Sunday, March 29, 2009

Taking inventory.......

Right now, at this very moment.......

Family room strewn with newspaper/coupons (but at least its organized, and list is made)

Kitchen strewn with popcorn dishes (but I made a lot tonight, good jump on the week)

Website almost done ( I had really wanted to get it finished by tomorrow, dang!) It's SO SO cute!!

Huge stack of ironing (yet another drawback to marks "desk job"-dress shirts bleh)

Dog heaving and making wierd noises....he's SO outta here

Laundry done and folded (but not put away yet ;(

Splitting headache/neckache

I have an extreme week going on this week. But its all good. Anyone want to go to Vegas for the day on Tuesday?? I'm going to pick up a HUGE popcorn order -already sold!! YAY!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Kid Day

On Monday we had the rare situation where Mark had most of the day off and the kids were out of school. We decided to have a fun family day together. We made the kids do a bunch of chores (like weeding and straightening up and cleaning the garage) and then headed out for some bowling. I tried to take cute pictures but my camera is blowing through batteries and they were dead.........again. Then we got some early dinner and Mark and Cade had football practice. We all a liddel sick of da fooooooozball. Luckily games are starting and then it will be over!!

Today I went with my mom to Phoenix and met with a city of Phx guy (something she was doing for her business and I tagged along) and I got a real eye-opener of more things to do with my popcorn business. We are both pumped about our businesses! My head is spinning from all the info and possibilities. Fun!

TV goodies:
How awesome is Tara from Biggest Loser?? She rocks! I feel bad for Megan on AI tonight, shes cute but that was baaaaaaad! And Blind Guy has run his course, I'm afraid. He seems so super nice, but hes a little out of his league. I still like Danny Gokey the best. And I'm so excited for Lost tonight, I'm still loving that show. I know a lot of people have fallen off with it but I still think its cool.

P.S. Dogs are annoying. And hairy. Ew.

Saturday, March 21, 2009


So finally.........I'm slightly decompressing tonight. sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss

I had planned to go help these old lady hair clients of mine clean up what sounded like a horrible disgusting mess of pee (its a long story, I'll spare the details) and I got there and it ended up being not nearly what I had expected and not an urgent situation so I got to come right back home. I took a nap instead and then spent some time with the kids. Mark got to come home early and we all ate a nice spegetti dinner together. Its been way too long since we've had structure like that, it was so fun. Now the kids are up watching Twilight on Dish and Mark and I get to sit down in the peace and quiet and watch all the TV shows we recorded but didn't get too see all week. Tomorrow is Sunday and I'm looking for more chill time and getting ready for the week.

This week was so crazy because I was making popcorn round the clock to get it to the kids selling it as a fundraiser in Pima. They are selling it faster than I can make it and it is stressful so I am coming up with new solutions. These are good problems to have though, right??

Peace OUT

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Long time no blog

I'm usually such a bloggy blabbermouth, but lately I haven't felt too blogworthy. And I've been just too plain busy. I have really been taking on a lot lately and feeling a bit overwhelmed most of the time. See?? Here I am, right now. Tired, overwhelmed, and chubby. With the dog bugging me. Blah.

Theres too much to even write about!! Gee, a few months ago did I think I was actually busy?? Pish posh! My popcorn business is turning into a career, the dog is becoming time-consuming (not sure we are still going to hang with the dog thing), my hair business is picking up, Mark is the new YM pres,(on a campout tonight) I need to spend an hour figuring out coupnsense for this week, Cade desparately needs to be taking real violin lessons and its football season (Marks asst.coaching)He got in a fight at school and broke his hand by punching a kid in the face (who had it coming) and I think Sadie has a fracture in her foot, gotta get her in for an x-ray....oh wait, did I mention I have 5 kids and a somewhat needy husband, and I am freaking out over the weight I have gained this year and must get it off before summer.............and of course its birthday season in our family! This is just what is floating through my brain at the moment. Yikes.

What has taken up all my spare brain power and time lately was the Ostrich festival. What an ordeal!! The last 2 weeks basically we spent getting ready for the thing and then the event was this weekend. I haven't worked that hard physically and mentally in a loooong time. I'm definetly still recovering. We did ok but not as well as we would have liked. We learned SO much though. And the kids worked so hard, I am so proud of them. Cade and Sadie kicked butt. I am not interested in doing any events again any time soon, but we are doing some fundraising and we can barely keep up so that is good. I have tons of fun ideas in the works. I am planning a popcorn tasting at my house really soon so everyone can come over and get an idea what we are doing. Plus an excuse to see our friends is always awesome. More details coming very soon!!

Birthday season is here for the Lambs!

Today was Mr. Daytons day. He got a new bike with a bell and 2 action figures. Plus stuff from grandmas. My little baby boy is 6!! WOW!

....Wyatt turned 7 on the 12th, and also got a new bike and 2 action figures and stuff from grandmas. Equality and fairness is paramount around here.

Cooper is patiently (not really) waiting his turn on April 2 to turn 9.

This is what they spent Grandma Judy's Target cards on tonight. Oh boy.

I had to throw this in of Dayton at his field trip to the Mesa Museum. So stinkin cute! We had a fun time.

So thats some of what has been going on. I really just still need a clone. Or a full time housekeeper and chef. Just like everyone else does. We are on spring break this week so I will be sleeping in just a little every day hopefully. Of course, I am thrilled to have my beautiful healthy kids, a supportive if not always helpful husband, my testimony, and too many other blessings to name.

Monday, March 02, 2009

Fun Stuff

Cade got some new glasses. Too cute. I can't believe how grown up he is getting!and we will just pretend that we don't see the v-day decor STILL up all over my house

Cooper at the blue and Gold banquet. This the "pie" he and Mark made. I'm sure it was yummy! Love the goatee on the pie man.

My mom and her boyfriend came to visit from Montana.

And she brought THIS!!! I picked out the fabric when I went there to visit over a year ago, and this is what that stack of fabric became. Its King-sized and gorgeous!!! And hand made by my mom. Sa-weet! I can't wait to put it on my bed. And it was her birthday yesterday today too, happy birthday mom!

Heres a little decorating I did for my TV room. I had my friend Wendy sew pillows and valances for me (it was a time issue for me and she did a great job!) So it's feeling a little less like a bachelor pad....a little. I picked up the fabric little by little at diferent JoAnns sales, so it cost me hardly anything. Seriously, like around 30 bucks for ALL the fabric, and I used the existing hideous pillows as pillow forms. Cool huh?? The wall is bugging me still, and I need a much more substantial coffee table/ottoman of some kind, but all in good time :D