Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Here is a fun picture that was taken over the holidays. 3 of the 4 Tracy boys with all of their girls. L to R = Nate & Carolina (she was born 2 weeks after Rea), Jason & Reagan, Dan & Olivia ( she was born almost 2 months before Rea). I can't wait for these girls to have a ton of fun together at family gatherings!

Sledding Time

We have a great place to sled on our property. Jason made a fun hill for the boys to go down. Grandpa & Grandma came out one day to join in on the fun. Tanner was the master of the hill. He was fearless on the tube which is very out of character for him.
Grandma and the boys climbing back up the hill.
Seth's face cracks me up!

I love this pic, tanner just chillin out!

New Years

I don't know why I am so horrible at blogging! I really am going to try and do better in 2011. This year we just stayed home and played with the kiddos on New Years. We played hide-and-seek-butt-whoop! This is the boys absolute favorite game to play. It is the same as hide-and-seek but when you are found the person looking for you gets to spank you. Don't ask!

Seth hiding in Sis' crib.
Reagan with our family friend Andrew. Sissy's 1st New Years kiss, not bad huh?

Justin looking so old.

Tanner excited while looking for everyone.
2010 was a great year and we are looking forward to all of the fun times that 2011 has to bring!

Real Food

So, Sissy Mushu loves food! I was trying to get the traditional 1st food experience caught on camera, you know, the one where they have a disgusted look on their face and they are spitting it out! Not this little girl! She loved the nasty stuff. By the way, this is about a month ago (just a little behind on the blogging :). I love her little grin!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Christmas 2010

This Christmas was a ton of fun. We even had Uncle Nate, Aunt Scarlett, and cousin Carolina come cross country to spend the holidays with us. The kids were so much fun to watch this year. They are at the age where they understand the whole Santa thing as well as the true meaning of Christmas, our Saviors birth.

Kiddos in their new PJ'S!

Reagan opening her 1st Christmas present.

Reagan's 1st Christmas

Justin's fun new Jammie's!

"You'll shoot your eye out" - Tanner's new cap gun he has asked for all year long.

You gotta love Seth outfit. Shorts on with 10+ inches of snow outside, not to mention he doesn't match at all. His excuse was he wasn't going to school that day so he didn't have to match. Gotta love a 6 year old logic!

Friday, December 31, 2010


Seth checking Santa out. He asked for a skateboard and snowboard but got a crossbow instead.
I didn't think that Justin really knew what was going on but when Santa asked him what he wanted he said "guns". Good thing Santa got him a Nerf gun for Christmas.
Unfortunately Tanner was unable to see Santa. Santa comes right after the school play and he wasn't feeling well so he was asleep at Grandma's house. Jason did ask Santa to please bring Tanner a cap gun, he has been waiting all year, and luckily Tanner got one.

Seth's Play

Seth attends a very small school in our little town. Every year they put on a school play and the whole community comes. This year he was an Elf and did an awesome job. He remembered all of his lines except one and his friend helped him when he forgot.

Seth and Annelei - the only two 1st graders at his school. She loves Seth but he says they are just friends.