Friday, August 29, 2008

Yearbook Yourself :D

Hee Hee The website is I've had way too much fun with it!

Here I am as a June Cleaver wannabe, 1952

OK OK I'll stop. It's just too funny seeing Mark in all the different hairstyles. :D

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Soooooo funny!!!

1980 Rocks!!

Looking hot in 1970!!

The kids and I were laughing SO hard, even Mark thought these were funny!!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

I couldn't resist yearbooking myself. I practically wear my hair like this now!! LOL

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Random Update

Not that I really have anything to update....I'm just such a shameless blog addict, I hate going too long without posting. I love to bore people with my life stories!! HAHA well at least someday when I'm old and senile and telling stories about how I was a Rockette and a backup dancer for Miley Cyrus, my great grandchildren can refer to my blog and know that my old lady stories are a bunch of crap. :D

Tonight I went to see the musical Music Man! at the Hale Theatre. It was good, but the part I thought was funny was before I left I was explaining to the kids where I was going and since I'm so cool I started singing the 76 trombone song and marching around (you know, so they'd really understand it :) and Wyatt looks at me dead serious and says...."Well.......that sounds really stupid." At least I have my Sadie!!! Which by the way she babysat the kids till 11:00 for me and made the boys go to bed. Sweet!

Tomorrow we are speaking in church. Normally I'd say YIKES but I've just done it too many times in my life now and we got a really easy subject, so I'm feeling calm about it. I convinced/forced Cade to play the violin and then I casually mentioned that he should just say a little something about the song he's playing(come come ye saints), you know, that he was in 1856 the musical and his grandpa played it and mabye say something about what he learned about pioneers. He looks at me with this "look" and says "I know what you are trying to do mom, you can't trick me into speaking!" So we'll see if he says anything about it or not. If not, then I guess it will just be kind of random, since it has nothing to do with our topic.

While I was typing this post out I realized that I need to just start a new blog and it will be called "things my kids say" and I'm not going to post the back stories or anything, just the conversations. I've always been bad about writing that stuff down, and they are coming up with some doozies lately. Also, then it won't seem like I'm just bragging on my kids all the time.

I've gotten some decorating done, but I'm not putting up pictures quite yet. Its amazing how the same stuff can look so much better just arranged on different walls. I'm still trying stuff out and moving things around. It is fun to play with!!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Painting before/afters!

I cannot believe I finally finished. I got the main downstairs done! YAY!! I really love how it turned out. I didn't plan on painting my kitchen red but I'm glad I did. I am TIRED!! I have spent about 30 hours painting in the last 4 days. Luckily the Olympics have been on to listen to all day/night long. I haven't touched up the messups yet, and I really need to accessorize somehow but here are the pictures. It is finally feeling like our "home".



"THE Wall" turned out great, you'd never know it was all jacked up before!


(I can't wait to put a table here and do something cute!!)

This shade of raspberry red is my favorite color in the whole world!!

My rooms still need some softening up with some curtains and throw pillows and accessories, but I've got a good start. I'm hooked on HGTV. com and getting lots of ideas from the message boards. SO fun!! I've put all the painting away for now, its time to focus on some cleaning and organizing again, then mabye in a week or so I'll be ready to tackle some more. Next up: Putting my hair salon together so I can start making some $$ and my downstairs bathroom in bold black and white. Ohyeah.......and a housewarming PARTY!!

Friday, August 15, 2008

The "pain" in painting......

I finally started. YAY me!! I got 'the wall' sanded and primed and the whole downstairs taped, ready to go, and then went to Wal-mart to get paint. I opted not to go all the way to Home Depot, Wal-mart (the devil) is much closer and cheaper. So I get the pretty much non-paint mixer guy mixing the colors, which made me nervous, and the fact that he did'nt know how to really just color match what I had brought so I had to pick new colors, and just hope for the best. We tried to match them as best we could, but thats pretty impossible. I used 2 gallons on my room upstairs, and the rooms downstairs are bigger so I'm thinking, ok, cheap paint, I better get 5 gallons of each color (5 beige, 5 tan) just to be safe. So the guy (who is foreign) is trying to mix it up for me (sloooooowwwwwwllllyyyyy) and he asks for the tan "you want Satan??" which of course he means Satin as in finish. I say yes, and 15 minutes later I realize he's mixing the 4th flat. But it is for the front room, so I guess I'll live with it. At least it will look really nice and it will cover well. I know he would have redone it, but I had Mark with me (because he loves picking out paint colors...har har and I had Sadie and her friend with me that were driving me crazy. I just had to get out of there.

