Friday, September 9, 2011

How to get someone to stop texting you

So Hilarie has become a blogging machine, and since there are a lot of people going through withdrawals over a lack of posts here, and also since Amy is still in denial about where she lives, I'm just going to have to post our first entry in over two years.

So last night Amy was working late, she decided to help out the school where she used to teach and she's covering for an instructor on maternity leave for a while, so I'm home alone, which is rarely a good thing. As I alternate between watching the first NFL game of the season and a pretty one sided OSU vs AZ matchup, someone starts texting me. And here's how after about 12 hours I finally got him to stop, and it was also a little fun too.

Random unknown guy texts me at about 8pm last night:
"Hey its carson, where do you want to go"

I choose to ignore this. I've had this number for two years and I still get all kinds of random calls. I'm still waiting for a good one, like, "hey your phone number just one a new car" or something.

5 Min later he hits me again with this,

"We have no minutes, where are you im on redwood and 3100" (to preserve the experience I'm sharing his spelling and lack of punctuation as it came to me)

Again I choose to ignore.

Then at 12:11 am

"Is it to late to hook?"

I ignore, but only because I'm sleeping. Because I obviously know what it means "to hook."

2 minutes later, he calls me. What--he magically got some minutes? Luckily I slept through it or I would be ticked at Carson, whoever he is.

Then at 12:17 am

"I'll pay extra since its after hours if you can. I know I said I wouldn't make a habit of hittin ya up late so my bad but I can be there quick if you can."

I didn't see the overnight messages and the missed call until this morning. I have a generic voice message so he still doesn't know that I'm not who he thinks I am. I still don't know if he thinks I'm a guy or a girl, but it really sounds like something illegal is going on. So, naturally, I'm ready to respond.

This morning at 10:36 am.

"Hey bro can you meet?"

Now I'm both sick of Carson's messages, and completely unable to resist the temptation to pretend to be someone I'm

I think about what to say, and how I can phrase it so that one, he gets scared, and two, hopefully he never calls or texts again. Here's what I came up with.

10:41 am I text him back.

"Sorry man. Cops raided everything last night. This number isn't safe. Don't use it anymore."

And that's how I got Carson to stop texting me. :)

Friday, July 17, 2009

Baby Shower

Our friends, Josh and Belinda, are having their first baby. Baby girl is due in August and I'm sure she will be adorable. Our ward had a baby shower for her this week and here are just a couple pictures.
What a cute cake.
Belinda and I right before she cute the cake.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

The Rock Tenor

One of the things we love most about living in Philly is there is sooooo much to do. Jaron gets an email every week from and they tell you about all the deals going on in the area. He came home one night really excited about a concert downtown called "Rock Tenor". The creator of this show was one of the original creators of TSO (who we are huge fans of). So we decided to try it out.
We left a little early because you NEVER know how the traffic is going to be. Traffic was great so we arrived at the concert a little early. Jaron has been wanting me to try out a place called Cosi, so we decided to go and get some food.
Can you believe it? They have s'mores on the menu, it was so fun! And very delicious.
And they also had Italian FAVORITE!!

You can't really take pictures in the theater, but we snuck this one before it started. It was a fun night and we're definitely fans of the "Rock Tenor".

Monday, July 6, 2009

We'll miss you Annie...

We received the sad news last night that adorable little Annie had to be put to sleep. She was diagnosed with cancer a little over a month ago and was expected to live up to 9 more months, sadly she became sick very quickly and didn't make it through the weekend. Annie, we've loved having you in our house and we will miss you and your sweet personality. Bianca will miss her best puppy friend. Our thoughts and prayers are with Annie's family at this difficult time.
We love you Annie.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Sweet Land of Liberty

We decided to go to one of our favorite places this past weekend...Gettysburg. The only picture we took was of Battlefield Fries, we eat here every time we visit. Every year they do the Gettysburg Battle Re-enactment and it's so fun to go and see everyone dressed up, I love this little town.
We only spent the day in Gettysburg and came home that night so we could celebrate the 4th of July in our cute little town with our friends. We spent the day swimming at the Malstrom's and then met up with Mike and the boys that night for fireworks. The boys had these cool glowsticks that you could build into things. Aspen is wearing his baseball cap that was so cute.

Here's a picture of Mike with the boys, they were very excited to see the fireworks.

And here is Jaron and I waiting for the fun to start!

Happy 4th of July everyone.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

You will be missed...

I was lucky enough to grow up in a household of music and dancing...because of this I have always been a fan of Michael Jackson. Whether you were a fan or not, you have to admit that he helped shape the music industry and was an amazing dancer and performer. What a sad day.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009


While we were in Utah we stayed with Jaron's younger brother Landon. He was nice enough to give us his bed, his car, whatever we needed. Thank you Landon, you're the best! Landon and his roommates have adopted a little dog named Bella. Jaron and I loved her, although she made us miss Bianca.
Bella and I snuggling after Jaron and I gave her a bath.
Jaron and Bella playing before we had to leave for the airport.
I have a "hair lady" I absolutely LOVE. Her name is Tanana Adams and she is amazing! Whenever we go to Utah I make sure to schedule an appointment with her. She wanted me to make sure and say that this picture was taken after she had been working an 8 hr. day. Funny story: so my mom really wanted me to schedule her an appointment with Tanaca while I was there and Tan was nice enough to fit her in. Then that morning my dad said he needed to get a hair cut also, so he came too. Then my little sis decided her hair looked horrible after a 12 hr. drive from Sammamish (they drove straight to the studio). So Tanaca's apprentice washed and styled her hair. Needless to say, my whole family (minus Craig) was in the studio. Jaron and Landon even came in for awhile and chatted. So funny! We seriously took up the whole waiting area of the studio, and we had 3 stylist working on us. Thanks Tanaca! You're awesome!

Pic of me and Jenn enjoying the sunshine.We were so happy to meet up with the Bischoff's. They moved over here a few years back and Lincoln and Jaron worked together. They ended up moving back to Utah and we've missed them! Lincoln just got excepted to MBA school in Chicago, so hopefully we'll get to go and visit them there.

I have more pics to put in this post, but I'm waiting for the pics from Landon. More to come soon...