
Something to remember when you read that Global Warming isn't happening...

Scientists and economists have been offered $10,000 each by a lobby group funded by one of the world's largest oil companies to undermine a major climate change report due to be published today.

Letters sent by the American Enterprise Institute (AEI), an ExxonMobil-funded thinktank with close links to the Bush administration, offered the payments for articles that emphasise the shortcomings of a report from the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).

Travel expenses and additional payments were also offered.

The article is here.


Happy Birthday, FDR

From NYTimes 'On This Day'

1882 - Franklin Delano Roosevelt, the 32nd president of the United States, was born in Hyde Park, N.Y.

Come again, we need you.


1933 - Adolf Hitler became chancellor of Germany.
Also today:

1972 - Thirteen Roman Catholic civil rights marchers were shot to death by British soldiers in Northern Ireland on what became known as ''Bloody Sunday.''
It is also Dick Cheney's birthday. I believe good taste should dictate that Cheney reschedule his to a different day.

In Peoria, Bush Celebrates the End of the American Middle Class

The story that is not being told about Bush's visit to Peoria:

"There is a balance that must be struck,” Caterpillar group president Douglas Oberhelman told The New York Times, “between being competitive and being middle class.”
That is from a February 26, 2006 story in the New York Times (I blogged it here and here).

Remember this when you hear that:

Bush is touting Peoria-based Caterpillar as an example of how his administration's trade agreements and tax breaks can boost global sales and create jobs for U.S. workers.
What he is really saying is that by selling out real middle-class supporting jobs, Caterpillar can:

... net about $9 billion in sales outside of North America in 2006, when revenues of about $41.5 billion netted profits that topped $3.5 billion -- both company records.
Where is the extra profit coming from?

Highly profitable Caterpillar Tractor, for instance, now offers its new hires just $22 an hour in wages and benefits, half what it pays its more senior employees.

After more than a decade of failed strikes and job actions — mainly in Illinois, where Caterpillar has its biggest factories — the U.A.W. reluctantly accepted a two-tier contract that provides for significantly lower wages and benefits for newly hired employees. The new second tier is as much as $20 an hour below the cost of employing Mr. Doty, 50, and a dwindling band of other veterans.
Bush is in Peoria today... Celebrating that community winning the race to the bottom, and the end of the American Middle Class.

And the $3.5 billion profit it netted his supporters.

Greg Baise, president and CEO of the Illinois Manufacturers Association, disagreed, calling Caterpillar the perfect stop ahead of Bush's economic address.

“Cat has had a very strong run the last few years. If there was a symbol of industrial might in America, I think they represent that as much as anyone,” Baise said.

Unfortuantely, he is correct.


Quote of the Day - Smoking Ban Edition

What a great point, do you think she was a debate champion?

Mary Lou Duerr, president of the Wood County Tavern League, does not want to see any smoking ban include taverns.

"There's something about drinking and smoking that goes together," she said.

Friedman on Bush's State of the Union:

As I read the president’s remarks, listened to the tepid public reaction and looked at his latest polls, which show Mr. Bush to be wildly unpopular, it seemed to me that the American people basically fired George Bush in the last election. We’re now just watching him clean out his desk. Both his energy proposals and his recent Iraq surge were about the best he could muster, given his pink slip.

Krugman Quotes FDR

A great editorial here.

Krugman compares the coming health debate to the New Deal (I agree).

“We had to struggle,” he declared in 1936, “with the old enemies of peace — business and financial monopoly, speculation, reckless banking, class antagonism, sectionalism, war profiteering. ... Never before in all our history have these forces been so united against one candidate as they stand today. They are unanimous in their hate for me — and I welcome their hatred.”
But politicians who try to push forward the elements of a new New Deal, especially universal health care, are sure to face the hatred of a large bloc on the right — and they should welcome that hatred, not fear it.


