure was pretty worth it, however. I'm getting her 2 cute couches, a white/oak side table, a bunch of craft organizing stuff(which I need desparately) and 2 christmas trees, along with LOTS of other little stuff I needed. WOO HOOO! I have all the couch cushions, but I'll get the couches on wednsday. YAY now my front living room will have furniture. And its darling and like brand new!! It will be fun. Hopefully I can take pictures when Its all done.

Anyway, thats my life this week, Yup. Pretty exciting.

Monday, September 04, 2006


Yes, we've been busy. I'm quickly finding out that when one member of the family goes to the police academy, the whole family is going to the police academy. hahaha Even though he's had basically a 4 day weekend with labor day, theres still so much to do, and I know Mark is stressed. Not crazy stressed, but just, ya know. We did go relax with the kids and some friends at the pool today, we are all kinda crashed now. The kids are gonna sleep like rocks tonight.

I did pretty great last week, ate clean and worked out really hard. I had a little "thing" on saturday and I missed my last HIIT, but I had done tons of cardio all week so I think it was OK, althoguh I was bummed to not get in 6 solid days. I was all gung ho when I woke up Saturday and I took 3 thermodynamX on an empty stomach. By the time I got to the gym I was doubled over in stomach pain. Why did I do that??? That was so stupid. I tried to start walking on the treadmill but really, I just couldn't, it was terrible. I went across the street to the healthfood market and got some raw almonds to try to settle my stomach.The first half of my freeday was ruined because of the stupid pills. DOH! We went to a family party and I did OK, I had some roast beef on a roll, then another, and some potato salad and a pudding dessert thing. Not bad. Sunday I ate OK, but I did have a handful of chips and a little Debbie thing, but otherwise clean. Sundays are SOOOOOOO hard for me. THen today being a holiday, we ordered Papa Johns but I passed. I made a big salad and had some skinless rotisserie chicken. WOO HOOO! No pizza for me!!! I also made it to the gym on this holiday and did a really good leg workout and 30 mins of HIGH incline walking....30% incline!! WOO HOO! It was tough. The gym was really crowded too,I was lucky to get a climber. I did sneak 2 plastic forkfuls of fatfree sherbert...EEEK! I gotta quit these stupid little cheats. Tonight I am spending helping Mark get ready for tests tomorrow, getting his clothes ready and getting things together for my week coming up. I had a 2 lb loss,and I know I lost inches all around, I need to do it again! I CAN! I really feel the fire getting hotter for this challenge. I'm doing it for real, with the spray tan, pro pics,the whole thing and sending it in. I need to have a bod worthy of it with some serious definition this time.

Last night I was reading the blogs of some figure comp girls, WOW was that an eye opener. They are SO dedicated!! I can feel that attitude deep down, I really can. That "wild monkeys can't keep me from what I want" attitiude. I have it, I need to fuel it more. I will surely be reading more of that stuff.

Right now, I got to get my supermom on and get some shiznit taken care of around here and get my week set up for perfection!!! (or close to it)