Friday, February 27, 2009

My Sweet Baby Boy

The wonderful day started at 5:15 checking into the hospital. May I say it is sure pleasant to do the whole checking in process when your not actually having contractions! After all the set up and paper work, I was finally given pitosin at about 6 am. I didn't feel any contractions for a couple of hours until the Doctor came in and broke my water, then they started pouring in. After that they were coming every 2 minutes STRONGLY! So about a half hour later I had my epidural. I'm not going to lie, I didn't love this epidural. It made my legs feel really restless and uncomfortable, but hey, you cant complain when you are not feeling any pain! Finally at about 4:10 I started pushing and 10 minutes later at 4:23 Beckham was born.

He came out white and purple, if you can imagine that mix. They cleaned him off and I got to hold him about 1 minute later right after Todd got to cut the cord. My mom and Todd's mom were both in the room, so they got to experience the whole birth as well. It really was sweet having both of our moms in there. I'm glad we invited them in. Overall, it was a great labor and delivery. I couldn't have been happier with my doctor and the hospital and staff were amazing! Now the reality is hitting with the fact that I now have 2 children that I am solely responsible for and its a tiny bit scary. I do love this little guy so much and just want to kiss him all the time.

Now about my first night home....uggh...lets just say, my precious little one did not sleep from 10pm to 6am, thus leaving me with no sleep AT ALL in that time frame. We are pretty sure he was really uncomfortable from the circumcision because he really looked like he was in pain. It was a hard night.... my hardest in motherhood for sure, but today I woke up and Im ok. I am just hoping that I dont have another one ahead of me!
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Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Welcoming Baby Beckham

Baby Beckham was born today on February 25th around 3:00pm. He was 6 days early and weighed in at 8 pounds! He is healthy and so beautiful. Jillian is doing amazing and is in great spirits! Tonight Berkeley got to meet her brother and she was in hog heaven. I'll let Jillian report more when she is home and settled into her new life with 2 kids! LOVE YOU JILL!!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

What to do, What to do

My sweet girl and her love of lining things up....she seriously is constantly cracking us up and constantly surprising us with her creativity.

This day she sat in this very spot for literally an hour, entertaining her self with her animals. The best part is she loves to line them up in different ways and different patterns. When she does they all face the same way too.

I just got an iphone, and I downloaded some applications for toddlers on it. One of them is a farm game where animals appear and make sounds. She LOVES this game, so this morning when she was playing, she went ahead and got her favorite animals and had them watch the game too with her. Of course, she had to have them in different configurations too, so I guess they could watch the game to the best capability.

Then there is her love for lining up, and then counting. This time she played on the counter for a good 30 minutes lining up the fruit in different ways, and then counting it. She would then put the fruit back in the bowl, count it, then line it up again, and count it. Not going to lie.... we see a little OCD in her. Hopefully it is the good kind that just brings out her organization skills and doesn't bring out the crazy side!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

This is Normal....Right?

Don't ask how I possibly got into this position with only 10 days left in my pregnancy. I guess adrenaline took over my body and made me more flexible than I should be. Saturday we went to our storage unit, that LITERALLY holds our whole life, to get our box of baby gear. I thought that when we packed it all in that I put the box in the front of the unit, knowing I would need it 6 months later, but I guess I was not as prepared as I thought I was. The box was in the back, along with 20 0ther identical boxes, so we had to try to rummage through them all and see what they were all labeled. I tried on one side first and I didn't see it, so we basically were going to give up. Then I saw a little path starting on the washing machine, then to climb up on the table leg to eventually get up onto the vertical mattress, to then straddle it. I thought I was the luckiest person on earth because once I got up there right in front of me was the beloved baby gear box. I was pretty stoked that my hard physical work paid off. It was well worth it. Inside the box was my baby bjorn, bumbo, monitors, car seat attachments, and 2 newborn play yards. I didn't want to have to borrow/buy all of that stuff again. Now I have to wipe down the car seat, buy some diapers, and set up the pack in play in my room and I will be officially ready for this baby.

Speaking of this baby, I am delighted to announce that I will be getting induced 6 days early. Honestly, I think this is better than Christmas. The fact that I will be pregnant 10 days less than I was with Berkeley excites me so much. My scheduled inducement is February 25 and I check in at 5 am. I definitely have been having painful contractions, and I am feeling like there is absolutely no more room in my belly for any more growth. I am excited to buckle my shoes again and to paint my toe nails. Most of all though I am so excited to hold this sweet little newborn in my arms!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

What do you do When It's Nap Time?

Berkeley has decided that she is over the whole nap thing now, and I disagree. So I stick her in her room for a good 1-2 hours every day hoping that she takes a nap, but usually she doesn't. This is the result of 2 hours locked in her room.

Of course she has to line up something...why not all of her

Or Maybe try stacking all of your books in a perfect stack.

Or putting her pillows in the crib declaring that she supposedly does not need them..... or just falling asleep on the floor, but comfortably.
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