Sunday, September 30, 2007

Picard On Trial (Part Four)

I hope Riker, Data and Deanna are going to produce a strong Defence, otherwise this will soon be 'Prisoner Picard's Journal'.

I'm on trial for the crimes I committed with Lefty, Fats & Toots while under the influence of Professor Kalam's Mmind Altering Device. The Chief Prosecutor Clarcia Mark is making things look bad for me. Even the Judge, Ephriam Hardcastle doesn't like me.


Riker opens for the defence.

"I call Doctor Beverly Crusher."

Bev stands up and goes to the witness chair.

Beverly tells the story of what happened, and how she infiltrated my gang, and how I was affected by the Mind Altering Device.

"Tosh!" snorts Judge Hardcastle, "Machines cannot affect the mind like that."

Clarcia gets up to cross question.

"Is it not true, Doctor Crusher." she starts, "That you are in a romantic liaison with the defendant?" She emphasises the two words.

"Well, we have been on several dates." Bev replies.

"Therefore you would say anything to get Captain Picard...your lover off?" Clarcia suggests.

This leaves Bev red faced and in a flurry. She is quickly excused.

"Doesn't look good for you, Picard?" Hardcastle says quietly.

I see Data, Deanna and Riker talking quickly amongst themselves. They know they've got to come up with something. Eventually. they all agree.

The Judge gets impatient and asks if they are going to call anyone else.

"Yes." says Riker, "We call Professor Kalam."

The Professor enters, along with his Mind Altering Device.

"You invented the Mind Altering Device?" Riker asks him.

"Err..yes, Commander." Kalam replies in his usual bumbling style, "When I tried it on Captain Picard, it turned him into a criminal."

"So you are saying it is this Device which is to blame for the robberies, not the Captain?" Riker suggests.

"Oh yes." Kalam answers, "I was unaware that the Device would be able to alter normal people. I thought it would just work on criminals."

Both Clarcia and Judge Hardcastle snort sounds of derision.

"Are you expecting us to believe that this device can alter people?" Clarcia sneers at him, "I refuse to believe it, "This is just a pathetic attempt by the Defence to explain the robberies."

"I'm tending to think the same." comments Hardcastle, "I'm thinking of sentencing the defendant now, Clarcia, so we can go on our date...I mean so we finish today."

In desperation, Deanna stands up.

"If you think you are so certain." she says, looking at the Judge and Clarcia, "Why don't you try it now...both of you?"

They look a little worried, but they hook up to the machine and Kalam turns it on, just like he did when I tried it.

Clarcia and the Judge look dazed and confused. Slowly, they look at each other, and smile with realisation, and run to the door.

"You're right, Prof!" exclaims Hardcastle, "That's a doozy of a device. It DOES turn people into criminals. Picard, you're free to go."

"Yeah, Ephriam." adds Clarcia, "Ain't this great? Can I be your moll?"

"You always were, Clarcia, honey." replies Hardcastle, "Let's get out of this joint and rob a few places."

"You're on, baby." Clarcia answers softly, "I'll have to get some new threads as well. These are far too dowdy for the moll of a gangster."

With that, they are gone.

"Oh dear." says Kalam, "I seem to have done it again."

"Worf's security team will catch them before they leave the building." Riker tells him, "You can change them back then. They will have to let you off, Captain as it happened to them as well. Both the Judge and Clarcia know why you did the robberies."

"Well done, everybody." I tell them, "I can get back to the important business of Captaining the Enterprise."

"....and planning the Christmas party." adds Bev, with a kiss."

Saturday, September 29, 2007

TWQ: Disappointing Books

This week in Shelfari (the online book group, where lists of books and groups can be formed), I asked about disappointing books. I ask the same here in TWQ (The Weekend Question).

What books did you have really high hopes for, but turned out to be awful? List as many as you wish.

My answers are:

Two come to mind for me:

'The Time Traveller's Wife' by Audrey Niffenegger

'Blowfly' by Patricia Cornwall

I had heard so many good things about 'The Time Traveller's Wife' I wanted to read it. The plot sounded so interesting and unusual. however, right from the start, I couldn't warm to the characters. They were unlikeable, and didn't care what happened to them. I abandoned it about halfway through. It was a shame, as I had a signed limited edition book. I may be in a minority with this book, as I know so many love it.

