Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Can I Pretend that winter is not coming?

I can't believe that Christmas is a month away and each day I expect it to be warm enough for shorts. I really hate the winter, and I have tried each year to pretend that it's not cold, but for some reason this year it is working. Maybe it's the sun shining outside. I don't like coats, shoes and socks, being cold, having the kids inside all day etc. etc. etc. When I was younger I skied a lot and that made up for the miserable winter, but that's not as easy now. There's always next year. St. George sounds better each day. Better Yet...Mexico. I am going to start house shopping today, and I am going to have to brush up on my Spanish.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Finally a good interview...

You're sure to giggle, especially about the part where he says he can't act:) Josh, don't worry this too shall pass. I am getting geared up to finish up the sisterhood of the traveling pants series next. http://www.twilightthesoundtrack.com/index.php This is Hayley Williams from Paramore and Rob Pattinson who also wrote a song for the soundtrack.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Here Here to Emily Kennard Tyndall

I went to H.S. with this girl and she made this Twilight inspired song/video and it is on You Tube. She submitted it to the Movie Producers but never heard back from them and is trying to get 1,000,000 hits on You Tube. So give it a looksee. It's pretty good for a girl from Sandy. (PS she was also in Napolean Dynamite)

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Anybody wanna race?

The draper Utah Human Race is on thanksgiving and 50% of proceeds go to Utah food bank, and 50% go to LDS Humanitarian Services. It starts at 8:00 AM. It's a great way to start off your eating holiday, not to mention a great way to give back.
Register at http://www.utahhumanrace.org/

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Peer Pressure

I can't believe that she had the nerve to let Vickie be on the show one more week! She totally caved to the peer pressure that she got from sending home somebody on her own team last week. Vickie doesn't deserve to be on the show, she is so horrible to watch, she is making Heba seem like a breath of fresh air. She was such a coward last night. She should have never apologized and just kept fighting for herself. I am going to hate to see it when Vickie votes her off next week...she had her chance. GO MICHELLE AND RENEE! Josh is no longer watching the show after last night...It's going to be a long 2 hours while I watch it by myself. Too bad we can't vote like American Idol.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Happy Birthday

I love you Happy Birthday,

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Happy Birthday Momma...

This is b-day week in my family, My mom's is Tuesday, and mine is Thursday. We had a party for my mom's bday tonight, that consisted of Chicken, Funeral Potatoes (No pun intended),Green Salad, Breadsticks, Cake and Ice Cream...Then for the party part, we had a rousing game of hide and seek, actually 2 games of hide and seek. Then all the primary age kids sang their program songs and the big boys wresteled. Marcus is going to beat them all someday.

Friday, November 7, 2008