Wednesday, July 30, 2008

A Sharp Learning Curve

Corbin has been hitting a few "bumps" on his road of development, especially over the last two days. He is so active and enthusiastic and confident in his newfound abilities that once he gets even the slightest hang of something, he decides its time to move on to the next. He army crawled for two days, then moved on to regular crawling. Pretty much the same day he started regular crawling, he started standing up. He even took about four or five very wobbly steps yesterday with only one hand on a chair before he fell into Mitzi's lap. This boy is out of control.

We don't quite know what to do with all of his brave energy. He has injured himself over and over again trying to climb our coffee table, but if he's not doing that, he's trying to stand up by balancing himself against our rascally glider chair. We try to put him in his saucer now to keep him from scaling the furniture and falling to his death, but he hates it now because all he wants to do is crawl and climb. We've now broken out the pack-n-play to allow him to crawl around in a soft, controlled area, but he acts like we're putting him in a cage (though, ironically, he loves climbing around in his crib, which has actual bars, but hates his pack-n-play with its mesh walls). We've taken some pictures of some of his more unfortunate missteps, the most dramatic of which was this morning's which has him currently sporting several dark purple marks from a losing-end tangle with the coffee table.

On a positive note, we did have a very fun FHE on Monday night when we had a tinfoil dinner picnic in the park with Alex and Anna followed by a fabulous bike ride along the Boise River Greenbelt. It's not all tears and goose-eggs.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

A Tree Grows in Brooklyn

I just finished this book by Betty Smith and I thought it was so interesting. If anyone is looking for a book to read I would recommend it, it is a fictional book but it is based on the author's experiences. It's about a girl growing up poor in the early 1900's. It's about her life but I really liked it. So ya if anyone is bored out there give this a read.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

The Scott Rants

I've decided to start my own blog where I can post all of my arguably less-interesting posts about global warming, politics, history, economics, and world events. That way, I won't clutter the family blog and can still vent my thoughts and feelings to those who are genuinely interested in listening rather than subjecting those of you whose primary interests are baby pictures, baby videos, and the occasional weekend update by continuing to post my oft overlong soapboxes here.

For any who are interested, bookmark

I've recently posted a rant about Austrian economist Friedrich Hayek, the man who inspired the economic reforms of Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan. His book The Road to Serfdom basically states that socialism, although ideologically and emotionally appealing, may only be implemented through necessarily undemocratic and eventually totalitarian means. This is why the only difference between "nice" socialism and evil "Communism" and "National Socialism" (aka "Naziism") is that Communism and Naziism basically don't entertain any illusions about the brutality needed to accomplish their socialist goals - they represent the "fast track" to practical socialism.

Anyway, I'm ranting too much already. Tune in soon for a post on why Iran is, on the one hand, plotting ceaselessly to annihilate the state of Israel and, on the other hand, home to the largest middle-eastern Jewish population outside of Israel. "How does that work?" you may ask. Visit my rants to find out one reason why.

Friday, July 25, 2008

So Popular...not really just a sucker who always fills these out

What are the last 3 things you purchased?
- A cute white button down shirt with tank top for underneath
- A pair of pants from Downeast in Rexburg (stupid Boise for not having one)
- A used car seat that was a mistake and is now on Craigslist to sell, anyone want one? (By the way I didn’t count grocery store items jsyk)

What are the last 3 songs you downloaded?
- I have never downloaded any songs, what can I say I’m not that into music, plus I don’t even know how

What were the last 3 places you visited?
- Arco, ID
- Rexburg, ID
- St. George, UT

What are your 3 favorite movies?
- Uhhh... Newsies
- Little Women
- Love Actually (edited) I love lots of movies those are just 3

What are your 3 favorite possessions?
- Treadmill…love it
- My bike
- My Bosch Mixer

What are 3 things you can't live without?
- TV series on DVD
- Sugar sadly
- Family & Friends (ditto Clark)

What are your 3 wishes?
- I wish I had my pre prego body
- My hair was long again right now! (not in 2 years, stupid growing out hair)
- no debt (ditto Scott)

What are 3 things you haven't done yet?
- Gone on a cruise
- Competed in a triathlon (can’t really swim, that’s kind of a problem)
- Visited Europe (I don’t know if I really care about that though, am I weird?)

What are your 3 favorite dishes?
- My mom’s Sunday dinner
- Hires Big H
- Mostly anything homemade

What 3 Celebes do you want to hang out with?
- Christian Bale but only if we weren’t both married and we could run off and marry each other
- I seriously don’t care that much about celebrities, they should want to hang with me though cuz I’m so awesome

Name 3 things that freak you out
- Nursing just kidding but not really
- Stories about people seeing dead people, Sixth Sense scared me so bad
- Spiders (ditto Scott)

Name 3 things you are good at
- Making really good homemade chocolate chip cookies
- I was good at getting good grades in school even though I’m not the brightest tool in the box
- Being a wife/mom

Name 3 things you are currently coveting
- People with a reliable car
- A garden that actually grows well
- Anyone on vacation (aren’t those the best?)

