Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Brittin's First Birthday

Sunday Afternoons and My Parents

On Sundays when the family comes up, the grandkids always convince my dad to saddle up the horses and take them for a ride in the field. They all sit by the fence waiting patiently (right) for their turn. It one of my favorite things....spending time with the family on a nice fall day.

Here's me and Britt on my horse Danny.

Britt and Quincy...its crazy how much they look alike.

Just the girls :) Love this picture

Britt and Quincy again.

Dad and Jaydee leading the horses around.

Ha ha...for some reason Steele thought he needed to wear these awesome goggles.
Jaxon and Brooke playing ball in the yard.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Family Pictures

Props to my sister once again...love them!

End of Summer Fun

Well its a little late, but here's all the pictures from our summer adventures in August. We went to the fair in Heber and Coalville, raspberry picking in Payson, and the Seelos family reunion on Layton.

Picking raspberries was my wonderful idea ha....after 4 long, hot hours of picking I finally had enough to make a couple jars of jam. Its all about the experience I guess, and we had a good time.

Kyle left for work so I had Brittin there all by myself...She was getting so bored so she started eating dirt, leaves and any raspberries she could find. She was a complete mess by the time we were done.
Kyle and Brittin getting ready to
pick some yummy raspberries.

Of course we couldn't go a year without having a float in the Summit County parade...my Grandma LaVaun is a die hard...so here's the fam

Me and Brittin at the family reunion sporting our lovely red shirts

We got to ride on the float and throw candy...good times.

Kam, Kira, Steele, and Bryce in their costumes for the parade.

It started raining at the reunion and Brittin loved playing in the water.

Good picture right here :)....The balloon guy made Brittin an apple.

Brittin and Grandpa Tanner at the Heber Rodeo...such a fun time.
I don't know if this video will work or not...but it's the sky diver bringing in the american flag at the rodeo...one of my favorite things.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Brittin will be 10 months Old

Brittin will be 10 months on the 6th. She is growing up so fast and a couple of days ago she took 3 solid step!!! She decided to bypass the whole crawling thing and just go straight to walking... stubborn little girl!!! Sure love her though. My sister took some family pictures so I'll have to post the more professional ones soon :)

Messy face!!!

I got her this pool so we could keep cool during the hot summer days...I swear our house heats up to about 100 degrees during the day and I can't stand being in there.

Flaming Gorge

For the 24th, we decided to take a trip to Flaming Gorge. It was an interesting weekend to say the least but we made a lot of family memories and it definitely will be a trip to remember. It was fun getting to spend time with my family and have a little vacation.

The gang relaxin in the shade.

The kids playing in the sun....and off in the background my mother taking a nice little trip on the tube :)

Brittin sleeping with dad

Poor baby was so exhausted from all the playing she took another nap on Grandma's shoulder.

Chillin at the beach and eating sand!!! Yum

Playin with mom in the water....I swear she's is a little fish and not afraid of anything.
My first trip on a tube for about 3 years...it was a rough ride!
Brittin in her life jacket

First Trip to the Zoo

The middle of July we had a play date with some of my friends from high school and their kids. We took a trip to the Zoo. Brittin had a hard time see the monkies and some of the smaller animals but she loved the elephants and the giraffe.

Brittin pulling her pucker face and Kinzley smiling so cute!

Here the three kids are...Britten, Kinzley, and Cohen. Cohen wouldn't hold still for a picture so Erin had to hold him.

Brittin loved watching the giraffe eat.

Chillin in the stroller

Getting ready to head into the park....I met up with Erin and Alyson at the zoo and we had such a good time. . . Makes me wish we could get together more often.