I had read all of the Kay Scarpetta novels by Cornwell before Blowfly, so was expecting more good quality. However this was different. Everything had been changed from Fist to Third person, the plot was absurd and far-fetched, one of the characters (Lucy) was behaving in a ridiculous manner, another character was brought back from the dead after being killed off several books earlier. The ending was dreadful. I actually read all of it as I couldn't believe it was so bad. It goes down as the worst book I've ever read.

Now it's over to you...

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Picard On Trial (Part Three)

I'm still on trial here, with Riker, Data & Deanna handling my defence.

I have been accused of robberies throughout the Quadrant with a criminal gang. While it may be technically true, I was under them influence of a Mind Altering Device that changed me.

Things are stacked against me here. The Judge, Ephriam Hardcastle, dislikes me intensely, and the Chief Prosecutor, Clarcia Mark, has yet to lose a case. I face being stripped of the Captaincy of the Enterprise, and being sent to a penal colony.


Clarcia Mark steps forward.

"The Prosecution calls it's star witness." she begins, "Tallulah Tortello, known in the criminal fraternity as 'Toots'"

I groan. Not her,

"Hi Johnny!" I hear from across the courtroom, "It's me, Toots!"

She appears in a micro-mini convict's outfit.

"The witness will refrain from calling out to the defendant." Hardcastle says to her.

"Sure, Judge." replies Toots, "Hey, ain't you Ephriam? I remember seeing you at The Blue Flamingo, when I was stripp...I mean doing exotic dancing."

"The witness is mistaken." says Hardcastle sharply, "I would not frequent such lurid establishments."

"If you say so." comments Toots, with a wink.

"Now then, Miss Tortello" starts Clarcia, "Tell the court how you were recruited into the defendant's gang."

"Okay." starts Toots, "It was like this, you see. I was doing my act in The Blue Flamingo, like, then Johnny shows up. I hadn't seen him around before, but he looked kinda cute, if you know what I mean?"

"What did he say to you, Miss Tortello?"

"He says, 'Hey baby, I'm Johnny Picard, and I need a good looking babe in my organisation. Do you want to join us?' I thought and said ''Sure, why not?''"

"Then what happened?"

"We go and see the rest of his gang." says Toots, "That's Fats & Lefty. Johnny says that I can be the glamour in distracting the saps, then he and they boys can move in and take the dough. I get to be his moll as well. All was going well until SHE shows up."

Toots is pointing at Bev, who is glaring at Toots with the kind of look that a Klingon would give at a big party when they find that that comedian they have booked has turned out to be a Romulan.

"You are referring to Dr Beverly Crusher, who was sent there undercover to capture the gang? asks Clarcia.

"Yeah." confirms Toots, "That redhead was a stooolpigeon. I never liked her. As soon as she arrived, Johnny dumps me and makes her his moll."

"You and she had a fight?"

"Yeah." answers Toots, "But she plays dirt, like, and manages to beat me. As a result, the gang goes off and gets arrested. Johnny manages to convince them he is alright though."

"Thank you, Miss Tortello." says Clarcia, and indicates to Riker that she is his witness. He gets up.

"Now then Miss Tortello..."

"Hey, I like a man with a beard." she answers, "They are always so masculine."

Deanna looks like she is going to blow a fuse in a moment. Neither she nor Bev are fond of Toots right now.

"Miss Tortello, please...if I may."

"Anytime, sugar." she answers sweetly.

This leaves Riker a little out of sorts. Deanna gets up, steps forward in a kind of 'leave this to me.' stride.

"Miss Tortello.." she starts, "Is it true that you are being let off your criminal actions for giving testimony?"

"Well... yeah" she answers, as if her hand has been caught in the cookie jar.

"Are you not just angry at the defendant for dumping you in favour of Beverly Crusher."

"Well, sure I was angry, but that's not Johnny's fault, it was the Crusher woman."

"The man you know as 'Johnny Picard.' asks Deanna, "Though he has been identified in this room, does he act like the man you knew."