Bush now at 28% - Clinton at 69% same time in his term

The latest CBS poll:

Only 28% of Americans approve of the way the President is handling his job, while more than twice as many, 64%, disapprove.
This is the lowest approval rating the President has ever received, but it is not much different from earlier this month, when 30% approved.
Now - 1/1-3/2007
Approve - 28% - 30%
Disapprove - 64 - 63
Interviewing for this poll was conducted Thursday through Sunday. Saturday was the third deadliest day of the fighting in Iraq for U.S. troops.
There is more bad news for President Bush. By a two to one margin, Americans think he does not share their priorities. Just 28% think he does, while 69% think he does not.
Yes 28%
No 69

Contrast this to January 25, 1999 - 6 years into Clinton's Presidency (and during his impeachment)....

Clinton's approval rating remains high despite the Senate trial, with 69 percent expressing approval of the way he is handling his job as president. But a majority say they have a negative opinion of Clinton as a person. One reason for Clinton's high approval rating is that 71 percent say the economy is the best it has been in their lifetimes.


Do your soul a favor...

...and read this about refugee soccer in Atlanta.

Why Does Nate Still Hate Bob La Follete? (Another History Lesson)

As I have discussed before, our buddy Nate is slowly trying to tear down Bob La Follette's Legacy.

First he went after the open primary system, and now he is trying to shoot down the Council-Manager form of governmtnet in this comment on Babblemur.

nate wrote:
I am confused, what the hell is a city manager. Is that something akin to a Mayor in a democracy. Is that something leftover from the mining days.
Posted on 19-Jan-07 at 5:28 am

Well, Nate - here's a history lesson, the Council-Manager form of government is a major reform of the Progressive Era lead by La Follette:


Many progressives hoped to make American governments better able to serve the people's needs by making governmental operations and services more efficient and rational. Reforms included:


Many progressives argued that governments would function better if they were placed under the direction of trained, professional administrators. One example of progressive reform was the rise of the city manager system, in which paid, professional administrators ran the day-to-day affairs of city governments under guidelines established by elected
city councils.

Regents US History:

Progressive reform began at the local or city level because it was easier to implement than at the vast state or national level. Urban corruption from political machines was a major focus, resulting in the reorganization of local government using the commissioner-and city-manager-styles of management.
City Reforms
CityCommissioner Plan

Cities hired experts in different fields to run a single aspect of city government. For example, the sanitation commissioner would be in charge of garbage and sewage removal.
City ManagerPlan
A professional city manager is hired to run each department of the city and report directly to the city council.

Encyclopeadia Britannica:

Despite initial differences among urban reformers, by the early 1900s the vast majority of them were fighting for and winning much the same objectives—more equitable taxation of railroad and corporate property, tenement house reform, better schools, and expanded social services for the poor. Even big-city machines like Tammany Hall became increasingly sensitive to the social and economic needs of their constituents. Reformers also devised new forms of city government to replace the old mayor–city-council arrangement that had proved to be so susceptible to corrupt influences. One was the commission form, which vested all responsibility in a small group of commissioners, each responsible for a single department; another was the city-manager form, which provided administration by a professionally trained expert, responsible to a popularly elected council (these two forms were in widespread use in small and medium-sized cities by 1920).

University of Arizona:

One of the key factors in good governance at the local level, advocated so successfully one hundred years ago in the Progressive Movement, is the professional public manager.(1) Professional public management, embodied in the council-manager form of government for municipalities and in the board-manager form of government for counties, requires an elected governing body to hire a professionally-trained public manager with broad authority to hire and fire department heads and to establish merit systems, competitive bidding procedures, and standardized accounting and auditing practices.
Nate, why are you trying to tear down Fightin' Bob LaFollette?

Approve - 35% Disapprove - 60%

Those are Bush's current numbers.

(I suppose it is far to late for 'We told you so'?)

Some highlights from the poll:

When President Bush delivers his next-to-last State of the Union address Tuesday night, he will confront this reality, according to the latest NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll: Nearly two-thirds of Americans appear to have given up on success in Iraq and also on his presidency.

