Corbin has been hitting a few "bumps" on his road of development, especially over the last two days. He is so active and enthusiastic and confident in his newfound abilities that once he gets even the slightest hang of something, he decides its time to move on to the next. He army crawled for two days, then moved on to regular crawling. Pretty much the same day he started regular crawling, he started standing up. He even took about four or five very wobbly steps yesterday with only one hand on a chair before he fell into Mitzi's lap. This boy is out of control.
We don't quite know what to do with all of his brave energy. He has injured himself over and over again trying to climb our coffee table, but if he's not doing that, he's trying to stand up by balancing himself against our rascally glider chair. We try to put him in his saucer now to keep him from scaling the furniture and falling to his death, but he hates it now because all he wants to do is crawl and climb. We've now broken out the pack-n-play to allow him to crawl around in a soft, controlled area, but he acts like we're putting him in a cage (though, ironically, he loves climbing around in his crib, which has actual bars, but hates his pack-n-play with its mesh walls). We've taken some pictures of some of his more unfortunate missteps, the most dramatic of which was this morning's which has him currently sporting several dark purple marks from a losing-end tangle with the coffee table.