Wednesday, September 30, 2009

OK, I need input....WWYD??

Calling all moms (or anybody else??) I am really curious what you think about this situation with the kids I had tonight.

We have had issues on and off about the kids fessing up about things, for example when I ask "Who left this cup here??" I get 5 blank stares. So, obviously, it was one of them, and it seems like such a small thing, but really, shouldn't I be holding them accountable for their actions, no matter how big or small? Honestly, I usually don't even go there, I just assign one person to get the trash picked up, one to pick the stray cups, one to do toys, etc etc. But at some point, they have to be accountable, right? It's more a matter of principle sometimes. Which brings me to tonight.

I have them all upstairs after dinner picking up their rooms, etc before bed, and I notice (sorry, TMI) but there is toilet paper in the TRASH next to the toilet that someone wiped with and just threw in there. This has been a problem in the past, and I used to know who the culprit was, but I in this case am a little unsure, so I ask the 3 younger boys. "Who wiped their poop and put it in the trash can??" Again, the blank stares. Obviously it is one of them, right? So I say "You aren't going to get in trouble, I just want to know", still the "no, not me, nope, it wasn't me". SO now it turns into a matter of principle. I'm thinking today its crap in the trash can, tomorrow its about who put a dent in the car.... just kidding (I hope :D) But seriously, we need to start being accountable around here, right?? Well, NObody is admitting it. And I had made cupcakes tonight after dinner so I say "OK, fine. We will stand here in this hallway, and we won't be having a cupcake, and you will STILL have to clean until someone tells me the truth. So then Wyatt starts tearing up and says "OK, well I didn't do it but I will say its me anyway" which of course my heart was just breaking for the little guy by this point, taking the bullet for everyone. And Cooper chimes in, saying he'll admit it too even though it wasn't him (and Dayton is crying but hiding from me a little and not looking at me) So this makes me think its him. I reiterated several times, I am not going to punish you, but I need someone to tell me who did it. But I need the REAL person to say they did it. So I left them in the hallway to discuss amongst themselves and I sure wish I had a recorder going. Their discussion was pretty funny. After about 5 minutes I realize that either it wasn't any of them (hard to believe) or nobody was going to cave, I tell them to get downstairs. So we have a big discussion about why poop is bad to have sitting in the trash, along with the big globs of toothpaste, the lack of flushing, etc) and why not telling on yourself and admitting things is lying, blah blah blah blah. I ask Dayton one more time, and the waterworks start again, and more adamant denial, so finally I just sent them all to bed, cupcake-less. I start doubting, because I usually can flush out the perpetrator (no pun intended) within 30 seconds or so,(they are terrible liars) and I really hit a wall with this one. Then part of me wanted to give Wyatt and Cooper a cupcake anyway for being willing to make the sacrifice, but I thought that wouldn't send a good message. So nobody got one.

So here were the choices I had:

Start spanking them really hard with a paddle one by one until somebody admits it (this was the option used on me as a child.....yikes)

Just believe that it wasn't any of them (who it would be I'm not too sure)

Do what I did, which was not believe them, and try to make them understand that it was more about the principle than the actual crime and punish accordingly by witholding the treat and sending them to bed early.

So Wyatt brings up a point as I'm tucking him in, that mabye it could have been their cousin Ava. This makes me laugh, because obviously, she hasn't been over to the house for at least a week, and they try to use her as their scapegoat every chance they get. I can barely get her to stop playing long enough to eat, I seriously doubt she's spending time in the biohazard that is the upstairs bathroom. But then there is this.....

"My cousin Ava was over. She clogged the toilet. and she blamed it on me. My mom believed her. and I got in trouble."

Wyatt actually turned this in as an assignment at school. I bet his teacher got a kick out of it. I thought it was pretty funny. And then I felt bad that I didn't believe him. I do realize, that I am grateful that I am dealing with these situations, and not things that are really pivotal, like dating, friends, teenage parties, driving, etc etc and I'll be wishing for the days of poopy TP in the trash can and such. SO am I a total maniac control freak or did they get off too easy?? I may never know for sure I guess.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Unplanned.....and a VIDEO!

I wasn't going to post anything,but since I'm on the upstairs computer with INSOMNIA tonight I figured what the heck, right?? FYI: Don't get terrible PMS and a milestone birthday on the same day, mmm'kay?? Ya. Anyway. I'm so ticked right now that I am not asleep, because I spent 2 hours today making a really good solid schedule of goals and routine that I am super excited about. And one of those MAJORLY important ones was start getting up early and getting my workouts in before the kids need to get up for school. This is the only time that is going to consistently work for me. And of course, tonight for the first time in months I CAN'T SLEEP! Hello I have to get up in like 4 hours!! I even took a 20 minute power nap and went to bed at a decent hour for a change to help myself acheive this goal, or at least get started off on the right foot. Geesh. So much for a plan. I don't care I am getting up anyway. Assuming I ever get to sleep.

Since it officially Wednesday, I wanted to wish my AMAZING husband Mark a happy 15th anniversary! I love this guy SO MUCH!! Seriously, he is the best!!!

