Sunday, July 31, 2011

There isn't much to talk about this week. We just did our usual chores and walks and trips to the park. Scott was studying like mad for two weeks for the GMAT but it didn't go so hot, at least in the math portion (which is unfortunately the most important and the only part he studied for). He got 92nd percentile on the verbal section and is confident he did excellent on the writing portion, but his math score was below the minimum acceptance level, so that's a bummer. He is going to have to retake it and he is not too happy about that. I just told him that it just meant he was a little more normal like the rest of us but it's still frustrating for sure! Not to mention the test costs $250, wowza. I can't even tell you how badly I would do on the GMAT, it would be a dismal failure in deed.

On Wednesday we went to Brigitte's birthday party and it was the cutest. I'm pretty sure I am never going to do anything like that. It is just not in my blood, but it was really adorable and fun.

I decided I didn't want to miss out on the family camping festivities this year after all. We are going to venture up to Redfish lake this week, but we are only staying one night. I can't handle staying any longer than that. My doctor was fine with me going, he told me if I had contractions for 3 hours straight that I might want to consider coming home. We'll let you know how it goes. Tent camping with a 3 1/2 year old, 1 1/2 year old, and a 9 month pregnant woman. Seriously why am I doing this? I can handle one bad night right? Anyway despite everything I think it will be a good time and I know Corbin will be peeing his pants with excitement playing with his cousins, swimming in the lake, and eating junk food. He is going to be in hog heaven.

I'm trying to motivate myself to get done with some projects before the baby comes, but I'm not too sure it it's going to happen. I really need that nesting to kick in soon. Like I need to cook extra meals and freeze them and re-organize my kids room and all kinds of things like that. I don't know part of me just has the big old pregnant lazies where I sit on the couch and watch Felicity and crochet while my kids are sleeping. It's pretty awesome. Although I did finish my blanket so I really do feel extra lazy just watching TV without doing anything. I need to learn how to crochet winter hats or something. Anyway blah blah blah.

Corbin has this new smile for pictures, say CHEESE! Scott built a dump truck with Corbin, I can't even tell you how much I cannot play with legos. If my life depended on it, I could not build anything other than a square box. I am super special with those.
I had a really bad headache on Friday night so Scott made dinner and Corbin and Gabby entertained themselves while he did that.
Such a cute birthday party, for real!

On Friday night he also took the kids out and I watched Felicity in bed on Corbin's movie player. Apparently Gabby was laughing her head off until Scott pulled out the camera of course. That looks like a pretty sweet ride, thanks Best Buy.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

This Week

Exciting events of the week: Harry Potter. We never go to movies, but I knew I had to see this one. There was no one to babysit and I couldn't handle it, so luckily my friend Jen went with me. Scott stayed home and babysat. I think he was more than okay with saving some G's. It was fun to go on the premier night. When we got there the line was so long we thought we would be stuck on the front row for sure. Well we were way wrong, movie theaters fit a lot of people. I loved it, I think I will have to re-read that series one of these days. So good.

On Monday night we went and scoped out a place on the greenbelt to take the mutual girls on Wednesday for a bike ride. We love the Boise river, it's so pretty and fun. It turns out that the mutual bike ride was not meant to be, we had mishap after mishap trying to get to the greenbelt and we ended up at the park by our houses and played games. It was still good times.

On Thursday I drove out to Kuna to hang out with Anna and her kids. I feel like Corbin definitely needs friends to play with sometimes so he had a good time playing with his cousins. On Friday we went and got ice cream and went to the river again and I had a blizzard which I haven't had in forever. Be still my heart. On Saturday we decided to go to the river again, can you believe it? We packed up a picnic lunch and put on our suits and had a grand time. Corbin got to float a small section of the river a bunch of times and we all played in the sand. It was great. We will do it again soon for sure.

Only 3 more weeks until Gabby is in nursery, and only 3 more weeks after that and new baby will be due. Crazy times.
Just trying curlers again. Curlers won't work for church because she is always taking a nap before church and they would never stay in. It's still kind of fun to experiment sometimes.
Corbin likes to get in bed with Gabby sometimes and watch movies together on his movie player. Holy cheeser smile.
Eating our picnic at the river. (34 weeks prego)
Beach area

Thursday, July 14, 2011

St. George

St. George was a huge success. I have to say that everything was great and my kids did great also. They just rolled with the Cannon schedule of sleeping in until 9:00 breakfast at 10:00, lunch at 3:00 and dinner at 8:00. It was pretty amazing. On the 4th of July we woke up and got everything packed up and we were at the stake pavilion by 8:00 am for the stake breakfast. After that we headed on down to Salt Lake. When we got there we kind of hung around until dinner and then we lit some fireworks and headed over to Dave and Courtney's (Clark's friends) to watch the Holladay fireworks. Their backyard is right next to the school where they do the fireworks show so it was perfect. The next day we finished the rest of the drive to St. George. Miss Gabby didn't sleep a wink. I think in the total 22 hours of driving to get to St. George and back she slept about 30 minutes total. She still did pretty well despite not sleeping. She would be quiet forever and I was sure she was sleeping and I would peek back and her and she would be sucking her thumb starring at me with her big eyes. Corbin took about a 2 hour nap on nearly every stretch of the drive.