In addition, the poll finds that nearly another two-thirds believe he shouldn’t move ahead with his troop increase to Iraq, if Congress passes a non-binding resolution opposing it. And it shows that just two in 10 want Bush taking the lead role in setting policy for the country.
Perhaps more significant, a whopping 65 percent believe that Bush is facing a longer-term setback from which he’s unlikely to recover. That’s compared with 25 percent who think he’s facing just a short-term setback, and 7 percent who believe he’s facing no setback at all.

What’s more, only 22 percent say they want the president taking the lead in setting policy for the nation. Fifty-seven percent say they would prefer the Democratic-controlled Congress holding the reins.


I don't know if anyone is watching C-SPAN...

... but Rep. Tammy Baldwin is acting chair of the House right now.

It is awesome.

The Best Legislation of the New Legislature...

...has all ready been introduced.

I don't care how much teeth they put in ethics reform, it cannot top this:

Just a Bill: Phone numbers

Madison -- It's a common frustration: You finally find that Web site you're looking for, and then you can't find a phone number.Rep. Marlin Schneider (D-Wisconsin Rapids) wants to change that, at least for state agencies. Under AB-7, each state agency would have to feature at least one phone number -- in bold -- on the main page of its Web site. There must also be a link to phone numbers for other units of the agency, the bill says.

If only they could make it for the entire web...

Thanks, Marlin!


Outrage and a Disturbing Comparison

As all of Oshkosh, I found myself unable to believe the headlines this morning:
Couple charged with locking girl in bedroom for nearly two years

Girl spent 22 hours a day in a room for almost 2 years

The complaint states the girl was locked in a small bedroom for 22 hours a day for nearly two years. The bedroom was secured with a dead bolt accessible only from the outside and an alarm system that went off if the door was opened. There was a camera in the room that recorded what the girl was doing during at all hours of the day and night and the only furnishings in the room was a urine soaked mattress, a blanket, a pillow and an empty dresser.
The description of her mistreatment continued:
..the room were the girl was confined had no toys, books or other things associated with a child, the complaint states. Detectives also noted the room contained a single light bulb..

..(she) was not allowed to read any books, including the Bible..
And as a result:
Officers from the Oshkosh Police Department were called on Jan. 12 to St. Elizabeth's Hospital in Appleton, where the 13-year-old girl had been brought because she was hearing voices.
As horrible as this is, my mind kept wandering to other things I have read recently:

The accused was held in extreme isolation for 1,307 days. Held in a nine-by-seven-foot cell. The only window blacked out. He was the lone prisoner on the two-tier cellblock. He was given food through a slot in the door. He slept on a steel mattress. No reading material. No calendar. No clock. Nothing to connect him to the outside world.

According to court papers filed by Padilla's lawyers, for the first two years of his confinement, Padilla was held in total isolation. He heard no voice except his interrogator's. His 9-by-7 foot cell had nothing in it: no window even to the corridor, no clock or watch to orient him in time.

Sometimes it was very cold, sometimes hot. He had nothing to read or to look at. Even a mirror was taken away.

The isolation was so extreme that, according to court papers, even military personnel at the prison expressed great concern about Padilla's mental status.

The Oshkosh parents that decided to treat their child with such cruelty deserve to have the full weight of the law brought down on them. They are monsters. I hope for their convictions and the daughter's recovery.

That said, we cannot from one side of our mouth condemn the actions of this couple while accepting the same from our government.

Both are wrong.


I Owe the Winnebago County Democratic Party $50...

During a discussion at this months meeting, I announced that if Rep. Petri voted for the Medicare Prescription Drug Price Negotiation Act, I would donate $50 to the party.

I was so sure he would be against it.

But, to give credit where credit is due. He did....

4 years too late, but still a good move.


Joke of the Day...

I get the Comedy Central Joke of the Day email.

