Thursday, November 20, 2008

New Chairs for the Ladies in the house...

I've always had a goal to learn to play the piano before I died. I never took lessons as a child but was always jealous of my friends that could sit down and make music come out of a giant wooden box. So, I convinced one of my young women to teach me how to play the piano. After weeks of trying to figure out a day and time that worked for both of us, I'm really doing it! I can now play "Five Fat Turkeys", "Ode to Joy", "Row Row Row Your Boat", "Jolly Old St. Nick", and a bunch of silly piano lesson made up songs. Those of you who have taken lessons know exactly what I mean. I kinda like "Old Woman", and "Popcorn Party" though....they make me happy. So this is my new chair. Thank you so much to Jackie for giving me an incredible deal on it! What a dream come true!

As for Keizya...she has outgrown her purple Bumbo. She has gone through stages of hating it and loving it. She actually gets along pretty well with it right now, but she is so close to wriggling her way right out. The Bumbo is no longer Keizya proof... So after months of sawing, sanding, cutting, piecing, carpenteering...and whatever else my Dad does to make these things so amazing...Keizya's high chair is complete! He's made one for all the kids. Noah got a Floppy Eared Puppy, Chris and Suzy got a replica image of their dog Lucy. Click here to see the amazingness. And Keizya gets Penguins!

Sturdy this thing is. I can sit in it too whenever I feel like won't break. In fact, I'm pretty sure it's more sturdy than the adult chairs around our dinner table. My Dad is the most talented carpenter I've ever seen or known. Let's take a closer look...

What you see is what you get! (The picture doesn't do it justice) No stains, no paints, no artificial coloring. All 103 pieces of hand cut, natural colored woods, placed and pieced by my Dad. He drew the picture first, and oh you should see the steps he goes through to get the job done just perfect. I absolutely love it Dad! Thank you so much for the time and money and love that it takes to make such a beautiful masterpiece that will last for generations!

And the verdict is....she loves it! She's been watching Ryu eat in his cool high chair for months now, so when she finally got to sit in her own...she just giggled and kicked her chubby legs and squeeked! It was so cute! Thanks Grandpa! We love you!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

8 Years

Just for my record keeping purposes, yesterday was 8 years since I was baptized in the warm waters of the Salem Stake Center. Wow. How my life would not even be this life if I had not made that decision. At the time I could easily say it was the BEST decision I had ever made. And I still feel that way, but I have several others come in right next to it: Getting married to Jeff Huntsman in the temple, and choosing to have our beautiful baby girl. Although I owe so much of the last two decisions to Heavenly Father, because I didn't really MAKE Keizya, He did. And I didn't choose for my husband to choose me, I was blessed with that one too. So we're back to the first decision...yup! The best decision I've ever made by myself. Ok I didn't really make it by myself either. As I recall....

Sitting in my parent's front room with Elder Michie, Joseph Durfey, Robby O'Brien, and perhaps more...We were on the 4th discussion and I just didn't feel prepared to take the big step yet. I kept telling Elder Michie I just wanted to know more before I got baptized. Of course, they kept telling me, you'll know everything you want to know when you have the spirit with you, but until then, you're kinda limited. I just didn't understand. As soon as we said the opening prayer, I opened my eyes, and the whole room was tinted slightly different. I was sorta confused, and then I opened my mouth, but I didn't say anything. The spirit said out loud with my voice, "I think I want to be baptized now."

So 8 years later, I've become 'one of them' as Schoeny would put it. And I can openly admit they have been the best 8 out of my last 24 years of life. Sure I have amazing childhood memories, but nothing in the world (literally) will ever compare to the fulfillment the Gospel brings to my life. I would be so lost without the companionship of the Holy Ghost. I would be so down and put out without the power of the Atonement. I would be one heavy laden, hands hangin' down kinda gal without the Miracle of this Gospel. It is the most amazing gift that will ever be offered to us for the rest of this life and the eternities after. This is a great time of year to be grateful for this amazing Haven, Solace, Comfort, Peace of the living Gospel on Earth. There are very few things that can pull me out of any slump, and the knowledge that I have that I get to be with my family Forever, that I get to be a Mother Forever is the most comforting and sweetest thing that will ever ring in my ears.

If you don't know, Heavenly Father loves all of us. He loved us all enough to not reach down and pull his only baby boy off the cross when he was pleading for help, because he knew somebody had to go through with the suffering, and he didn't want each of us to have to. He loved us enough to give to us an eternal gift of his only Son. He loves us enough to listen to each of our heartfelt prayers and answer them when he will. He loves us enough to lead and guide us today, not just in the ancient times with Isaiah and Noah, but yah! We still have a prophet today! And Thomas S. Monson has made the decisions in his life that has lead him to be trusted by Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. I know without a shadow of doubt that President Thomas S. Monson is called of God. And as wierd as times may have been, everything happened in this dispensation for a reason. I know that our burdens are physically lifted from our shoulders if we just allow it, I know because I've felt it many times. I can't imagine how heavy those people must feel who have kept all of their guilt for themselves. It hurts me just thinking about it. . .