3 bloggers I tag
- Jenny
- Anna

Anyone Interested?

I've e-mailed a lot of people, but for anyone whose e-mail address I might not have, I have "completed" my Book of Mormon maps project and it is ready for dissemination. Of course, as I write this I have in my mind an array of changes I'm planning to make for a future version (including mapping the unwieldy Book of Ether), but I'm not going to be doing any serious work on it for the foreseeable future so I'm putting it out there now. If anyone is interested in receiving a copy, its size makes e-mail prohibitive (most e-mail attachments are limited to 10MB, but the complete presentation is around 35MB), but I can chop it up and send it to you in smaller pieces if you are willing to put them back together yourself.

So for anyone who is interested in learning why the land of Antionum, home of the apostate Zoramites, was of such strategic importance to Alma and the Nephites; or for anyone who wonders how in the world Limhi's scouts could make it all the way to the Land of Desolation from the Land of Nephi without ever stumbling across the expansive Nephite civilization that lay between; or for anyone who has no idea what in the world is going on between chapters 43 and 62 of Alma besides that the 2000 stripling Ammonite warriors show up in there somewhere, I may be able to help.

Leave me your e-mail address in a comment here, or e-mail me directly if you have my address and I will get it to you.

Sorry for the poor resolution here - It's better in the presentation

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Tizz-agged by Carole

What are the last 3 things you purchased?
- Branch Clippers
- A ticket to
The Dark Knight
- Command & Conquer 3

What are the last 3 songs you downloaded?
- Mega Man 1-X3 soundtracks
- Other video game soundtracks (so nerdy)
- The
Iron Man soundtrack

What were the last 3 places you visited?
- Rexburg, ID
- Arco, ID
- St. George, UT

What are your 3 favorite movies?
C'mon! That's like asking me "Which is your favorite child?"
Heat (Robert De Niro, Al Pacino)
The Fellowship of the Ring (Extended Edition)
The Dark Knight (I haven't been so emotionally engaged and drained by a movie in a while, plus, the director said he was inspired by Heat, so its appeal to me makes sense)

What are your 3 favorite possessions?
- My computer, which I spend most of my day on
- My paper shredder (so satisfying)
- My sweet, sweet 40" LCD HDTV

What are 3 things you can't live without?
- My computer, though it could rather easily be replaced (thanks to my external hard drive)
- The library (so much knowledge for free!)
- A daily shower (dang sweaty summertime, though I do manage to sweat it up in the winter too)

What are your 3 wishes?
- To get out of the debt that came with three months of unemployment
- To have lots of kids (we're thinking seven) to raise with my fabulous wife for the betterment of society and the world
- To serve a mission with my family before Corbin goes on his mission

What are 3 things you haven't done yet?
- Learned Arabic (some progress), Russian (some progress), German, Chinese, or Japanese
- Taken Parkour lessons (you know, the high-speed gymnastics stuff that African guy does in
Casino Royale)
- Made a movie that's better than
Farmhouse Showdown (my six minute action flick that we made in Arco, ID one weekend)

What are your 3 favorite dishes?
- Mitzi's homemade lasagna
- Thanksgiving dinner!
- Barbacoa pork burrito with hot salsa, no pico, extra lettuce, extra cream, and extra lime/cilantro rice - Mmm...

What 3 celebs do you want to hang out with?
- Will or Twitch from SYTYCD so they can teach me some sweet moves
- Al Gore, so I can follow him around and measure his carbon footprint
- Mitt Romney, to determine if I'm right to think that our country has made "a huge tiny mistake."

Name 3 things that freak you out.
- Barack Obama as president of the United States of America (Note: I have the goal to read his book - as long as they have it on CD at the library)
- Environmental extremists, Commies, and Islamofascists
- Spiders - I just don't think they will ever cease to frighten me

Name 3 things you are good at.
- School and learnin'
Jeopardy and Donut
- Photography (as long as it doesn't involve people)

Name 3 things you are currently coveting.
- Barbacoa pork burrito with hot salsa, no pico, extra lettuce, extra cream, and extra lime/cilantro rice - Mmm...
- A new car that gets equal to or better gas mileage compared to our sweet (but frail) Mazda Protege
- Dental insurance

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Regular Crawling Baby

Corbin has figured out how to crawl the old fashioned way, of course this hasn't been without days of basically crying all day while he is awake. He just wants to do everything so fast and he gets very frustrated. This morning I got him out of his crib and he was standing next to it. So now that he can crawl without crying he has to try to stand next to anything and he is back to crying. Any bets on when he will be walking? I think it's not too far away. By the way Corbin isn't even 7 months old yet. Craziness.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Army Crawl

Corbin is learning how to crawl and life is about to get a lot more interesting. Scott was watching him in the office one day this week and in about twenty minutes, he made his way to every corner of the room where he could find a nice electrical cord to chew on (don't worry - we stopped him before he did much chewing, but as was said, life is about to get a lot more interesting).