This was yesterdays:

A man wearing a Democratic pin walks into a bar and sees a picture of President Bush hanging behind the bartender. He calls the bartender over and says, "You should take that picture down. George Bush is a blight upon this nation. He should be impeached."

The bartender, a life-long Republican, is completely offended. "Why you liberal piece of garbage. How dare you come into my bar and tell me how to run my business!"

"Listen, I'm the customer, so I'm always right." the man says. "That picture offends me, so I want you to take it down."

"That tears it," the bartender says, "How would you like it if I came into your bar and told you what to do?"

"Well, you'd be the customer, so you'd be right," the man says.

"Fine, then let's switch places," the bartender says.

So, they do. The man takes the bartender's place behind the bar, and the bartender walks outside, waits a moment, and then comes back inside. The bartender sits at the bar and says to the bar, "You should take that pin off. The Democrats are destroying our country with their liberal agenda."

"Sorry," the man says, "but we don't serve Republicans here."


Why Does Nate Hate Bob La Follette? (A History Lesson)

In a post on his blog, Nate of the Nate Report said:

There is no excuse for the amount of money spent locally and by political parties on unneeded primaries. Now, if the Democratic or Republican parties want a primary that’s just fine with me, but it should not be done on the public dole.

Nathan, Nathan, Nathan....

This is one of the lasting reforms ann legacies of La Follette and the Wiscosnin Idea. Why do you want to ruin our legacy?

From Fightin' Bob:

Declaring that "the spirit of democracy is abroad in the land," La Follette successfully pushed the legislature to double taxes on the railroads, to break up monopolies, to preserve the state's forests, to protect labor rights, to defend the interests of small farmers, to regulate lobbying, to end patronage politics, and to weaken the grip of political bosses by creating an open-primary system.


La Follette returned to Wisconsin where he refused a bribe offered by a powerful Wisconsin Republican, Philetus Sawyer, to influence a judge. Outraged by the bribery attempt, he became a vocal critic of machine politics and a leader of the "Progressive" faction of the Republican Party then vying for power with the "Stalwart" party establishment. He returned to office as Governor in 1900, after two unsuccessful attempts, by campaigning for direct election of nominees in party primaries.

From MIT:

Outside the South, primary elections were the cornerstone of progressive reforms. States that adopted the direct primary early, such as Wisconsin, California, and North Dakota, were strongholds of the Progressive movement within the Republican Party.11 (The package of political reforms called the "Wisconsin idea," including the direct primary, was the handiwork of progressive Republican senator Robert M. LaFollette.) The direct primary, its advocates argued, promised to turn out of o±ce politicians long out of touch with the typical voter and to renew the Republican Party with a healthy dose of competition. In the South too,
progressives called for direct primaries as a means of weakening the hold of particular factions or organizations over state politics. Where the target of reform in the North was the business plutocracy and immigrant machines, in the South the target was courthouse cliques and plantation bosses.

Come on, Nate. Don't ruin our legacy. Candidates should not be decided in back rooms, they should be decided in the light of election.

I know you love your IRV, but don't let that blind you.

This War Has Been Brought to You By...

I saw this press release linked to by the Wheeler Report:

Sergeant First Class (SFC) Todd M. Tilkens, of Bravo Company 2/127th in Green
Bay, Wisconsin, has been chosen as an honoree in the Jackson Hewitt
National Guard "Heroes of the Year" campaign. Sponsored by Jackson Hewitt Tax Service(R), an industry leader providing full service individual federal and
state income tax preparation, this year-long campaign recognized National Guard
soldiers, families and even employers around the country who have made a
difference in their states or on foreign shores.

On first thought, it seems nice. A company wants to honor a National Guard Member. But, let's keep reading...

Ten monthly honorees have been chosen, and Jackson Hewitt will soon announce
the grand prize winner, who will have the opportunity of a lifetime - to have
their image featured on a NASCAR race car that will be raced at a 2007 NASCAR
NEXTEL Cup Series Race in February. This is the first time that a non-
celebrity's image will be featured on a NASCAR racecar.

