About me, my family and anything scrap related

Friday, May 23, 2014

Skissedilla Sketch

Good evening peeps.

I am just settling in for a bit of a scrappy night but wanted to share a page I created for the sketch at Skissedilla this month.

It looks like a great grungy page so I challenged myself to create a pretty one instead.

Do you remember making daisy chains? I loved it as a girl and it was so much fun showing the kids how to make them. I just couldn't remember how to "tie" them together properly so we just improvised and had to be careful they didn't fall apart.

Have a great night and hopefully you are scrapping too.



  1. You are back, totally with this page....just ADORE the sort of vintage-pretty-grunge look....it's fabulous. And daisy chains were a BIG part of our growing up....& the rhyme 'He loves me, he loves me not...' As we plucked off the petals, too;)!!!! Enjoy your scrappy night :):)

  2. I love this so soft and pretty

  3. This is SO BEAUTIFUL Jas... This reminded me of the days sitting in the park with a couple of friends for hours making daisy chains!

  4. Wow this is stunning, so much to find on your back ground.. gorgeous photo.. really love this..

  5. How fresh and spring like is this page? Love the MM background with delightful things to unpack and discover. A sweet photo and a trip down memory lane with the daisy chain. Gorgeous :D

  6. Soft and feminine Jas.. Love the vintage doily half dyed, and sweet embellie pick up with the yellow flowers directing to your gorgeous little girls flower chain.... Love it.

  7. Stunning page, Jasmine! Loving that sweet picture! Gorgeous background work and layering!

  8. Oh wow Jas - this is sensational! I LOVE it!
