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Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Just a sink full of dishes....

So I had this great idea that we should invite my sister and her family over for dinner.  Well it was more of  her idea after hearing her say "When are you going to make that for me to try!" On more than one occasion she has said then when talking to me when I have been making dinner.  So I checked her planner last week and wrote myself in as her dinner appointment tonight!  I called her this morning to remind her and we were set.  I invited my parents over as well.  

While talking to Breanne today we decided that we need to spend more time with our families.  Life is too precious to let it go by without spending time together, while making memories and documenting this time in your life. 

Anyway, they all come over for dinner tonight.  It was delicious.... the company was nice... the kids were so funny.... and all I have to show for it is a sink of dirty dishes! (That I am not complaining about.  Jared has a new rule for himself that he does the dishes for me on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.  Well my friends.... IT IS WEDNESDAY!! Yeah for me:)

I didn't take a single picture.  I am so mad at myself.  That is an important part in the documenting process! So I guess now I need a repeat dinner date with the family so I can take some pictures of the night spent together. Better luck next time!