This is not the action of a company that wants to honor National Guard Troops. This is a tax preparation company that is using the image of our Armed Forces to get their name out in NASCAR in February.

This is war profiteering, pure and simple. As Americans, we should be insulted.

The release continues:

To view the soldiers, families and employers who have been nominated for
their dedication to and support of the National Guard's mission, visit

So, let's visit their website. The first thing you see is the logo of the company. The second is a picture of the car that will race in NASCAR, also with a large logo for the company.

I will gladly be the first in line to honor SFC Tilkens. I can not and will not (and will urge anyone I can not to) support a company that uses the sacrifice and honor of our armed forces to sell their tax service.

We in America have a way of honoring members of our military. The commendation system is as old as our country. Here is the Army's Medal of Honor page. Here is the official site from Congress. And look, they accept donations. They are even tax deductible.

There is even a veteran's clinic in Green Bay. I am sure they would love your money.

Jackson Hewitt, put your money there and keep your logo off our troops.

And, until they apologize and turn their NASCAR money to a better cause, get your taxes done elsewhere.

This place is even in my County Board District.


Oshkosh Youth Soccer Club's Statement on Fees

Click here for the statement.

Something to remember:

This year alone, Oshkosh Youth Soccer Club spent $8,000 for goals and nets for this complex. Also, Oshkosh United Soccer Club and Oshkosh Youth Soccer Club members donated hundreds of hours of volunteer time to repaint the shelter in the soccer complex; remove rocks from fields and fill holes in fields (for safety reasons); and plant grass seed, to name just a few projects - all for the betterment of the soccer complex at Winnebago County Park.

Do the Winnebagan's Love Their Children, Too?

I have a discussion of 2 resolutions before the Winnebago County Board here.

Can Someone Help Me...?

... care even less about Donald Trump and Rosie O'Donnel?

It kinda reminds me of that one time when we went to war with Iraq when all of our news channels were discussing Scott Peterson.

Whatever happened there? I'm sure it all turned out all right...


Benefits of a Democratic Congress....

Friday, the House of Representatives will meet on:

H. R. 4

To amend part D of title XVIII of the Social Security Act to require the Secretary of Health and Human Services to negotiate lower covered part D drug prices on behalf of Medicare beneficiaries.


To amend part D of title XVIII of the Social Security Act to require the Secretary of Health and Human Services to negotiate lower covered part D drug prices on behalf of Medicare beneficiaries.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,


This Act may be cited as the `Medicare Prescription Drug Price Negotiation Act of 2007'.

Read the rest here!


The Soccer Fees are Back!


The County Board will be voting on soccer fees again, put some pressure on them.

Details here.


Today in History...

Interesting one today...

President Lyndon B. Johnson declared a war on poverty.

President George H.W. Bush, suffering from stomach flu, collapsed during a state dinner in Tokyo.

For those that don't remember, Bush the first actually vomitted on the person next to him.

Seems like a history of 'trickle-down' economics to me.

And, sharing a birthday with Elvis today is...

65 - Stephen Hawking - Scientist
61 - Robby Krieger - Musician, the Doors
60 - David Bowie - Rock singer
40 - R. Kelly - R&B singer

Strange company...


Update on Services for the Weber's


The first showing of Forrest and Dale Weber will be this Thursday January 11, 2007 from 3-7 PM at St. Timothy's Church in Menasha located across the street from Menasha High School.

Then on Friday January 12, 2007 a showing for the public will be held from 2-4 PM with funeral services at 4 PM.

Instead of flowers a memorial has been established with funds to be administrated at a later date.

If anyone would like to pay tribute to Woody Weber, stop by his residence in Menasha to display a Weber yard sign in your yard.

