Monday, July 30, 2007

Night do I say this....Heck!?!

Berkeley has been a little sick the past couple days with stuffy nose and a really bad cough, so shes pretty uncomfortable. Last night she went to bed fine at the normal bedtime and we had no problems. Then because a bunch of us are staying at our brothers house right now my sister, me Berkeley, and her 4 month old baby shared a room. When my sister and I went to bed her baby started crying, which then woke up Berkeley. Usually when Berkeley wakes up she can go right back down, but oh....not this time! She couldn't fall back asleep because she was coughing too much and couldn't breath because there was too much backed up snot. I gave her nasal decongestant and some tylenol which usually puts her right to sleep. It did the opposite. It made her wired awake so she couldn't fall asleep. I broke down the portacrib and put it in another room. 20 minutes later due to too much crying I had to break down the crib again and put it in another room. 20 minutes later, still too much crying. Then I held her and tried to put her asleep for about 30 minutes. Then I broke it down one last time and put it downstairs where no one was sleeping. Now its about 2:30 going on 2 and a half hours. I held her for about 30 more minutes and finally she fell asleep. I was going CRAZY! Never in her whole life has she ever been awake this much at night. It was definitely a first for us.

To add to the chaos, this morning she was playing with her cousins and a couple of them sat her on the couch by herself. I walk into the room and I see her slowly start falling back straight onto the chest behind her. It resulted with a HUGE bruise on her forehead. I have no camera, so I don't have a picture of it but I wish I did. Its pretty gross! Fun times being a mom!

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Lazy Life

Life has been pretty laid back recently. I am in Whittier right now, and I was in Carlsbad the 3 days before. Carlsbad was fun. We went on beautiful walks, went swimming, and hung out with the family. It was a nice treat from the 110 degree muggy weather. Carlsbad was about 82 degrees with a nice breeze. So now we are going to just hang out with my family doing whatever comes at us. We are going to spend a day at my brothers house, then maybe a day at the beach, and then I am going to help my mom pick out house stuff. Berkeley is a little sick. She gets it every time she stays at my moms, so I think she is allergic to cats! So that kind of stinks. All in all its a relief to be out of the harsh heat, so we are going to take advantage as much as we can.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Whats Wrong With Me?

Ever since I got back from California a couple weeks ago, I have been feeling stir crazy. Each day I am just itching to go out and conquer the world or something. I have been doing my normal day to day stuff....gym, grocery store, target, hanging out with friends....but it has just not been enough to make me feel satisfied. (I think it might be contagious, so stay away) So I found a cure. Im going to California tonight! YEAH! I figured out I am still in vacation mode because it is still summer and all the fun seems to have come to an end, and well, Im not ready for it to be over with. So I am going out to Carlsbad tonight for 3 days, and then over to my parents for about 5 days. Im excited. My sickness should be cured in no time!

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

I Love Dolls

We just recently bought a new outfit for Berkeley's doll, and it reminded me how fun it is to play with dolls! Berkeley loves playing with her doll (OK, so its a little forced) But nonetheless, its so cute. Today she was giving her kisses and dancing with her. It was too precious.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Long Beach Aquarium

She is such a ham....she smiled for like 5 minutes straight when I had the camera on her.

On the last day of my visit, my mom took some of us to the Aquarium. It was really a cute place. Berkeley actually showed an interest and got all giddy when she would see some of the fish. It was a fun day. My mom is so good about taking our family on fun field trips.

Bitter Sweet

My siblings and my mom. My sister Ashley and my dad were not there. SAD!

Berkeley kept diving into holes and doing face plants into the sand. They usually ended in a small baby meltdown!
Berkeley and her cousin Rilee

Berkeley and her cousin Ansley....they were twins, it was really cute.

My Best friend Raemarie, and I....she came out one day to hang out with us. It was really fun!

Berkeley found this cool spot to crawl to all the time. She loved it.

Berkeley looked so cute in her hat. She doesn't try to take it off either, so I think she likes to be extra cute!

This is my nephew Brody who was so excited to eat a hot dog I just had to capture the moment.

I'm back home now, and I will say its bitter sweet. I'm so gLad to be back at my house with my bed and my tivo, and extra glad to be back with Todd. But I was sad to leave CaLifornia. I was going on 2 and a haLf weeks and I couLd have stayed 2 more weeks. I was in heaven. The weather was 85 every day and I came home to 110....yuck! It was such a great vacation though. Newport beach was a blast. We did the beach thing all day along with going back and forth from the house for naps. Then at night we would go on bike rides and out to dinner, then finish the day off with adult time incLuding serious conversations about life in general and games with uncontroLLable laughter. It was so fun to hang out with my family. Now understand, I just downLoaded 156 pictures just from the past 2 weeks! So it was hard to pick and choose....there were so many cute ones. But I guess anytime you are at the beach every singLe picture is pretty.