So I get painting, starting with the front room. The color is about a whole shade darker than what I had originally wanted, but for a shot in the dark it's actually pretty good. And, the paint thats already on the wall is serving as a good base coat, so the paint was covering great. It was pretty runny, which scared me at first, but it was working well. I realized that it was a bit dark, and now I'm realizing that the beige I picked is probably pretty dark as now I'm changing the game plan. Another surprise....I used ONE gallon. Thats all it took for my entire front room. How wierd is that. OK now now I have 4 gallons of tan and 5 still of the beige. I probably have enough to do my entire house now!! The only problem is that the tan is flat paint. So now I have to figure out if I mix the flat tan with a semi-gloss base, will I get a lighter shade in an eggshell/satin?? Because I'd like to do that in my other downstairs family room now. I can use the beige upstairs to cover up the blue.

And if is sounds like I'm being SO boring with my beiges and tans......wait till my red accent walls go coming soon :D

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

I LOVE the Olympics!!

I have been taking the time to watch the Olympics this year, it has been so fun! I did fall asleep during the opening Ceremonies because it was late (I was watching it DVR'ed at about 11 pm!) but what I saw was amazing!! Of course now reading this kind of stuff...

it dosen't ruin it but sheesh!! And everyone thinks Americans are too image concious!! People are so crazy sometimes!! Chinese Governments in particular!

Anyway I was watching live when the Americans "smashed" the French in the swimming relay, that was so awesome!!

There have been some great moments so far. Swimming has definetly been the highlight. I felt so bad for poor Katie Hoff taking the silver after being ahead that whole race. The looks on their faces, it is amazing to watch. And I haven't even gotten all into the gymnastics yet or my other favorite, track and field!

On another note.......I got a new piano student yesterday! I'm really excited, and she can already play the basics, so that is really going to be fun. I know I don't needing to be adding one more thing to my life but I couldn't help it, she really wants to learn. I need to get to the music store now, which is always fun to go there. My favorite is Milano's. I go there and its like stepping back into my childhood. So fun. It's always good to have an excuse to go to downtown Mesa. Those are my stomping grounds. I went to ballet school there from 2nd grade to 9th grade right on Robson and McDonald street. I mean, I didn't just attend, I practically LIVED there. I had to quit so I could have some sort of life, because it was such an all-encompassing lifestyle. Ballet ballet ballet. ANYway.....
Downtown Mesa is the best, I love the restaurants and the stores. Mango's, Sweet cakes, Old brick house, the antique stores, the Shabby Chic store is the best, I forgot what its called. So fun. Theres probably more that I forgot or didn't know about. So, Day trip to Mesa coing soon. From where I live, its more like a road trip where you have to go potty first and bring a snack! LOL thats ok its worth it!

Thursday, August 07, 2008

TCB'n today

In case you didn't know, TCB'n means Taking Care of Business. I finally got a little fire under me and got my garage almost done. It was so HOT today and I really thought it would only take me and hour or 2, but I was VERY wrong. It was over 3 hours and I'm still not done. I am able to park in there now and it is organized so that helps.

So you Think You can Dance is on tonight...I cant WAIT!! I'm rooting for Joshua!!

Monday, August 04, 2008

First day! and my awesome Breaking Dawn story

We made it through the first day of school. It was really good, the kids all had an awesome day. I can't believe how emotional I was walking them to their classes this morning, and I had a pit in my stomach leaving Cade at the bus stop. I was so nervous for him!!! I guess middle school age is jsut too recent in my memory, I was worried he'd sit alone at lunch. Apparently, he was able to demonstrate adequate football skills in the morning that allowed him to have a bunch a football buddies to hang with at lunch. Boy, it just hasn't changed one bit from 20 years ago, huh?? Sadie made friends, Cooper says he will tomorrow, he wasn't worried about it. According to Wyatt he made friends with every SINGLE KID and everyone loves his hair. LOL The first thing out of Daytons mouth was a reserved "it was fun". They all are ready and willing to go back tomorrow. YAY! Success!
I was not planning on getting Breaking Dawn until I knew I could really sit down and get into it. Which I was planning for after I got the downstairs painted but.....
Conversation on the way home from picking Cade up at the airport ( from fiddle camp in MN)
C: Did you see the new Twilight book came out??
J: YES! I can't wait to read it! I've been waiting almost a YEAR and I'm dying to read it!
C: Why didn't you get it?
J: Because I know once I start it I won't be able to stop, and I have so much stuff to do. It would make me late for everything! :D It would have made me late to pick you up at the airport, probably!
C: Really?
J: Yeah, I went online and read the first part and I read part of Midnight Sun, so that will have to tide me over.
C: Well I wish I could have given you this sooner then......
And he pulls Breaking Dawn out of his backpack!!!! And he signed the inside title page to me Love ya Mom, love Cade! I started tearing up I was so surprised and touched that he saw that and knew I'd love it. I hadn't really been talking about it that much, he just knew. It was an awesome moment.
And a little add-on about Sadie: She stayed up till after midnight on Friday night helping me finish scraping the wall of crappiness and we got it finished. We had Hairspray on in the background and chatted the whole time. She's such a good girl! I have to admit, little kids and babies are really fun, but I'm loving them getting older and more on my level. Now I'm going to go finish my book :D