Their obituaries appeared in today’s paper:

Dale K. Weber:

Dale K. Weber, Menasha, age 62, died tragically in a car accident with her husband Woody on Sunday, December 31, 2006 in Missouri. Dale was born March 15, 1944, daughter of the late Clarence and Alice (Dutcher) Zuchel. Dale met Forrest Weber at Northeastern Illinois University, Chicago Teachers College. They were married March 21, 1964. She was active in her church and community. At St. Timothy Lutheran Church she served on the Altar Guild, Counting Committee and other activities throughout St. Timothy Church. Active in politics, she was a long time poll worker and poll site coordinator. Former member of the Menasha Police and Fire Commission and current member of the joint Fire Commissions with the merger with Neenah. She served as Chair of the Winnebago County Democratic Party. She was also behind the scenes in many capacities. She enjoyed crafts, traveling, bowling, and square dancing. Her greatest joy was spending time with her grandchildren. Survivors include two children, Jacquelynn (Clark) Miller, Oconto Falls, Rev. Robert (Nancy) Norris-Weber. Minneapolis; four grandchildren, SPC Benjamin Miller, Nicole Miller, Ethan and Eli Norris-Weber; a step-granddaughter Stephanie DeWilde; sister, Barbara (Jim Pekny) Zuchel, IL; and numerous other family and friends. She was preceded in death by her father Clarence Zuchel, step-father, Harve Nathanson and a half sister, Laura Nathanson. A Celebration of Dale and Woody's lives will be held at 4:00 p.m. on Friday, January 12, 2007, at St. Timothy Lutheran Church, 473 7th Street, Menasha, with Rev. David Skarsten officiating. Relatives and friends may call AT THE CHURCH on Thursday, from 3 to 7 p.m. and again on Friday from 2:00 p.m. until the time of services. In lieu of flowers a memorial is being established in their names. A guest book is available to sign at www.chicagotribune.com.

Forrest E. A. Weber Jr.:

Forrest "Woody" Weber, Menasha, age 65, died tragically with his wife Dale in a car accident on Sunday, December 31, 2006 in Missouri. He was born November 13, 1941 in Chicago, son of Forrest E.A.Weber Sr and Ladell Mae (Mueller) Weilbacher. Woody met Dale Zuchel at Northeastern Illinois University, Chicago Teachers College. They were married March 21, 1964. A graduate of University of Loyola, Woody began teaching in 1963 in Illinois. He served as an elementary school teacher and guidance counselor for 36 years, spending his last 25 years in the Appleton School District. He continued to be a substitute teacher throughout his retirement. He was a proponent of school reading programs. He was active in his church and community. At St. Timothy Lutheran Church he served as President of the Church Council, Usher, and Lector. Active in politics, he served on the Menasha School Board, City Council, Chair of the Winnebago County Democratic Party and as a Winnebago County Supervisor. Woody was a diehard Chicago Cub and Bear fan in Brewer/Packer Country. Survivors include two children, Jacquelynn (Clark) Miller, Oconto Falls, Rev. Robert (Nancy) Norris-Weber. Minneapolis; four grandchildren, Spc. Benjamin Miller, Nicole Miller, Ethan and Eli Norris-Weber; step-daughter, Stephanie DeWilde, his mother, Ladell Weilbacher, IL; a brother, Wayne (Denise) Weber, IL; two half brothers, Ward (Sandra) Weber, Washington, Robert Weilbacher Jr., IL; two half sisters, Darlene Weber, New Mexico, Elizabeth (Frank) Hemingway, Washington; and numerous other relatives and dear friends. He was preceded in death by his father, Forrest Weber Sr., and his step-father, Robert Weilbacher Sr. Funeral services for Woody and his wife Dale will be held at 4:00 p.m. on Friday, January 12, 2007, at St. Timothy Lutheran Church, 473 7th Street, Menasha, with Rev. David Skarsten officiating. Relatives and friends may call AT THE CHURCH on Thursday, from 3 to 7 p.m. and again on Friday from 2:00 p.m. until the time of services. In lieu of flowers a memorial is being established in their names. A guest book is available to sign at www.chicagotribune.com.

