i finally ran my first half marathon.
i didn't want to run it by myself (heaven forbid) so i convinced my friend rachael to run it also.
typical me....we got to the start line about 4 minutes before the race started.
i don't know how i can even say this, considering i ran 13 miles, but it was soo fun. i love races....every time.
i love competing, and i love the feeling of pushing myself.
my sweet sis-in-law brooke showed up with her 4 kids and signs for me half way through the race. it was so sweet and totally pumped me up. i couldn't believe that they were there just for me.
i finished strong and actually beat my goal time by 2 minutes.
i felt great for about 2-3 hours after my race, until i got ridiculously sick.
i was so nauseous all day, threw up twice, and couldn't hold any fluids or food down.
i spent the rest of the day sick in bed.
it was a terrible day.
i am now re-thinking ever running a long race again :)