He came out white and purple, if you can imagine that mix. They cleaned him off and I got to hold him about 1 minute later right after Todd got to cut the cord. My mom and Todd's mom were both in the room, so they got to experience the whole birth as well. It really was sweet having both of our moms in there. I'm glad we invited them in. Overall, it was a great labor and delivery. I couldn't have been happier with my doctor and the hospital and staff were amazing! Now the reality is hitting with the fact that I now have 2 children that I am solely responsible for and its a tiny bit scary. I do love this little guy so much and just want to kiss him all the time.
Now about my first night home....uggh...lets just say, my precious little one did not sleep from 10pm to 6am, thus leaving me with no sleep AT ALL in that time frame. We are pretty sure he was really uncomfortable from the circumcision because he really looked like he was in pain. It was a hard night.... my hardest in motherhood for sure, but today I woke up and Im ok. I am just hoping that I dont have another one ahead of me!