"Nah, " she answers. "He sounds like a completely different person."

Deanna has a satisfied smile, and excuses Toots, who winks at me, and then Judge Hardcastle.

"That concludes the case for the Prosecution." states Clarcia.

Riker will start with the Defence next.

To be continued...

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Picard On Trial (Part Two)

Guest Poster: Data

The day of the trial has arrived.

I am in the courtroom as part of Captain Picard's defence team, along with Commander Riker and Counselor Troi. The Captain is being accused of crimes he committed while under the effect of the Mind Altering Device recently.

"We have a tough battle." says the Captain, "The Chief Prosecutor is Clarcia Mark. She is always very effective, and has never lost a case yet. The Judge is Ephriam Hardcastle, who dislikes me intensely."

"Could we not get a judge who looked on you more favourably?" asks Commander Riker.

"He WAS the most lenient, Number One." the Captain answers glumly, "It seems none of the judges like me."

There is a hubbub around the court and the judge enters.

"Starfleet versus Picard!" a court official announces, "Please all rise for Judge Hardcastle."

The Judge looks around, and his face fall on the Captain. Hardcastle sneers.

"You're that person who got assimilated and caused a mass battle to take place at Wolf 359."

"Err...yes." replies the Captain.

"....never liked him. The Borg probably still control the man." the judge says dismissively.

Clarcia rises.

"Your Honour." she starts, "I intend to prove that the defendant, Captain Jean-Luc Picard of the USS Enterprise, did wilfully commit a series of robberies around the Quadrant with a criminal gang that only ended when he was detained while trying to steal the Disana Jewels."

"That shouldn't be too difficult." comments the Judge.

"We're sunk!" says Commander Riker. Counselor Troi tries to console him.

"Don't be too pessimistic, Will." she says with a smile, "I'm sure we'll be able to get the Captain off."

"The first witness is a Mr Leonard Wright." states Clarcia, "He has the criminal nickname of Lefty."

He comes in a striped prison outfit and chains.

"Now then, Mr Wright." starts Clarcia.

"Just call me Lefty, honey." he replies.

"Very well, err..Lefty. Tell me what happened when the defendant recruited you."

"Yeah, well, it's like I said." Lefty answers, "There I was, minding my own business in the pool room, when Johnny comes in."

"You mean Jean-Luc Picard, the defendant?" asks Clarcia.

"Yeah, that's right." he continues, "Anyway, he asks me if I want to earn some easy money and join a gang he was forming. He'd already recruited Fats, and he had tommy gun phasers, a getaway shuttlecraft. It looked a cinch."

"Did you think the defendant looked and acted like a criminal?" asks Clarcia.

"Objection!" shouts Commander Riker, almost knocking me over in his suddenness. I am clearly not used to court procedure.

"The impressions of the witness of the defendant cannot be answered." the Commander tells the court."

"I suppose you're right." concludes the Judge, with some reluctance, "I can't let you have this one, Clarcia."

The Judge whispers to Clarcia, "I hope that won't affect our dinner date later?"

"Of course not, Ephriam, sweetheart." she answers quietly.

Lefty continues his testimony.

"So, Johnny gets me, Fats, and his moll Toots all together. We were a great outfit. Johnny knew all the places where we could heist from, and the security codes to get round them. I would have put him down in the 'Criminal Of The Year' poll the underworld has."

"Thank you, Mr Wright." concludes Clarcia, "Your witness."

"Do you think that Captain Picard, who you call 'Johnny', was acting under the influences of something?" I ask.

"Nah." he replies, "He was a natural. The only time things went bad was when that redhead joined our team. She was a stoolie."

Everyone looks at Doctor Crusher, who is sitting in the court crowd.

"That is all, Mr Wright." I say.

"The Prosecution will present it's next witness in the following session." states Clarcia.

"Very well." Judge Hardcastle announces, "Court is adjourned."

To be continued...

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Picard On Trial (Part One)

Whenever a ship of any sort shows up on the sensors it can mean problems to solve and decisions to make.

I'm happy just cruising along, spending time in the holodeck and dating Bev.

