Monday, June 28, 2010

Our guests

Last Wednesday I noticed that there was a bird that kept flying around our front porch. So I checked our vine and found a nest with 3 eggs. Thursday there were 4 eggs, Friday there were 6 and today there are 7 eggs. Momma won't let me take a picture of her. We can look at her, but as soon as the camera comes out, she takes off. Some mom....she abandons her 7 unborn children every time there is a technological threat? She is pretty tiny, I wonder how long it takes for those eggs to develop, I can't imagine her carrying them around all at once. I'll keep you updated and post pictures of the babies, hopefully they make it, because I don't want to post any pictures of dead birds on the internet.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

It's a GIRL!

I had the ultrasound yesterday and after everything checked out ok, which I was very took the ultrasound tech an extra 1/2 hour of prodding to get us "the shot". It is for sure a girl, she said; "ok, this isn't the best picture but you are looking at it right here"...I couldn't tell what I was looking at, but that is the first signal that it was a girl, then after some more prodding we got a very good shot and we are excited to be having our first girl. I don't know how I feel about it...the whole thing weirds me out a little. I don't know what I am going to do with a girl. I hope she likes Mountain Biking and Running...I need a good running partner. I am sure I'll kiss her and snuggle her as much as my rowdy boys and I am looking forward to it. It will be good for the boys to learn how to treat girls and they are both very excited. Makay doesn't really get what is going on, but my mom bought a cute little girl outfit and he has been carrying it around saying "for the baby". This a picture of me at 20 weeks, for posterity's sake by Milo the photographer.
I think I am going to make a large necklace that says "I am not due till November" so I don't get those dreaded "Wow, you're huge" comments. Ya, somebody really said that to me.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Where have you been?

Watching my expanding waisteline, on a hunt for food that I can gag down, all while being overwhelmed with non-family related responsibilities. One of those responsibilities was generously handed to another willing individual; and now I have energy to document the events and non-events of my life. I have a pre-natal ultrasound today, hoping everything is ok, and if it is...anxious to find out what it is. I am going to Lake Powell next week, so I am going to do some arm exercises so my arms don't look so flabby in a swimsuit...You can get firm arms in a week can't you? Well, at least I'll have something to show for how I spent my time today.