Sunday, January 30, 2011

londons run.

i finally ran my first half marathon.
i didn't want to run it by myself (heaven forbid) so i convinced my friend rachael to run it also.
typical me....we got to the start line about 4 minutes before the race started.
i don't know how i can even say this, considering i ran 13 miles, but it was soo fun. i love races....every time.
i love competing, and i love the feeling of pushing myself.
my sweet sis-in-law brooke showed up with her 4 kids and signs for me half way through the race. it was so sweet and totally pumped me up. i couldn't believe that they were there just for me.
i finished strong and actually beat my goal time by 2 minutes.
i felt great for about 2-3 hours after my race, until i got ridiculously sick.
i was so nauseous all day, threw up twice, and couldn't hold any fluids or food down.
i spent the rest of the day sick in bed.
it was a terrible day.
i am now re-thinking ever running a long race again :)


Monday, January 24, 2011


i don't know why, but i have kind of been over blogging lately. i feel like during my day i have way too much stuff to do to take time and sit down at the computer, and at night after finally cleaning up, i just want to sit my booty on the couch and sit. its weird....the last month or so i have not been on the computer at all and i barely watch any tv.
i don't know whats up...its changing...(don't really even know what that means)
lately, my life consists of working out, cooking, cleaning, the park, trying to get quality time with the kids, bike rides, the grocery store, nursery, and late nights with todd.
nothing fabulous, just life.
not going to lie....berkeley has been so sassy lately with talking back and disobeying. some of the things she says are freaking hilarious, but because im the one who's supposed make sure she doesn't turn into a brat, i have to hide my laughter and disbelief, and attempt to discipline her in some way. it's been a little tedious, but i refuse to have a child that talks like that!
i am constantly trying to get beckham to say more words and talk more.
i think hes improving, but because i am always with him, i cant totally tell.
he babbling all day long, but no actual english words are coming we'll see how that goes.
we're working on it.
love the long hair on this boy....i think i may have let it get a little too long, but its still adorable.



Wednesday, January 5, 2011

twenty eleven....or... two thousand eleven...

as much as i try to steer clear of having a "resolution" i do have some
improvements i need to make in my life. many.
but one of my main ones is to be a better family member.
i truly have amazing people in my life with so much love and i want to make sure
i reciprocate that.... starting with my 2 sweeties.
they make me so happy.
love them to pieces.
