Thursday, October 29, 2009

where fall is really fall

the kids and i just got back from a week long trip to utah to go stay with my sister danielle in highland. i have been planning this trip for months and i was SO excited to go. i had been wanting to go to utah forever! because i was going up, my mom thought it would be fun for her to go up too and kind of make it a party. it was SO cold there. the day we left it was 90 degrees in az and we walk outside in ut and it was about 60. i about died. i have not experienced cold weather at all for about 8 months, so it was a shock. the whole time we were there i really felt like i never fully thawed out. such a wimp.

i packed in a lot of things while we were there. we really did not relax like at all. our first day we worked out, then had my mom watch our 4 little kids, and danielle and i went out to lunch, to target, and to the movies in the middle of the day. it was so nice to go to lunch with no kids. i have not done that in a long time. then that night we went to the mall and ate dinner at the mall. thursday we went to thanksgiving point to the farm area where we met my sister in law heidi and her 2 kiddos. the kids absolutely loved it. berkeley rode a horse for the first time too. then we had lunch at thanksgiving point. later that afternoon we went to my nephews soccer game that was FREEZING. the wind was blowing the entire time and i was basically miserable the whole time. on friday my mom offered to watch the kids again, so danielle and i went up to salt lake to go shopping and go out to lunch. we shopped for like 6 hours and i was exhausted at the end of the day. that night danielle had an indoor soccer game, so i joined her team and played with her. i have never played soccer with danielle so it was really fun to actually play on the same team. then all gross and sweaty we went out to eat in orem and then went to jon's alumni byu soccer game. again....freezing the whole time, but it was really fun. we snuck into the smith field house and watched a little byu vs. utah women's volleyball. it was fun to be back in provo on campus. it brought back lots of fun memories.

saturday we went back to thanksgiving point to the pumpkin patch....{if you actually could call it that....the actual pumpkins for sale took up about 1/12 of the whole place} i had heard about how fun this place was so i was really excited to go there. when we walked in berkeley couldn't stand it and was hopping and skipping all over the place. she loved this place.... i enjoyed it as well. then i ran off to orem and met my high school friend and her mom for lunch. i had not seen her in like 6 years so it was so fun to see her in person and spend some time with her. then we went to salt lake to my cousins house who i also had not seen in like 6 years and had dinner with him and his family, and my grandma, aunt and uncle, and cousins. that was really fun to see everyone there as well. and randomly when the kids were all outside jumping on the trampoline it started hailing.

straight from there i went to cheesecake factory and had my mom drop me off {classic} and i met up with my 2 old roommates hollie and chelsey. love them. we had so much fun and it felt like we were never apart. hanging out with them made me wish i sill lived in utah.

i had such a fun so glad we went. i need to go again soon because i have the utah bug now!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

look what i did!!!

so i am basically still freaking out that i actually did this to myself. my hair has NEVER been this dark! todd has been wanting me to go dark forever, and i always brushed him off....but recently i was getting so sick of having blonde hair and constant roots, so i thought that i should finally just do it. im still not even convinced that i love it. i know i dont hate it, and it is still weird to see myself in the mirror....but im thinking i like it enought, so it will stay like this for quite some time!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

we're getting ready

we are anxiously waiting for halloween....

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

settled in

we are finally settled into our house. moving is so exciting, but mostly so exhausting. because i apparently didn't do my research, i didn't know that the gas bill was a separate bill. i didn't figure out until a saturday that we didn't have hot water, so i had to wait until monday to call, and then wait until friday to get it turned on. may i just say that i absolutely hate cold showers, and i had 6 horrible days of cold showers. i took laundry over to neighbors houses, bathed my kids at my brothers, and even heated up water on the stove and put it in the bath. so that was a little rough. we didnt get out internet hooked up for about a week and a half, so that was also painful....for me....but i know, its not a necessity.

now we are enjoying being us 4 again, and it is really fun. the first couple of days berkeley kept saying that she wanted to go home, but she is slowly realizing that this is now home. she also got really excited when we put her bed in her room. she was so shocked that it was here.

i absolutely love my neighborhood. i love the way it looks. the park is about 100 yards away, and we have gone i think every single day at least once. the people are amazingly friendly, and i already feel like i know so many people. there are tons of kids around that are berkeley's age, so i am so excited for that! so i guess what i am trying to say is that we are very content and very happy!

Friday, October 2, 2009

.this week.

  • we decided to move

  • beckham got his tubes put in

  • my mom came to town

  • i packed up our things and took them to our new house by myself...back and forth twice a day

  • the diamond from my wedding ring fell out and I had no idea where

  • we had my sister in law haylie's wedding at the house

  • i cleaned and organized my house like crazy

  • berkeley had her last week at her preschool

  • my mom found my diamond on the driveway while hosing it off....i still cant believe it!

  • we made 3 trips to the storage unit

  • we moved in!

i'm tired.......