Still, something is coming on the sensor screens now.

"It is the USS Washington, Captain." Data informs me.

The video screen comes on. The usually cheerful Captain Jeffries appears, but this time his face is dour, as if he has been told that his next tour of duty is to be a comedian at a Romulan party.

"I must come aboard on a matter of some urgency, Captain Picard." he says, "Do not try to avoid me."

We are all puzzled at this remark, but go to Transporter Room 3, where Jeffries comes aboard, with five burly security officers, each of which would give Worf a run for his money.

"Captain Jean-Luc Picard." announces Jeffries with solemn formality, "You have been charged with crimes throughout the quadrant, and so will be arrested. You will face a trial and court martial, which could lead you to be stripped of your Captaincy and imprisoned for several years."

The security officers step forward and have the cuffs on me before Jeffries finishes his speech. Worf steps forward.

"Be careful, Mr Worf." I tell him, then turn to Jeffries, "I shall go peacefully, while my crew prepare my defence."

Bev is wailing away. Jadzia has handed her a box of tissues. Riker asks to know what I am supposed to have done.

"In the last two weeks." replies Jeffries, "The Captain, along with criminals known as Lefty and Fats, and a young woman named Toots went and robbed a number of planets in the Quadrant. They were stopped last week when they attempted to steal the Disana Jewels from Vasra VI. Everybody was arrested except Captain Picard."

"The Captain only committed those robberies because he was exposed to a Mind Altering Device by Professor Kalam." Deanna tells him, "You can't arrest him on that reason."

"Nonetheless, he committed the crimes." states Jeffries, flatly, "And as a result, he must be punished for them."

Riker and they others protest. Though I could do with a few stress pills right now, I put my extra calm' look on.

"Commander." I instruct, "Prepare the defence. You and Mr Data will be very good at that."

With that, I am beamed over to the USS Washington, where I find that they regularly transport prisoners. I go into that wing, and am forced to change into a striped convict outfit.

How demeaning.

I am thrown into a forcefield brig, where another prisoner is sitting.

"Hey mac!" He asks with a growl, "What have they got you for?"

I tell him, but say I was under a Mind Altering Device at the time. He laughs.

"Oh sure!" he says sarcastically, "They all say that!"

After a while, I wonder if I was while in letting Riker handle my defence. After all, he'll get my job when I'm thrown in a penal colony!

To be continued...

Saturday, September 22, 2007

TWQ: Economy Books

Following the TWQ (The Weekend Question) asking about Economy Books and Economy TV Programmes, this week, we turn to literary output.

Can you list what some books would have been called if they had a lack of space or plot? List as many as you like.

My answers are:

A Tale Of One Village
One Musketeer
Robin Hood and his Merry Man
Bridget Jones' Single Page
The Wave
(from Crime & Punishment)
Murder On The 2:15 from Hounslow (from Murder On The Orient Express)

Now it's over to you...

But before you go...

Take a look at Blogrush before you go (on my sidebar). It counts the number of impressions it gets. Your site will then earn one credit per impression, and will be shown on a widget on another site once for every credit earned. This means that for every time your blog gets a hit, it will be shown on another Blogrush site. If you get 200 hits per day, it will be shown on another 200 blogs! It's all absolutely free! In a few days, there will be a multitude of colours available. Click on it to find out more.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Planning The Christmas Party

Now that my mind has been put back together again, we can get to some serious Enterprise business. I call a conference of the senior staff.

"As it is September." I inform them, "The time has come for us to start planning the Enterprise Christmas Party."

A slight groan comes up, as if to say "Already?"

"It is essential that we plan this well in advance" I continue, "So that everything is well sorted out."

"Are we going to have The Strolling Drones here again?" asks Worf, "It was very hard for security having them and the other Borg here acting as waiters last year."

"That will not take place." Seven Of Nine tells us, "They have already been booked by The Borg Queen to play at Varga VII in the Delta Quadrant to celebrate the fact we have turned the entire planet's population into Borg drones.

I wince at this, but am secretly glad the drones will not be serving this year. All that made me nervous.