Saturday, July 14, 2007

I Got Tagged

Jobs I've had:
1) Domestic Bliss
2) Nanny
3) Golds Gym
4) Physical Therapy Aide

Places for weekend getaway:
1) Santa Monica
2) Carlsbad
3) Utah
4) Newport Beach (can you tell I Love CA??)

Movies I can watch over and over:
1) Mean Girls
2) Talladega Nights
3) Zoolander
4) Any Harry Potter

Guilty Pleasures
1) Looking at Celebrity Blogs
2) Shopping
3) Diet much of it!
4) Basking in the Sun

Places I've Lived:
1) Provo, UT
2) Whittier, CA
3) Mesa, AZ

What I thought when I first saw my significant other:
1) Wow, hes buff
2) He looks like a rich spoiled Ivey League frat boy
3) Hes HOT!
4) He will never go for me!

Places I've been on vacations
1) Honduras
2) Cancun
3) New York City
4) England

Favorite Foods
1) Pizza
2) Lasagna
3) Bean and Cheese Burritos
4) Hot Tamales

If in a "jam" with spouse, tactics used to get out of the doghouse:
1) Are you kidding me?? Only one thing that never fails...

Websites I visit daily
1) Hotmail
3) Baby Gap
4) Forever 21

First kiss locations:
1) Under the Bleachers
2) The Log Ride
3) Doorstep
4) The Car

Places I'd rather be
1) The Beach
2) Southern CA....any city, you name it
3) Swimming
4) On Vacation

4 people I tag are...
1) Katie Jackman
2) Sarah
3) Shawnelle
4) Jeny Monson

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

I Just Love the 4th of July

This past week or so has been so busy and so fun. We went to Carlsbad with Todds family and had a really fun relaxing time. We had a fun 4th of July too. We did the whole BBQ thing, and games, and fireworks thing. Berkeley loved the fireworks, as well did I. There was a tiny glitch in the trip. Berkeley did start getting a fever and threw up all over me. That was a first, but everybody has got to experience it some time right?? Todd was glad to go on vacation. He needed a SERIOUS break, so he wished that it was longer. All in all it was a memorable family vacation that we love to do each year!

Sunday, July 1, 2007

I'm My baby's Mama!

If this isn't a family resemblance, I don't know what is!

A Crush Across the World

This story begins my junior year in High School when my friend Megan and I went to Leeds, England for our Spring Break. Her uncle was the mission president there, so we stayed with them in the Mission home. Being the "fun" 16 year old girls we were, we immediately scanned the wall of pictures of boys and soon found our loves. Megan's was Elder Vandermyde, and mine was Elder Harris. We obsessed about these boys for an entire week. We took the pictures up into our room and made the awesome sign, and above our beds we had signs that said Elder Harris' girl and Elder Vandermyde's girl. Lets just say, we couldn't watch TV or movies, so we had some time on our hands. Years later, 4 to be exact, I am nearly engaged to the love of my life, and he takes me out to dinner to meet his friend Scott. We are getting to know each other and I ask him where he went on his mission. He says Leeds, England. I was so surprised! I told him I have been there and I even stayed at the mission home! Then I asked when he was there and he said 99, and I said, Hey, that's when I was there! Then a felt a little tinge in my stomach and tentatively asked him his last name, and he replied Harris. I was in shock. It was HIM. ELDER HARRIS! He's sitting right in front of me and hes my fiances BEST FRIEND! I couldn't beleive I was actually meeting him! It never went anywhere.... we both went our separate ways. But ever since the day we all realized who my long lost crush was, Scott can forever joke to Todd and tell him that I was in love with him first!

Let The Vacations Begin

I just arrived to my parents house Friday and it has been such a fun weekend. Friday night I got together with my best friend of 9 years (whoa I am NOT that old) and we looked at high school pictures and then went out for dessert. I love it because we could be stuck in a trash can in a dark alley and still have the time of our lives. We just get together and laugh. I love her so much! Then Saturday my mom and I and Berkeley went out to LA and went and saw the temple (because it was on the way) and then went to Beverly Hills and shopped on Rodeo Drive. I had never been there before! Living here my whole life I never did the whole tourist thing. We went to a jewelry store called Helen Ficalora and I got a new necklace with some really cute charms, and then I got my mom one for her birthday. (note to Krista and Rachael, I am a total copy cat, I KNOW!!!!) Then we went to the American Girl Doll Store which was crazy. Its 2 story's of doll bliss. My mom got Berkeley an outfit for her doll she has from there. It was really cute. It was so fun just to drive through LA and see it all. I seriously love it so much I could live there in a drop of a hat. I'm not going to lie, secretly, like everyone else, I was hoping to see some kind of celebrity, but I had no such luck.

At my moms house I finally found the lost sea scrolls, I mean my long lost High School pictures. I was so excited, you have no idea. They had been lost for about 5 years. So I spent a good 3 hours or so looking at them and laughing hysterically at myself and the things I used to do and wear!! I'm off to Carlsbad tomorrow with the Farnsworth family, and then the next week to Newport Beach with my family. These are my FAVORITE 2 weeks of the whole year, so I can only say I have been anxiously waiting this day!