Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Eight is Great!

Replying to Melissa's tag......

Eight things I look forward to...
1. walking on the beach
2. hugs from my primary kiddos
3. family history research!
4. going to the temple on Thursdays
5. new grandbabies!!
6. summer
7. not getting up at 5:00am for seminary during summer
8. swimming in the pool when I want

Eight things I did yesterday...
1. Wrote an article for my blog (Intern to Employee)
2. Yard work.....wishing Brandon was home to help!
3. Went for a swim in the pool which was great after doing yard work!!
4. Talked to mom on the phone
5. Talked to Brandon on the phone
6. Made invitations for our Primary activity "Ask Me Why 13 is Lucky"
7. Drank Doc Broc Power plants.....and wished it tasted like a milkshake!
8. Watched CSI relax??

Eight things I wish I could do...
1. Go back to Nauvoo.....I miss that place!
2. write articles faster
3. See my kids and grandkids more than once a year...or two
4. Play piano
5. spend more time in the temple
6. Build and furnish my dream home
7. Travel the USA with no time limit constraints
8. sing

Eight shows I watch...
1. Glen Beck
2. Rays baseball......sometimes
3. Fringe....when it is on
4. 24......well, maybe not so much since the last season was kinda lame
5. CSI Miami reruns
6. Very little else.....don't really watch much TV
7. some BYUTV
8. movies on occasion

Eight friends I'm tagging...
1. Melissa if this was on Facebook, that would be different!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

It's Finally Done!!!

Only took 2 1/2 years from beginning to end (not including the year it took to decide to write it), but my book is finally published and for sale. Got the first hard copy here in my hand and can't believe I actually did it!

I case you are curious, here is the link to see the cover. This is for the Lulu storefront that will be where orders can be placed....until I get the website is halfway there.

Tom took the cover photo.....Brandon's hand looks older than 15 too! Christian helped complete the web banner. I started it be needed a little it didn't take another year! Thanks for all the help guys!

Friday, May 8, 2009

Mother's Day Flowers

Received a wonderful surprise yesterday.....well, partly wonderful! I was taking a 20 minute power nap when the doorbell rang and you know how loud that is! That wasn't the wonderful part. The package at the door made the "snap to attention" wake up call from my kids for mother's day.

Thought you would like to see the flowers. They are beautiful! Thank you so much for sending them.....I love you all very much!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

If you get a minute.....

I have been putting English 315 to use.....check out the articles I have written for The links to the three written thus far are on the left. Read, Rate and Comment.....please!! Recommend if you like it too.

Fire in the Forest

A plume of smoke. That is what the neighbor saw that prompted the phone call to the fire department.

The sound of diesel engines. That is what we heard.......looked out the front door and saw a fire truck, fire marshal's car and another fire department truck loaded with other equipment.

Seeing neighbors crossing behind our house, it was time to investigate. A group of neighbors watched as the smoke billowed from the preserve behind us. We heard something crunching through the brush and one of the firemen came out......yep, there was a fire. He returned a few minutes later with two others in uniform carrying chain saws and canisters of something to put out the fire.

Report - a couple of local kids decided to build a fire in a hollow tree that was still standing. Duh! The flame went straight up, caught the tree on fire, thus the smoke. The firemen found the boys responsible (Fire Marshal took care of them!) and put out the fire.

Thank goodness our neighbor went out in her lanai and happened to notice the smoke or it could have been worse.

Guess their mommas never told them about Smokey Bear......

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Back to Blogging

Wow! I didn't realize it had been two months since I had added anything here. Either I was too busy........or not enough to write about! Or maybe a little of both.

For those who I have forgotten to tell.......I saw Cecilia (Boyd) Tubb the Sunday after Christmas. I was assigned to give a talk in our old Bradenton 2nd ward and she came running up the aisle when the meeting was over to say hello. She and her husband (I have already forgotten his name!!) were vacationing in Bradenton and came to church.......and I just happened to be speaking that day.

It was a wonderful surprise and made my day! Celia said she already knew what was going on with all the family since she connects on Facebook, but filled me in on her parents and brothers. Celia is expecting a baby, due March 10th.

I have also connected with some old friends from Albuquerque.......Elaine Dunn, Cheryl Angle, Cinnamon Evans, and Chad Twitchell. More news on them later.

Oh yeah!! Happy New Year!!!