The Pleasures of Majority

I get the House Whip's email of scheduled business. I like the look of it:

On Tuesday, the House will meet at 10:30 a.m. for morning hour and 12:00 p.m. for legislative business. There will be no votes earlier than 3:00 p.m.
Suspensions (1 bill):
1) H.Res. 15 - Mourning the passing of President Gerald Rudolph Ford and celebrating his leadership and service to the people of the U.S. (Sponsored by Rep. Ehlers / Oversight and Government Reform Committee)
H.Res. 35 - Select Intelligence Oversight Panel (Martial Law Rule) (Sponsored by Rep. Obey)

H.R. 1 - Not Fully Implementing the 9/11 Commission Recommendations (Martial Law Rule) (Sponsored by Rep. Thompson (MS))
On Wednesday, the House will meet at 10:00 a.m. for legislative business.
H.R. 2 - Minimum Wage Increase Without Assistance for Small Businesses (Martial Law Rule) (Sponsored by Rep. George Miller)
On Thursday, the House will meet at 10:00 a.m. for legislative business.
H.R. 3 - Expanding Stem Cell Research (Martial Law Rule) (Sponsored by Rep. DeGette)
On Friday, the House will meet at 10:00 a.m. for legislative business.
H.R. 4 - Democrat Drug Price Control (Martial Law Rule) (Sponsored by Rep. Dingell)


Oh Where, Oh Where Has Our Little Tommy Gone...

Oh Where, Oh Where Does He Live?

As I detailed in 2 previous posts (here and here) Tommy may or may not still consider the Dairy State home.

Well, Tommy the T has a new website out for his (soon to be failed) run for President.

Where is his committee located?

Paid For By Thompson Presidential Exploratory Committee - 2008
PO Box 15191 Alexandria, VA 22320

For those following along at home, that is 2 votes for a VA address, and one each for WI and DC.

Just remember that when he is in IA speaking about being a neighbor. He is not one of us.

And is not missed.


Longtime Democratic Activists Killed

This is the text of an email that I had to regretfully had to send to membership:

Longtime Democratic Activists Killed

I am sad to report that longtime Democratic activists Forrest "Woody" and Dale Weber were killed in an automobile accident in Missouri.

Woody served as Winnebago County Chair, 6th CD Chair, Administrative Committee Rep and as a member of the Menasha City Council. He presently was serving on the Winnebago County Board.

Dale organized poll workers, served on the Board of Canvass and was a long-time activist.

They will both be greatly missed.

I will let you know when services will be held.

Click the link below for the Post-Crescent’s coverage.


In sympathy,



Winnebago Dems Inaugural Events

Winnebago County Dems Inaugural Events

Hello Members and Friends of the Winnebago County Democratic Party!

Below you will find an overview of events in Madison around the inauguration on Wednesday, January 3rd.

First and foremost is:

Rep Elect Gordon Hintz’s Inaugural Ceremony!
When: 2:00 PM
Where: the Capitol, Madison
Each member has been given a limited number of tickets (5). After 1:50 pm, any “open seats” in guest seating areas will be made available to the general public on a first come, first served basis. The ceremony will be televised at: http://www.legis.state.wi.us/insession/assembly/indexvideo.htm

From Gordon’s announcement:
My office is located in Room 420 North of the State Capitol and will be open throughout the day. You are encouraged to stop by and store your coat and/or other belongings when you are in the Capitol. A small reception will take place during and immediately after the ceremony.

Tours of the State Capitol will be available on January 3, starting at 9am, 10am, 11am, and during the afternoon. Tours begin at the Information Desk, which is located on the ground floor, and last approximately 45 minutes.

After Gordon’s ceremony, we will host a reception:
Winnebago County Democratic Party Inaugural Reception
When: 4:00-6:00PM
Where: the Signature Lounge at the Best Western Inn on the Park - 22 South Carroll (across from the capitol), Madison
We will host friends, supporters and great conversation over snacks. We hope to see you there!

