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Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Where did you go?

Yes, I realize it has been a year since my last post!
No, I am not apologizing for that or saying I will be better at blogging... truth is I don't blog stalk like I once did and it seems as though others aren't updating like they once did either. I won't make excuses I just don't use the internet as much any more and never think to update the blog!

But if anyone still reads my ramblings then here we go for a year recap!

August of 2010-
We moved again! We really like our cul de sac and have great neighbors. B loves our little neighbor and frequently wants to be at their home instead of ours! B is starting to really walk and is enjoying her independence.

September 2010-
B's first real injury happened as a result of unsteady legs! She fell and hit her head on the corner of the metal air return and had to have her head glued shut. It was a bit traumatic for Daddy to see of the blood but Momma is used to all of that stuff and put a rag on it and took B into the doctor.

October 2010-
B was a ladybug for Halloween and was THE cutest little ladybug that ever graced this planet! We didn't take her out trick or treating but visited all of her Grandma's and Grandpa's which was more fun anyway at her age.

November 2010-
We celebrated Daddy's birthday and Thanksgiving.

December 2010-
We celebrated Mommy's birthday and her favorite holiday, Christmas!! We loved the time spent with family and friends while watching snow fall and sipping hot cocoa.

January 2011-
Daddy began another semester at school and is so so busy! B is talking more and more and making us laugh each day. She is discovering so much and growing up too fast.

February 2011-
We celebrated Valentine's Day together at home. B and I made Daddy dinner and then made pink snicker doodle cookies for our loved ones. B now is in nursery at church and loves going to play with the kids!

March 2011-
B is loving the brief walks in her stroller and going "out" whenever possible. Nursery is no longer B's favorite part about Sundays. We celebrate St. Patricks Day in the out patient surgical center getting tubes in B's ears. We hope this will be an answer to prayers so she can stop getting such frequent ear infections!

April 2011-
B was so excited to help plant flowers and get dirty! She loves playing at the park and being in the swing. She talks constantly, mostly in her own little language that cracks us up constantly.

May 2011-
We celebrated our 4th Anniversary by staying home being sick. Yuck! B was very sick with a fever of 105 that sent us to the doctor 4 times in 3 days. B mimics almost everything now so we have to be careful what we say. I was annoyed one day and said "Oh, crap!" B picked right up on that started saying it. Luckily she has forgotten the "oh, crapt" phrase! While sick we asked her what she needed and she said "a Pepsi!" Grandma frequently says that she needs a Pepsi so we are sure this is where she picked it up. It made us laugh so hard.

June 2011-
We celebrated Art City Days by going to the parade with all of our cousins. B loved waving to the horses. She saw her doctor and was jumping while yelling to him! She also loved watching the hot air balloons as we sat on the porch one morning. We took a trip to the Aquarium and made it through the entire thing in about 20 minutes as she was excited and running from one fish to the other. Her favorite part was picking out a little toy in the gift shop! She chose a purple purse with a pink dolphin inside. She is into all the girlie things from purses, bracelets, painting her toenails to skirts and necklaces. She has to have at least 2 purses whenever we leave the house full of little dolls, bracelets and toys. She is such a hoot!

July 2011-
Mommy started the month off by getting her wisdom teeth out... it is not so fun but eating ice cream multiple times a day is! We also are excited to celebrate B's 2nd birthday. Yeah! The party plans are underway and I am having a lot of fun planning a party for her once again. I'm sure the next post will be about her birthday party once again! I'll work on picking out pictures to add soon.... we'll on second thought I make no promise!

Thursday, July 22, 2010


Sassy turned ONE a week ago today! She is such a funny and sassy little one. Here are a few fun pictures from her birthday zoo trip and BBQ birthday party! All of the pictures are out of order though.... I would change them but I'm sitting on a stool next to Sassy while she takes a bath!

Sassy loved having some of her balloons from her party tag along with her!
She got wrapped up in them and went into the play room.

She DISTROYED her cake! Only had like 3 little tastes of it but completely distroyed both layers of cake!

One little taste and the cake is 3/4 way through!

Getting her hands in it to really make a mess!

Birthday Sassy!

Mmmm.... Do I want to eat this or not? First taste of cake!

Opening presents was fun! She LOVED the tissue paper!

One of my favorite parts of her party was the candy buffet!! I forgot to take another picture of it once I brought out the chocolate items though.

Aunt Katie, Grandma Jane, Shelby and Uncle taylor coming down the birthday walk!

Princess B and Aunt Cole!

Checking out her chair that Papa made while holding the balloons for the sign in & gift table.

Dirty homelss Orphan looking B helping us in her jammies while we set up the party!

My attempt at making B's first birthday cake!

Crazy hair B in the tubby after her party! I love how crazy her hair gets when we take out her piggies!

Showing Maama her elephant from the zoo!
Eating some Dippin' Dots birthday ice cream with Daddy at the zoo.

Excited to see the elephants!

Going into the zoo for B's FIRST BIRTHDAY!

Monday, May 31, 2010

Over load.....

So much has happened in the last 3 months! Nothing too exciting but life is always busy and I seem to start a post and then stop for this or that and never get around to finishing the post that I started. I decided with Summer here I would be better at blogging. This isn't to say I will do it daily or even weekly, but I hope to atleast do it monthly! So here we go to recap a bit of what has gone on in our lives since my last post in March. Pictures are not in a very good order - but to switch them so they are would be a huge pain..... and I don't have time for that! ;)

Tiny started moving around more in her crib now and likes to sleep on her side.