I made this 2 years ago. I forgot all about it until yesterday, but I thought it was perfect for today. So many fun times!!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Birthday Recap

Sooooo it was the 6th anniversary of my 29th birthday today :D I will admit, my day started out pretty rough (sorry for the unload, mom :D) I was just feeling......very UNfantastic. You know, we just have these crazy ideals about how we want to be, what place we want to be in, whatever and I was just feeling very inadequate and a big failure in so many ways. Uncool. Especially since in reality my life is pretty great. But honestly, thats just the truth for today. Plus I tweaked my lower back somehow when I was taking off my pants this morning like some old rickety grandma, which was not helpful to my attitude. It still really hurts. SO after a few hours of crying and trying to pull it together, I decided I better get on with it and just distract myself, so I got out to Target with my gift card (thanks momma!!) and went for some retail therapy. LUCKily, I ran into some SUPER fun girls who seriously know how to party it up at Target and they really made me laugh and helped me find some cute stuff to wear. They are the Target ROCKSTARS! It was truly a tender mercy. Although according to reports, it was more like statistics, because they are there ALL the time!! LOL

SO I headed home to change into clothes that didn't accentuate my muffin top or backfat, which was a nice change from the norm, and then Mark and I headed out to Olive Garden to drown my sorrows in Chicken scampi and spinach artichoke dip. And everyone knows how fun Mark is to go out to lunch with :D

We headed back home just in time for the kids to get home from school, and I spent the rest of my day just chilling out and not doing much. Mark went and got me a cake and another Target card, which I will be thrilled to use for a little more "therapy" tomorrow :D He called in sick to work tonight to be home with me on my birthday, but I am SO tired I told him to just go ahead and go, I'm going to turn in early and all we would do is sit around and watch TV anyway. It was nice of him to offer though.

So now that the day is done, I'm here icing my back, and ready to turn it in. I am SO grateful to all my wonderful friends and family who lifted me up today, brought me treats and presents, and just plain showed me some love. I am TRULY one of the super luckiest, most blessed women on the planet, I just hope that this year I can do my fabulous life a little more justice and improve. I'm not sure why the emotions hit me so hard this time, I used to think that people who got upset over birthdays were so wierd, but I guess it happens to everybody at some point. I will be trying much harder to take advantage of every wonderful day I am given and do more good to myself and others with the blessings I do have. I have so many things about myslef to change and work on. hopefully it wont take another WHOLE 35 years to make some progress. I only have one more 35 year chunk of time left, I better get goal-setting!!!

Saturday, September 05, 2009

BABY SHOWER! Post 2 of 2

Entryway.......Sign in and see the baby who was too little to join the germy party


The cake....I tried homemade fondant this time so it would taste good.....and it DID!

Chicken salad croissants, layered green salad, and chinese chicken salad

These lamb cupcakes turned out SOOOO cute!! I love them!!

Finally got the cake pops to cooperate, keeping it simple really helped

Denise and I

I have had so much fun planning and executing my SIL Denise's baby shower. I love doing fun ideas I see on other sites and all that, but I never have the time to to try stuff for no reason just to practice, so when I get a chance I usually go a little overboard. It was hard work but WAY too much fun!! Thanks to everyone who came, it was a nice turnout especially for a holiday weekend, and thanks to Dianne and Nancy who were great help!

Next weeks projects: Miss Poppy's LLC is numero UNO priority and painting baby Logan's nursery. I will be attempting large vertical stripes. EEK!

Hey kids! post 1 of 2

Since my feet hurt so bad I can't walk, I was finally forced to sit down, and since it is only 7 p.m. I can't go to bed quite yet so I finally get to blog! Between working on my Popcorn business and getting this fun baby shower together along with my regular life I have been going at a breakneck pace lately. It has all been pretty fun though. Heres the rundown:

Popcorn. I was able to get a tiny bit of financing, so I got my LLC this week and my tax ID. Now I have to get about 10 other things in line, but I won't bore you with the details. I am really ready and now able to get this train rolling and start hopefully rolling in some dough. And more hard work of course :D

Kids. Kids are good.They are on a huge halloween costume kick, I' m so tired of it already! We are actually have been getting all the homework done without too much torture (even Cade!) and everyone is still liking school so far. I am doing Art Masterpiece for Coopers class so that should be fun. Cade is still on the DL for football, which totally stinks, especially since his team is really good this season and he has finally earned the position he wanted to play, but now he can't. He dislocated his shoulder and it has kept on hurting even after complete rest for 3 weeks, so we think somethign may be torn. I guess we will be going in for an MRI. yay. Sadie is singing in a trio for the primary program amd again in the stake primary choir for the dedication of our church building in a few weeks (yay new building!!)

Mark. Mark is great. He has been working out like a madman and eating better and is down about 30 lbs. He's looking really good,his work pants are getting too baggy. Brat. He is his usual crazy busy self, working as much as he can and being YM pres. Love em. Our 15 anniversary is this month, how insane is that??

What else have we been up to?? I had fun with my neice Raquel visiting. We went to Scottsdale Mall, Superstition mall, Sprinkles cupcakes, Oreganos, Aloha kitchen, played a lot of Settlers, practiced baking cake pops, made crepes with Nutella, berries and whipped cream, and plus she did stuff with her moms side of the family. We kept her pretty busy. It was fun to spend time together and get to know her better!

My sister is law Denise had her baby 5 weeks early. She was due the 25th of Sept. but had him 2 weeks ago. So there were a couple days of baby crazy stuff. He is super cute and even though he was early he was really healthy and was able to go home in 2 days. BIG shower post with lots of pictures is next post.

Thursday, September 03, 2009

No Time

I have SO much to post about, but no time. Mabye next week.