"Well, what shall we do?" Riker says, and everybody starts thinking, hoping they will come up with a brainwave.

"In the Terran Empire." comments T'Pol, "We could get citizens of a planet we had just conquered and order us to serve us in a Christmas Party. Strangely enough, we always seemed to suffer from stomach poisoning afterwards."

"What about The Sands?" asks Deanna, "We could use the holographic nightclub that we have as a venue.

There are a few nods of approval. It doesn't sound a bad idea.

"We could have Vic Fontaine as a host, and we call all go in a typical 1960's Las Vegas nightclub setting." she continues.

More murmurs of approval. I think we've found our venue this year.

"Other holographic characters employed by the club can handle the catering and serve the drinks." Geordi observes.

"...and we can all go in gorgeous slinky Vegas dresses!" Beverly comments, with a slight wink at me, "Ideal for all those romantic dances."

"So when will it start?" Ro Laren asks, "We want all the Guests we have to be ready."

"It'll probably start on Monday 3rd December." I tell her, "But when it finishes, will be when we all run out of energy."

"Great!" Jadzia says with a smile, "I'll be sorting out my party dress. You'll love what I choose, Worf."

Worf manages a slight Klingon smile.

"That's all for now." I say, "We'll have an update later on."

Author's note:

Jana has given me this beautiful Award:

Thanks so much, Jana. It's lovely!

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Picard The Criminal (Part Five)

Author's note:

See Parts One to Four for the background to this story.


The boys and I are on the way in the shuttlecraft to Vasra VI where we are going to grab the Disana Jewels. They are on exhibition there.

This will be our biggest job of all. When we finish this, I reckon we can all live a live of luxury from then on.

Toots has strangely disappeared, and joining us as my moll is Beverly.

What a babe!


"We'll be arriving at Vasra VI in 30 minutes, boss." Lefty tells me, "Those pure saps ain't gonna know what's hit them!"

"That's right, Lefty." agrees Fats.

Beverly walks up to me. She has her large hat on, short skirt, fishnet stockings and stiletto heels.

"We make a great team, Johnny." she says softly, "I'm glad you picked me as your moll."

"There's no one else, baby. You've got great gams with those fishnets." I tell her, "After this heist, we'll be as famous as Bonnie and Hardy."

"You mean Bonnie and Clyde, sugar?" Bev replies, and then kisses me. What a hot number!

"Yeah, sure, baby." I say with a smile.

A little while later, we are in orbit, and we all beam down.

"Now you all know what to do." I tell them, "Bev is gonna go in, distract the guards, and we'll rush in with out tommy gun phasers and take over the joint."

We all watch from outside as Bev strolls in. The guards look in and stare at her. She drops her purse, and bends down to pick it up, revealing more of her fishnet legs. The guards are all looking at her. What saps! That's the signal.

We all rush in.

"Okay, this is a hold-up!" I shout, "No one move or they are gonna get plugged."

The guards turn to look at me. They look familiar.

"Good evening, Captain" says one of them. It's Data.

"Hello, Captain." another says. Riker.

"It is a good day to be apprehended, Captain." Worf. Our tommy gun phasers fail to go off. What's happened to them?

Beverly whispers in my ear.

"Time to get you restored, Jean-Luc"

She administers a hypospray and things go black.


I wake up with a splitting headache; I am on the Enterprise. Riight now, my mind feels like it's been taken apart and put back together.

"Everything is alright again." declares Professor Kalam, "The Mind Altering Device shows that the Captain's brain wave patterns are back to normal."

Right now, I feel like knocking the Professor into the middle of the next stardate for turning me into a criminal, but that would cause more trouble. I restrain myself and thank him for correcting the problem.

Riker tells me that Toots has been picked up on the planet and arrested, as have Lefty and Fats.
After he and Kalam have gone, Beverly enters.

"Jean-Luc." she says, "I'm sorry for deceiving you when being your moll."

"That's alright, Bev." I reply, "I rather liked your outfit."

"I can always wear it again." Bev whispers softly, "The Enterprise cinema is showing The Roaring Twenties tonight.

"Don't forget the fishnets and stockings!" I add, "You DO have great gams, Bev!"