Easter time and all of the cousins playing the piano. Some are hiding behind others but all of the cousins are in this picture besides Baby Lady who was sleeping!
Easter egg hunt at Ma'ama's and Pappa's house! Tiny discovering how fun it is to play with the Easter eggs!

Tiny meeting cousins Sophie and Livy (who live in Ohio) for the first time! It was early in the morning at Aunt Tine's house where we were all the girls were waiting our turn in the beauty chair! Either to get our hair cut, colored or eyebrow waxing!
Livy forgot her hair bow one day so I put it on Miss. Tiny... She looked rather cute with that huge flower on her head! I need to get her one just like it.
Tiny loved Livy right from the start! Livy knows 'head, shoulders, knees and toes' in Japanese and would sing it to Tiny... It made her laugh which brought on an encore!

Papa introducting Tiny to one of his baby bunnies!
She liked it okay but really liked to watch all of the bunnies in their cage better.
Tiny playing toys and just being C U T E!

Holding her first baby puff snack stick in her hand...
They now are one of her favorite things to eat.

Going through a period of time when she would only drink from her sippy cup if Daddy was holding it.

Taking a taste of her sting ray toy.

Picking out some toys at the Living Planet Aquarium...
A blue sting ray and an orange jelly fish!

Daddy and Tiny before we leave for the Aquarium.

Momma and Tiny.

Not the best family picture... At the aquarium for Spring Break in March.

Papa playing with the babies.

Sassy being sad in one of her cute Easter dresses.

In April we went to the baby animal birthday party at Thanksgiving Point.
Frassy LOVED IT!! Daddy took her on the little cow train ride.

Momma and Tiny by some pretty flowers.

Checking out the animals.

April 24, 2010

Tiny got her first tooth on March 24, 2010.
You can see just the tip of it poking up in her mouth!

Momma and Tiny after a walk.

Tiny helping me organize and cut out some coupons.
This girl LOVES paper, it kept her occupied for a long time! Tiny in her pink Easter dress. Due to Easter being on General Conference weekend
I went the week after to buy her an Easter dress. My plan worked out great!
I got 2 super cute dresses for less than the original price of just one of the dress!!
That's an awesome deal to me.

Checking out her Easter Basket -
the eggs were left in the package on purpose. She loves to play with the plastic package so I decided not to fill them but let her play with it.

Happy Easter 2010.

At Ma'ama and Papa's Easter egg hunt!

On April 27th I got a new camera.... Since then I have taken over 5,000 pictures!
The quality is amazing and I'm so glad we have a really nice camera to document
all the fun things Sassy is up to!
Sassy tasting some paper.
Daddy trying to be happy as I test out the camera the morning after I got it.

Check out her hair! It is growing and growing!

Mother's Day 2010 - I love you to pieces Tiny!
Tiny got her second tooth the same day!
For our 3rd Anniversary Jared got me a dozen pink roses.
They were all so big and pretty! I loved to just sit & stare at them.
Tiny getting her first guitar lesson from Daddy!
Daddy & Tiny playing Zeus!
(Yes, Jared names his guitars...)

Tiny's first little piggy tail May 5th!
You can see the little curl on top to the left touching the little bow.
May 04, 2010
We celebrated our 3rd Anniversary in Salt Lake.
This was my first night away from Miss. Tiny!

Tiny getting ready to take a nap.
She likes to play with her hair now and pull it!
More test pictures with the new camera!
She sucks on her lip all the time! Silly girl.

Tiny outside - swinging the morning away.
I don't know where she found this little indian toy but she loves it!
I'm sure she swiped it from her cousins at some point!
She sticks her finger in the little hole in the back from the feather head dress thing.

She points now all the time! This time it was at the door as Daddy was coming home in the morning from work.
Here she is playing with 2 of her favorite toys - the little green indian and an empty bottle of body wash.... she loves all kinds of bottles!

Playing by Papa's chair.
She crawled under Papa's chair & put her feet up!
She knows what to do with a recliner!
Emptying her toy bag & throwing the toys to the right!
She always tosses them to the right.

Messy milkie face!
Tiny loves her gungee! She also loves her swing.
The two together makes for an awesome nap!
Tiny trying on her swimming suit for the first time!
She did this little pose all on her own. What a cutie!!

Happy 10 month Birthday girl! Swining on her 10 Month Birthday.
Tiny rearranging the little chairs on her 9 month birthday!
This is the little outfit we gave her on her one month birthday.

Good Morning B!
Yelling at the ducks on Memorial Day.
Eating bread while feeding the ducks.
Here is some bread ducks!
Her sad face after Daddy helped her throw her bread to the ducks!
Apparently giving the ducks HER bread was not what she had in mind.
Memorial Day picnic and feeding the ducks 2010
After a bath in her duck towel.
Eating breakfast and pointing...
She is always pointing!

Mmmm... Pears!
Off to explore...
Stopping to play with the table & chairs!
Tasting her toothbrush while reading her new Sea book.
Wahoo! It's so fun to brush my teeth!
Tiny asleep in my arms. This doesn't happen too often any more.
B started "crawling" in May. She doesn't get up on her hands and knees but does like an army type crawl. She goes all over now and is so quick! She mostly moves her left leg and right arm.

She is always doing a funny face when she gets spoon fed.... One of my favorite pictures! This face was for pears.
However she had a lot of bites and really enjoyed them after the first few bites! Our beautiful bright eyed girl!
Opening the drawers is a new discovery she has made.
She also can reach inside and throw things!
Along with cool new discoveries come sad consequences.
Like shutting your fingers in the drawer!
B's sad face after she shut her fingers in the drawer!