This is the hill we were rolling our eggs down. That is my nephew Morris looking at the remnants of eggs.
This is an outside picture of the cowboy hacienda. My niece Mya and sister Tiffany are pictured with my kids.
The Kids and I in our Easter outfits on Easter morning.
Sierra, Megan, Aunt Holly, Morris, Mya and Lindsey making peep zoom buggies out of ho-ho's, peeps, gummy life savers and frosting.
TA-DA... the finished product. This was at my sister Holly's house in Monticello, UT.
On Tuesday the 25th we went biking in Moab, UT. Pictured above is Megan, Sierra, Hunter and Lidsey (in the pull behind), my sister Holly, niece Mya, and my step sister Jenny. Thank you Jenny for taking us biking it was a blast. That was one of the highlights of the trip for my kids.
Born to bike!! Doesn't he look intimidating.
Our last stop in Southern Utah was the house that Jason lived in until he was 2. It was still there just with new siding and new roofing. It was really hard to get a good picture of it, but it was exciting to see the house in Moab, where Jason started. His parents moved here to Eastern Oregon from Moab, UT.