Now we are off out - so next installment will follow later!
Cut out one of the round shapes.
Paint just over half of it with red paint.
Paint the remainder of the shape with black paint.
Meanwhile, cut out six black legs.
Stick them to the underside of the ladybird
Stick on some googly eyes. With a sharp pencil make two holes
Mix and mash to release the full fragrance. Apply liberally and await the results!
Today was our long awaited school trip. the beautiful weather that we have had for what seems like ever was sure to last...NO!
It has drizzled and mizzled all day! Still we didn't let it spoil our fun. I chose my seat on the bus carefully...We hunted for minbeasts and we searched for Stumpy the Chief Wood Elf using lots of clues...
We made magical potions...
And they made me wear it. I'm smelling good tonight!
One of my little cherubs took a caterpillar back to school in his pocket. I was suitably stern about the implications of his actions. He was under no illusions about my feelings. When his grown up came collect him, we talked about the matter with very serious faces. As they turned to go, grown up whispered to me 'Enjoy your new pet!' I love my class and their parents!
Meanwhile I have had to research how to feed this newly acquired caterpillar, and have now laid him in pastures new! It's a cinnabar moth caterpillar who eats ragwort and groundsel - luckily I know a man with a field or two!