So last night Amy was working late, she decided to help out the school where she used to teach and she's covering for an instructor on maternity leave for a while, so I'm home alone, which is rarely a good thing. As I alternate between watching the first NFL game of the season and a pretty one sided OSU vs AZ matchup, someone starts texting me. And here's how after about 12 hours I finally got him to stop, and it was also a little fun too.
Random unknown guy texts me at about 8pm last night:
"Hey its carson, where do you want to go"
I choose to ignore this. I've had this number for two years and I still get all kinds of random calls. I'm still waiting for a good one, like, "hey your phone number just one a new car" or something.
5 Min later he hits me again with this,
"We have no minutes, where are you im on redwood and 3100" (to preserve the experience I'm sharing his spelling and lack of punctuation as it came to me)
Again I choose to ignore.
Then at 12:11 am
"Is it to late to hook?"
I ignore, but only because I'm sleeping. Because I obviously know what it means "to hook."
2 minutes later, he calls me. What--he magically got some minutes? Luckily I slept through it or I would be ticked at Carson, whoever he is.
Then at 12:17 am
"I'll pay extra since its after hours if you can. I know I said I wouldn't make a habit of hittin ya up late so my bad but I can be there quick if you can."
I didn't see the overnight messages and the missed call until this morning. I have a generic voice message so he still doesn't know that I'm not who he thinks I am. I still don't know if he thinks I'm a guy or a girl, but it really sounds like something illegal is going on. So, naturally, I'm ready to respond.
This morning at 10:36 am.
"Hey bro can you meet?"
Now I'm both sick of Carson's messages, and completely unable to resist the temptation to pretend to be someone I'm
I think about what to say, and how I can phrase it so that one, he gets scared, and two, hopefully he never calls or texts again. Here's what I came up with.
10:41 am I text him back.
"Sorry man. Cops raided everything last night. This number isn't safe. Don't use it anymore."
And that's how I got Carson to stop texting me. :)
"Hey its carson, where do you want to go"
I choose to ignore this. I've had this number for two years and I still get all kinds of random calls. I'm still waiting for a good one, like, "hey your phone number just one a new car" or something.
5 Min later he hits me again with this,
"We have no minutes, where are you im on redwood and 3100" (to preserve the experience I'm sharing his spelling and lack of punctuation as it came to me)
Again I choose to ignore.
Then at 12:11 am
"Is it to late to hook?"
I ignore, but only because I'm sleeping. Because I obviously know what it means "to hook."
2 minutes later, he calls me. What--he magically got some minutes? Luckily I slept through it or I would be ticked at Carson, whoever he is.
Then at 12:17 am
"I'll pay extra since its after hours if you can. I know I said I wouldn't make a habit of hittin ya up late so my bad but I can be there quick if you can."
I didn't see the overnight messages and the missed call until this morning. I have a generic voice message so he still doesn't know that I'm not who he thinks I am. I still don't know if he thinks I'm a guy or a girl, but it really sounds like something illegal is going on. So, naturally, I'm ready to respond.
This morning at 10:36 am.
"Hey bro can you meet?"
Now I'm both sick of Carson's messages, and completely unable to resist the temptation to pretend to be someone I'm
I think about what to say, and how I can phrase it so that one, he gets scared, and two, hopefully he never calls or texts again. Here's what I came up with.
10:41 am I text him back.
"Sorry man. Cops raided everything last night. This number isn't safe. Don't use it anymore."
And that's how I got Carson to stop texting me. :)