Monday, December 3, 2012

Where did the time go?

I haven't posted since May!! I didn't think its been that long. A lot has happened in just those few months!!
Gracie Pearl Frost came on June 20, 2012 weighing 6 lbs. 5 oz. 19 inches long!!!

It might not look like it in this picture, but Mercedez and Layla love their little sister!!

Its so crazy how time flies by!!! I love my girls!!!!!
Jamie gave Gracie a beautiful Baby Blessing and then we had a party afterwards with a lot of people over at our place!! It was a lot of fun!!

In August Mercedez started Preschool and Jamie started another semester!!!!

In September my Mom got engaged and I've been helping her plan everything. She will be married on Saturday, December 8th, 2012!!!!! I'm so excited for her!! Her fiance is awesome and treats her like a princess!!!!! These pictures were taken in the moment of it all!!!! I hope you enjoy!!

Well I hope you enjoyed looking at some recent pictures!!!! We have had a very busy few months with birthday parties, spending time with family, and many other things that have come up.

Here are 2 more picture that I had to add of the girls loving on Gracie!!!! Have a great day!!!!!!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Catching Up

We have been pretty busy with the girls and having family time. Well Jamie got through another semester of school with the last part on crutches. He got hurt at work and doing much better thanks to physical therapy. We are proctor parents for a 17 year old which she has been a real blessing having her around to help me out with the girls. I am now 34 weeks pregnant and ready to not be pregnant anymore, but I do love those kicks that I feel. We are still trying to find a name for another princess, but we have gone through a lot of names. If you can think of any unique names let us know. We will also be moving into a house pretty soon if everything works out.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

We are still here!!!

I have not updated this since February! I finally sat down and figured out how to do this on my IPhone!!! Jamie surprised me with it around March. Then in April Layla turned 1 and we had a small party for her. Jamie switched jobs in May. He is less stressed now and he works 5 minutes away. He's also a Supervisor now!! In June he surprised me yet again with a Kitchen Aid and a lot of extra attachments. I love it!! It was a early birthday present. For my birthday in July we went to dinner. Then in August Mercedez turned 3 and got a Princess bike. School also started for Jamie. In September we celebrated Jamie's Birthday. We surprised him with a Transformers cake that he loved!! There was also plenty of trips to the park, swimming pool, and going on walks. We had a very nice summer!! I am going to just add a bunch of pictures!! I hope everyone is doing well!!!!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Catch Up

Layla is rolling everywhere instead of crawling, but she was taking steps with Mercedez's baby doll stroller!!!!!!!!

These two look so different, but Mercedez absolutely adores Layla!

Our FIRST family picture since Layla has been born. That is really sad.

Mercedez showing a picture of Jamie on the phone.

Layla being herself!!

Mercedez loves playing dress-up

I look so goofy!!

We have just been really busy since Christmas and moving...........across the hall! LOL It's a bigger place. The girls love having their own bedrooms!! It's so much easier with more space. Jamie went back to school and he is very busy between that and work. Mercedez is a busy body until Despicable Me or Woody (Toy Story3) is on. She loves watching movies. She also loves to trade toys with Layla. She figured out that she can't just take Layla's toys away. She has to trade before she starts screaming. She has also been "The Big Sister" telling Layla no no. It's really cute!! Layla is all over the floor. She was walking with Mercedez's baby doll stroller the other day! They grow up way too fast! I am just trying to keep up with everything that's been going on. Hopefully I will start posting more often. Goodbye for now!

Friday, December 3, 2010


For Thanksgiving we were going to stay home and have our own, but the night before Blaine (my younger brother) begged us to go over to their place and join them. So we did just that! It was a lot of fun!!! There was a lot of really good food including my home made pumpkin pie that I was very proud of and green bean casserole, that Jamie begged me to make. Anyway on Saturday Mercedez and I went to Christmas in the Country in Parowan to see Santa. The night before she cried for an hour for Santa. It was really cute!! Anyhow she loved seeing Santa and she didn't cry at all which I was so surprised, but she did freeze up. She loves Santa so much and talks about him all the time.

Mercedez has become a Daddy's Girl so much since he has been so busy. They are so cute! Everyday she asks where he is and she repeats my answers. She is growing up so fast!! Last night I told her we need to brush her teeth of course she said no. Then I repeated myself and her response was "No I says." I have no idea were she gets the things she comes up with.

Layla is already 7 months old!!! She is sitting up now and getting on all fours, but she gets so frustrated at herself. She is trying really hard to follow Mercedez, but she can't crawl so just cries and then Mercedez comes back. They are so cute with each other.

Jamie is almost done with finals!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And we are so happy to have him around more. We are excited for Christmas and celebrating Christ's birth!!!!!! Well Happy Holidays and I hope everyone stays warm!!!!!!!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


These are just some recent pictures of the girls. Mercedez and Layla adore each other and I didn't have any pictures of both of them. Mercedez is always wanting to hold Layla and kiss her. Whenever Layla is crying, Mercedez will go up to her and say,"Sissy your alright!" It is the cutest thing ever!!!! Well I hope you like the pictures.

P.S. For Halloween we stayed home and passed candy out. The girls got the nasty cold that is going around last week and they are finally starting to get rid of it. Saturday night Jamie talked me into watching Paranormal Activity and then we didn't sleep the next 2 nights. I was so freaked out that I kept him up and now he understands why I don't watch scary movies. He even said that he will never let me watch one. Hope everyone enjoyed Halloween!!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

September/October Update

For the past 8 days I have been potty training Mercedez. It has been a lot better this time. Last time was a nightmare and she wasn't ready. This time she is doing awesome and telling me when she needs to go which is a big help!! The stickers and mini M&M's work so good!!! Anyhow, Jamie has been very busy between school and work. He is doing awesome in all of his classes and meeting a lot of friends. Which before he started school and work he didn't know very many people. So he is very social these days. Layla is eating a lot of food and doesn't care too much about her bottle anymore, but we will keep trying. She is trying to sit up by herself and is really talking these days. Most of the time she tries to be louder than Mercedez, but it just turns into screaming from both of them. I am just keeping busy with 2 kids and trying to keep things in order at home. Well that is our boring little update!!!!