Showing posts with label separation barrier. Show all posts
Showing posts with label separation barrier. Show all posts

Thursday, August 23, 2018

Sheep, then and now


These sheep are most likely on the table now during this week of Id il Adha, the Muslim Festival of Sacrifice.
Click to enlarge the photo.  See a lone goat going in the wrong direction?  :)  

We saw them in April crossing a road just northwest of my town in the Negev. 

A friend and I were driving home parallel to the security wall. 
On the other side is the West Bank. 

Id mubarak, wishing a blessed and happy holiday to the Palestinians across the way and to our Bedouin neighbors here in the Negev. 

Saturday, April 28, 2018

World Veterinary Day today


Happy World Veterinary Day!
Let's appreciate the veterinarians who keep our livestock and pets healthy.
I don't have either, but I really admire vets (and for years wanted to be one). 

These are some good-looking cattle at a private farm not too far from my place. 
They also raise goats and we go there to buy creamy yogurt, tangy labaneh, and wonderful cheeses. 

Enlarge the photos and you'll spot the new concrete security wall just across the road.
Less than two years ago there was only a rather useless fence. 
On the other side you can see Palestinian villages in the West Bank. 

(Linking to Camera-Critters.)

Saturday, January 21, 2017

Free range organic farm


Friday a neighbor-friend picked me up and we drove out to visit a big organic farm and to buy goat yogurt, white cheese, and labaneh.
This mega-dog was in a paddock with some bucks and rams.

Many of the cattle were basking in the warm sun.
It is not often that you see free-range cattle, sheep, goats, and chickens these days.
It made me happy.

Only the parrots were enclosed.

The view from the farm's dairy and shop has changed since I was there last summer.
The West Bank (which starts just across the road) is now behind a concrete separation wall.

The security fence and/or wall is not yet finished.
(Linking to Camera Critters and SkyWatch Friday.)

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

The separation fence

The separation fence -- like a scar across the landscape.

Made necessary (many say) by the pre-wall all-too-easy access of suicide bombers into Israel's restaurants and buses during the painful intifada.

Enlarge the photo all the way for full effect.

Actually, some 95% of the barrier is
not the concrete wall that the media likes to show, but rather chainlink fence with barbed wire and detection devices.
See the sketch in this link to understand how it works.

It is a temporary thing, until peace allows it to be taken down.
Meanwhile, a lack of budget money and some Supreme Court cases have stopped the completion of the barrier for now.

The Anti-Terrorist Fence goes through several hundred miles of the West Bank.
But the part around three sides of Jerusalem was euphemistically named the Jerusalem Envelope.

For more details see pro and con websites:
Ir Amim or
government sites
Anti-terrorist fence
Seam zone website
Sorry folks, I looked for a pretty white picket fence for today's City Daily Photo
fences Theme Day but couldn't find a one.
Click here to view thumbnails for all participants where you will see many pretty fences.


Wednesday, May 28, 2008

S scenes from Jerusalem

Silwan Arab village, site of Shiloach or Siloam Spring.
Stranger with shofar at the Jerusalem Hug event.
Security for the warm-up to the "Hug the walls of Jerusalem" event.
Section of the "separation barrier"--a sorry situation.