Tuesday 28 July 2015

Blog offer - Kirtsie's Handmade Fair - a pair of Full Experienced Tickets!

Kirstie's Handmade Fair is happening again this September 18th - 20th at Hampton Court Palace and I've been given a pair of 'Full Experienced Tickets' to give away to one of my blog followers. I shall pick one lucky winner at the end of August (so you can treat a friend) - to be in with a chance of winning, please leave a comment below as to why you'd love to come to the event.

The winner is Wendy Freeman! Please can you email me! If I don't hear by 11th Sept then I'll choose another!

Thursday 23 July 2015

Cardboard Mobile with Jane Foster and daughter Polly

Today is the first day of Polly's school holiday so I asked her if she wanted to do some painting in the garden. As usual, the project evolved into something completely unexpected! She wanted to make a mobile! Initially I thought she was just wanting to paint some scraps of cardboard I had in the studio but then it became apparent she had a good idea to make a mobile for her room. We found the wire in Jim's shed and bent the ends over to slot through small pencil holes at the top of each cut out design.
2 owls and 2 hearts.

Thursday 16 July 2015

Toy workshop at Foyles in Bristol - Jane Foster

Do any of you live in Bristol? I'm coming to Foyles bookshop on Thursday 27th August 2-3pm to run a short workshop on decorating simple stuffed toys. Places are for children ages 5-10 and need to come with an adult. Prices are £3 each and can be booked here - http://bit.ly/1K7unO8

Tuesday 14 July 2015

My Trimma Cabinet Obsession - Frank Guille for Kandya - Jane Foster

Those of you that have followed my blog over the years will know of my obsession with vintage formica and my love of 60s Kandya units designed by Frank Guille. Frank studied with Robin Day at the London College of furniture and I first bought his Trimma cabinet (sideboard) when I was living in Brighton, years ago. You can see here it has followed me from house to house! Until recently I owned two Trimma sideboards - I had the one shown here in the first photo too but sadly had to sell it due to a house move and no-where to put it. A few weeks ago I bought the taller version  -  it arrived in such a sad state that I had no choice but to renovate and paint it - there was no way it was going to clean up. It's lost it's original flap down door but is going to make a fab book case / cabinet for all my vintage children's books and boxes of vintage picture dominoes. If you scroll down, you can see work in progress on it. The sliding doors are the original colour and although a bit faded, will remain this colour, as will the birch ply edging and drawers. I shall show the final version when it's finished!

Friday 26 June 2015

Pretty Patches Magazine Feature - Jane Foster

This morning I received my copy of Pretty Patches Magazine Issue 14 and was so happy to see a 6 page feature on me. It's one of the best features and interviews I've had in a magazine as it really reflects the true 'me' behind me! Here are some snap shots.

Saturday 20 June 2015

Today's screen printing course - Jane Foster

Had a fabulous day today running another screen printing course at Harbour House, here in Kingsbridge. I was amazed at how prolific and creative the four students were - all total beginners! Here are a few snap shots of the day and some of the prints and bags that were screen printed.
Thank you for making today a really fun one! x

Monday 15 June 2015

My collaboration for Miffy's 60th Birthday - Jane Foster

I've been commissioned to make 60 Miffy items to celebrate Miffy's 60th Birthday on 21st June 2015. Here are some of my 60 handmade items I've been making here in my studio over the past few months. These will be available to buy on Sunday 21st June 9am onwards (UK time) from my website here.
I've made 20 limited edition purses, bags and cushion covers.