Some other events going on in Madison that day:

Governor’s Inaugural Breakfast
When: 8:00-10:00 AM
Where: the Madison Ballroom, 1 John Nolan Dr, Madison
This is open to the public and free of charge, but you must RSVP at 608-250-5083 or http://madison.inauguration2007.com/

Governor’s Inaugural Ball
When: 8:00 PM
Where: Monona Terrace Community Center
Tickets are $25 and can be purchased at: http://www.ticketmaster.com/event/07003D8F9EA99033?artistid=853208&majorcatid=10001&minorcatid=107
The celebrations will feature blues legend Taj Mahal!

If you can’t make it to Madison, there will be an event in with Lt Gov Barbara Lawton in Green Bay as well:
Lieutenant Governor Lawton in Green Bay for an Community Inauguration Celebration
When: 9:30 AM Tues, Jan 2nd
Where: Boys and Girls Club, 1451 University Avenue, Green Bay, WI

Also, do not forget this month’s:
Winnebago County Democratic Party Meeting
When: 7:00 PM Wed, Jan 10th
Where: The Delta, 515 N Sawyer St, Oshkosh WI

Also, if you are thinking of ever running for office, or want to learn a lot about campaigning:
Camp Wellstone Madison
When: Jan 26-28th
Click this link for details: http://www.wellstone.org/camp/events_detail.aspx?itemID=8897&catID=3752

As always, contact me anytime with questions!



(Another) Republican DA (and eager Van Hollan defender/supporter) on trial for felony...

I guess it isn't just Winnebago County....

Bayfield Co. DA to stand trial on felony misconduct charges

Suspended Bayfield District Attorney H. Craig Haukaas will face arraignment in January on charges of felony misconduct in office and conspiracy to entice a defendant to commit bail jumping, a state judge ruled Wednesday.

Haukaas appeared in Bayfield County Circuit Court before Douglas County Circuit Court Judge George Glonek for a motion hearing and preliminary examination to determine whether there was enough probable cause for Haukaas to stand trial.

The two counts stem from an investigation by special prosecutor Guy T. Ludvigson into allegations that Haukaas conspired in a secret deal with public defender Joe Crawford between October and November 2003 on charges against Crawford's client, Joseph Soulier.

This is the weird part...

The criminal complaint, filed on Oct. 31, alleges that Haukaas and Crawford arranged for Soulier to leave Wisconsin for three years in exchange for dropping the three misdemeanor charges. After a Nov. 4, 2003 status conference, Soulier was released on bond and was supposed to return for a Dec. 9, 2003 court appearance.

Does this really happen? It sounds like a bad movie where the lawman takes you to the edge of town with a warning not to come back...

Is that really in society's best interest?

Anyway, it turns out that Haukaas was quite the Van Hollen cheerleader. There was the $500 donation, the quote defending Van Hollen from his own mistakes in the DA's office:

“This ad by the Falk team is a desperate display of politics. It further victimizes the surviving family members, something Van Hollen was able to avoid when he got Newago to agree to plea guilty without going to trial. The Falk team should be ashamed of themselves.”
Bayfield County District Attorney Craig Haukaas

Gerald Ford, James Brown and the History of Funk...

A witty aside from a review of a recent Fishbone show...

"James Brown got to go to heaven for Christmas," declared Fishbone singer/saxophonist Angelo Moore after the very first song at Harpers Ferry on Wednesday. The veteran funk/ska/punk band owes an obvious debt to the late Godfather of Soul and paid homage by quoting his songs and mimicking his showmanship throughout the night. No mention was made of Gerald Ford, whose impact on the development of funk was less profound.

Good to hear Fishbone is back out on the trail. I was supposed to see them in 2002 (Aug 9th - the day after my birthday) in Milwaukee. I didn't make the show, wouldn't you know I received $500 in needed car replacements for my birthday that year when the radiator of my Jeep died.

Anyway, here's one of my favorite Fishbone songs - I'm sure James Brown would approve. (I won't presume to speak for Pres. Ford.)