We stayed at a different house this time and I loved it because it was huge. There was more than enough space for everyone. We put Gabby in the laundry room and Corbin got to sleep under the stairs like Harry Potter. Most of our time was spent either in the swimming pool or the theater room having a Harry Potter marathon. We also went to Kung Fu Panda II and the new X-Men movie. A triumph was when Scott and I actually went to the temple like we wanted to. You would think with 7 days of vacation doing nothing that any time would be convenient to go to the temple but we definitely had to make it happen. There was some drama when they asked us to the be the witness couple, I should have said no. I literally almost passed out and they had to get a new couple. So that was a little embarrassing to say the least. It definitely made it more memorable though. I'm also glad we went because the Boise temple will be closed for the next year and Scott and I actually haven't gone to the temple together in at least a year, more like two. We just go separately because getting a babysitter is so annoying. I wish we would have had more time to play games but it's actually hard to cram everything in that you want to do. I think watching the Harry Potter movies definitely cut down on our game time but it was fun to have a marathon before the final movie.

One tiny but not so tiny miracle for me was that I actually slept really well. I think out of the 9 nights I only had about 3 rough nights. This makes a huge difference for me, when I don't sleep well it completely effects everything for me. So that was a blessing. Another big miracle was on our drive down to St. George we were around Cedar City and all of the sudden our car started to decelerate and shut down. Scott pulled over and the car died. He got out and checked everything. He couldn't see that anything was wrong, he got back in and started the car and we drove it just fine the rest of the trip. Crazy. Traveling with two small children in hot southern Utah is not exactly ideal for being stuck on the side of the road with car trouble. Again, what a blessing. The trip was great but it feels good to be home. I only have 7 more weeks left in my pregnancy. Wowza, it's going to fly!
Corbin completely surprised me. What a little fish. He would run and jump into the pool, swim to the edge, get out, run, jump, repeat. He did that over and over. He has so much energy and even more than that he was so much braver than I would have expected. Gabby on the other hand did not like being in the water. She much preferred walking around and throwing things in the pool.
Just kicking back, enjoying breakfast. My kind of girl.
Corbin and Gabby playing by the pool.
Gabby pretty much doesn't like anyone, but boy oh boy does she loves her Papa. It was so cute. If he came in the room she would run squealing for him to pick her up.
Top left to right: pool, theater room, Corbin's Harry Potter room
Bottom left to right: kitchen and main room, outside picture of house, pool

Here is a trailer that Nicole made of the trip. She is a talented one. Doesn't it look like we had fun? We did!

Sunday, July 3, 2011

This week has been pretty low key. On Friday we got some fast food and had a picnic in the park. On Saturday Gabe had a pretty big party in his backyard. We had way more food than we could possibly eat and sat around and talked while 5 million kids ran a muck in the backyard. We then had a fireworks show and man was that entertaining. I don't think I've seen fireworks at home be so crazy. It could have to do with the fact that tons of Gabe's fireworks were illegal. It totally freaked me out, I just knew one of those was going to come shooting at us! Luckily we all survived. Tomorrow we are going to go to our stake 4th of July breakfast and then heading down to Salt Lake. Then on Tuesday the Cannons are all going to St. George for our week of relaxo vacation. Once we are there I know it will be great, getting there might put me away! Wish me luck.

Sweet bed head.
The kids ran through the sprinklers as part of FHE. Or I guess Corbin did, Gabby sort of put her hand in the sprinklers a few times.
Corbin kicking back and eating an otter pop. This is our big thing everyday. How many and how often we will eat otter pops. When Corbin asks for a water pop as he likes to call them, Gabby goes running immediately to the freezer and starts pounding on the door. She is a big fan also.
I love that Gabby pulled that face when I asked her to look over at me. Hilarious!
Baby girl hair, what to do? I mostly opt for the mangy mullet look.
Our little Linus. Gabby loves that blanket, I love it because it's the one I crocheted for her and it only took 1 million hours to make.
Gabby didn't cry once. I thought she would be freaked out. She mostly just wanted to be held by mommy.

I was watching SYTYCD and Gabby started dancing along. I think Corbin did the same thing as a baby, funny. Is it just me or is SYTYCD a little edgier this season? No thank you.