Monday, July 14, 2008

A-town and other Shenanigans

This last weekend we went to Arco because my friend Alison was coming in from DC with her new boyfriend. We only ended up spending about 45 minutes with her but we had all kinds of our own fun. Scott and I wanted to go to the Rexburg temple so we left Corbin with his granny and headed out. I think the inside of that temple is my favorite so far. After that I wanted to drive all around Rexburg and see how it had changed since I went to school there. I couldn't decide whether to eat at Craigos, Fongs, or Millhollow. We ended up going to Craigos in it's new building and location. There were more workers than customers and they still managed to make us wait for 45 minutes for one pizza bomb. Awesome. We were dying. The pizza was good and the new building was really cute and nice but I'm not sure if it was as good as eating in the old building that in between shut downs was covered in graffiti with hard wooden benches, the smell of fresh paint, and buckets all over the floor to catch the leaks. Those were the good old days.

On the way home we stopped in Rigby and ate at Fiesta Ole which is my favorite fast food Mexican restaurant and stopped by my sister's house and said hi to her. That night we hung out with my little my brothers Keaton and Chase and his girlfriend Stephanie (my little sister was out of town). We played croquet, the name game, donut, got ice-cream, and shot off fireworks. Afterwards my brother Chase said "I wish we would have done something tonight." Are you kidding me? COME ON! On Saturday we didn't do much but just hang out. I saw my good friend from high school who is a mother of two and has advanced stages of cancer. It was really sad, but I was glad I went to talk to her. Overall it was a very fun weekend and the best part was my mom made her Sunday dinner on Saturday night since we were leaving early. Sweet!

Scott and I patiently wait for our food.

Finally it got here!

The temple, obviously

This was by my sister's house and I thought it was cool.

This is a video of Corbin tonight at dinner; we think he is too cute and funny not to post anything about him. He was doing this for close to 30 minutes solid, we don't quite know why.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

There ARE people Nerdier than I

I feel a little bit badly about posting this so soon after Mitzi's St. George post, but I can't help myself. Mitzi frequently talks about what a nerd she married, what with my Book of Mormon maps PowerPoint presentation, my ability to recite the entire Ringspell (the engraving on Sauron's ring) in both the common tongue and blackspeech, and my love affair with the Cannon Family Budget spreadsheet. Well, today it was confirmed to both of us that there are people out there WAY nerdier than I am. Don't get me wrong, I would totally get along with many of these people and I'm sure we would have a lot to talk about, but it's just funny to see what some people find time for.

The top video is someone passing the first of the Dr. Wily stages on Mega Man 2 without getting hit. Now, anyone who's played the Mega Man series can tell you that Mega Man 2 is one of the easier of the 6 or 7 plus variations, but that's still pretty impressive. Getting back to the point, the reason I posted this was for you to hear the music. As a kid I remember thinking this music was way cool, as was much of the music in the Mega Man series. Consequently, in a flight of nostalgia, I have begun downloading the soundtracks to various video games and I listen to them on my computer whilst working. If you think that's nerdy, check out what this next guy does...

Nerdier still, if not only for the fact that guitars are generally considered cooler than Mario Paint, the next guy spent the obscene amount of time necessary to compose the Mega Man music on Mario Paint's music program. For those of you who are fans of, Mario Paint is where they got some of their start: the program allowed you to make nifty (albeit poor quality) animations and compose music for them all on your Super Nintendo (they even have some of their old Mario Paint animations on their website). Having used Mario Paint, I can attest that the amount of time it would take for someone of even moderate skill to compose such a score as is featured below could, within reason, be described as "obscene."

There really are people out there who make my nerdiness look like an amateurish exercise in posery.

Monday, July 7, 2008

St. George Vacation

What’s the BEST part about a Cannon St. George vacation?

Is it the buckets of peanut m&m’s, the endless hours of spit and wii, the eating out, countless hours at the pool, or going to the movies?

What’s the WORST part about coming home from vacation?

Is it trying to get the crazy baby back on his schedule, the completely dead lawn (Scott thought he set the sprinklers), the empty fridge, or the flat tire on the drive home (we drove on a donut for four hours)?

Scott and I playing Mario Brothers.

Scott and his brother Clark boxing each other out on the wii.

Scott: If you click on the picture and look closely at the faces, you can see that Clark and I created Miis that look like us (more or less) to box with. This was a good time.

It was time to feed Corbin but neither of us were ready to go in so we brought the food to him. Now this is the life.

Corbin loves swimming and this pool is the best it is like swimming in bath water.

Isn't that floaty the coolest. I bought it at Target.

For the 4th of July Scott's family has a tradition of going to St. George. The past two years Scott's parents have rented a house for a week and it is awesome. The house is so nice and spacious and it has a great pool in the backyard. This is the ultimate relaxing vacation. I love it, and I can't wait for next year. Oh and a side note, Corbin has his first tooth and the other one is just about ready to pop out. We no longer have the cute gummy smiles. But we do have a pretty cute, SHARP tooth.