Sunday, February 28, 2010


my mister is finally one. happy birthday to my
smiley boy.






Tuesday, February 23, 2010

3rd annual girls trip

every year the girls in my family go on a girls trip. this year it was just me and my 3 sisters and we went to park city...maybe the most awesome place ever.
we stayed in a hotel right at the bottom of canyons resort, so we could walk right over to the lifts and hop on.

the first day we did some grocery shopping with insane long lines, then went to dinner at main street pizza and noodle.



then friday me, whitney, and danielle hit the slopes while ashley relaxed in the room. the weather was FREEZING!!! every inch of our bodies were covered with something. nothing like the 50 degree az snowboarding weather like i am used to! canyons is insanely huge so we never went on the same run twice. it was crazy. it snowed off and on all day, but it didn't bother us too much. mostly i just loved being in the utah snow.







here is the view from our hotel room. it was gorgeous!


it snowed almost the whole time we were there. i couldn't believe how long it kept going and going....


friday night we went to dinner at a thai restaurant on main street. i had never eaten thai before so it was a fun experience. there were some strange men next to us who first thought that we were latin, wrong, then he guessed that we were jewish...wrong again. just a little random!



us 4 sisters....


saturday we started off with massages in the spa, then did the steam room and jacuzzi. it was SOO nice! then we went and got pedicures and manicures at a cheaper place, then went and saw valentines day. {so cute!} then went to dinner at a little bistro. we finished off each night with either cards, the jacuzzi, or reading magazines. the trip was SO nice and i felt pampered the whole time!


Wednesday, February 17, 2010

dear berkeley,

please stop coloring on everything in sight....
the computer screen
my desk
my desk chair
your princess tent
beckhams crib
beckhams picture
my bathtub
the carpet
your bouncy ball
the walls
the kids chairs
your body
beckhams body

it looks like we are stuck in this stage and cant seem to get out!


your a little stinker!


Thursday, February 11, 2010

where did she come from?

this little miss decided to wake up at 3 o'clock this morning.

she never went back to bed.

she watched tv from about 4-6 am.

she played with toys from about 6-7:45 am.

she went to school from 8-10:30.

she went out to lunch.

we 'tried' to take a nap from success, just a really frustrated mom.

she played outside from 3-5:30 running, jumping, and bike riding.

its almost 6:30 pm and she is still going strong, not a glimpse of fatigue in sight.

where did this girl come from??

i hope a morning like this does not happen for a long time,

but i sure did enjoy her happy mood.



Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Friday, February 5, 2010

taking care of grama

after disneyland, we headed over to my parents house to stay for a few days. my mom had surgery the previous week, so we stayed there to help her recover. we helped with some grocery shopping, laundry, cooking, and cleaning. i felt like i helped, but when you have 2 kids roaming the house, being loud, and making lots of messes, i actually felt like i added more stress. it was fun nonetheless to see my parents, and hang out with the rest of my family. my grandma had just had surgery too, so i got to go see her too which is always a nice treat. she is the sweetest!
the funniest part of the trip was that my parents just got a new kitten for christmas. the kitty is what you call a 'scaredy cat' and would always run away when people were around. but with berkeley she would cuddle with her, follow her around, and let berkeley constantly pick her up and carry her around. we were cracking up how much berkeley would just be carrying that cat around. it was a good laugh.
get well soon mom and grandma!






Thursday, February 4, 2010


todd's grandparents once again did the most amazing thing ever and took the whole family {plus a coulpe extra} to disneyland. this is the 4th time i have gone with his family and it is one of the best treats of the year. todd stayed for a whole 24 hours this year but we loved having him there. the day that he wasn't with us it just wasn't the same.

we did get to take my tall little berkeley on all the big kid rides...we went on space mountain, thunder mountain, and matterhorn. she loved them, but then later said she doesnt want to go back to the scary spaceship ride.

the trip was bitter sweet though because a few nights before we left todd's grandpa had a mild heart attack and had to undergo heart surgery. so he and mama were not able to go. it was so sad knowing that he gave this gift to all of us, and he couldnt be there to enjoy it with all of us.

thanks to todd's grandparents for the most amazing trip!








im annoyed

my blogger says that i have reached full picture capacity
and i have to buy more storage.... so i did. and its still not
letting me add pictures.
ahhhhh! im annoyed!