So after 8 years, hopefully I have something to say about that decision I made. And I do, I just don't have the intelligence to put it the way I really feel it. I'm just grateful my life has gone down the road it matter how hard, it is worth every tear and pain.

Tagged with Fantastic Fives

I think I'll stick with Fantastic Five instead of Crazy Eight as well...

5 things I'm passionate about:
1. Working with youth
2. Loving my baby girl
3. Surprises, when I get the opportunity
4. Notes of appreciation/love to those I love/appreciate
5. The Gospel

5 words/phrases I use often:
1. 'Oh wow'
2. 'Where's my monster/monkey?'
3. 'Oreo' (I dunno)
4. 'Sweet'
5. Any phrase that my husband or the Schoeny's decide to break out such as 'Let's put a smile on that face!' or 'B's in the face!'

5 things I want to do before I die/on my wish list:
1. Fly for real, like sky diving or base jumping, or gliding
2. Watch my kids grow up to love their own kids
3. Play the piano really well!
4. Build a home
5. Go on a mission with my husband

5 things I've learned in the past:
1. I don't HAVE to do things the hard way
2. My Mom really does love me
3. If I make the same mistake twice, I should at have learned something
4. I'm an extremely sensitive person
5. I'm also a very lucky person to have what I have in my life

5 things I currently want/need:
1. A new diaper bag
2. The ability to cite read music
3. A snow suit for Keizya so I don't get cabin fever this winter
4. Dental Work
5. To know how to cook

5 places I want to see/visit:
1. Japan (my people)
2. Hawaii
3. Australia (I will find the Dingo that ate my baby)
4. The Carribbean
5. Maccu Piccu (Spelling?)

5 TV shows I can't live without:
1. Dora the Explorer
2. Go Diego Go (without these two, I would have much less to talk to the little ones about)
3. The Office
4. I don't really watch TV other than that....
5. So I cheated, but I could definitely live without TV...unless of course we're playing Rock Band

5 Things that happened yesterday:
1. Keizya became constipated
2. I stressed half the day trying to get faxes, court reports, emails done in a hurry
3. We got our new insurance cards!!!
4. I got to hear the most beautiful song on the piano, played and written by my 15 year old piano teacher...she's amazing!
5. Keizya wore her new 9 month jammies for the first time

5 Things I look forward to:
1. Keizya and Ryu talking to each other
2. Having more kids and watching them grow in their own way
3. Our new Christmas tradition countdown
4. Making my new projects (but their secrets cuz some of them will be gifts)
5. Jeff coming home every day

5 Things I love about fall: (how bout winter?)
1. Snowboarding!!!! For the first time after 2 years!
2. Snow angels with my baby girl! I'm praying she likes the snow.
3. The drive to my parents in a 4 wheel drive truck with a plow on pretty, I feel like I'm boating on snow.
4. Christmas scents
5. Hot tubbing and then snuggling around the wood burning fireplace! Oh so cozy!

5 people I tag:
Anyone who see's this that has a baby right now...that should be about 5 (Ashley, Ashley, Stacey, Stacy, Cali, all of you!!!! There's too many to list)

Sunday, November 16, 2008

She's a Crawling Crawlerton!

This weekend, Keizya decided to get determined and use her legs and arms in a coordinating fashion by crawling. This is the second video we got of her, but she's already improved so much. . . Plus, her little yelp of joy once she reaches her destination is too cute to leave off.

Go Keizya!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

First Halloween

This year was a particularly fun Halloween due to our little Monkey! Plus, when you add a dragon on top of that, it's a crazy party! Keizya was a Monkey for Halloween and I thought I would never find a costume...low and behold...Target comes through for me! They had the cheapest and cutest! Ryu means "dragon" in Japanese, so his costume fit him just right...and boy did he make the cutest dragon I've ever seen.

These two are so funny together. It was so tricky getting a picture of both of them with their hoods on. Ry ripped his off in two seconds but when we were lucky enough to distract him, Keizya was tugging on hers with all her might. However, I would have to say that Suzy and I make a great team (was that correct Meagan? ;) We were successful at getting some dang cute first Halloween pics...

Ryu looks so big in this picture...not just tall, but his face is getting older, like little boy'ish' instead of baby'ish'.

They definitely had fun with this pumpkin...

Keizya not only liked the looks of the pumpkin, but she liked it enough to dig in for some dinner. They were both getting hungry. As you can see, Monkeys eat leaves, not bananas.

We stopped to swing at the park after we were done torturing our children through some pictures, and...then we took some more. This is Keizya's first time on a big swing....she absolutely loved it!

I hope everyone had a fun and festive Halloween!