It was REALLY good and rich. YUM!
We also tried out some treats from Bakerella. These were good! Not as pretty as hers, but yummy.
Thursday was a great day, dinner went off well and even though it was a lot of work as usual I think it was a huge success! Here are the guys getting ready for some Turkey Bowl. They had a great time!
Emily and Sadie helping get things ready. I made homemade Cranberry sauce with cinnamon and mandarin was really yummy!! I'll be doing thisn one again! Em and Sadie the crazy girls are frying up the giblets (GAG) to eat. BLEH!!
After dinner we played a few games of Settlers and my awesome MIL took the kiddos to see a movie while we cleaned up (and played more Settlers :) and then........ my mom and Em took all the kids up to Thatcher (Mark had to work Thurs night-BOO), SO I had the house all to myself. It was really what I needed to decompress a bit after it all. I had to do some popcorn work Friday morning then I headed up to Thatcher myself and helped my mom start getting Christmas set up. It was hard becasue we were all still pretty tired, and we kept getting distracted with our crafting :D but we at least go the outside done and the tree up, lighted and decorated. Heres a couple fun things we made: Sign for Emily's dorm room
Gift for a friends grandbabys room
I SO wish I could show all the other fun things I've been working on, but I can't spoil any Christmas suprises. On the way home from Thatcher I stopped to show the kids these ADORABLE sheep and lambs. There were hundreds of little babies bleating and hopping around by their mommies. It was just too stinkin adorable!! We got back Sunday morning and it was back to reality. I actually did a little extra sleeping and recharging to get ready for the rest of the week which is shaping up to be really action packed.
Christmas Progress:
Presents for kids about 75% done and all wrapped and securely hidden.
Tomorrow I will be gathering supplies for a massive popcorn order and sampling I have scheduled for Saturday, and supplies for finishing up more projects that are orders and/or gifts.
Then I have a meeting, then.....DECORATING!