Thursday, April 21, 2011

Happy {handmade} Easter!

{a scrappy egg created with precious little hands by Princess #2}

{gifts with love for our teachers}

{simple glittered eggs created to become a part of our Easter table}

{mini banner made from studio scraps sharing our reason for celebrating}

"Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ!

In His great mercy He has given us new birth into a living hope

through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead..."
1 Peter 1:3

 Happy Easter!
love & blessings!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

happy "little things"...

a little rainbow of glitter on my desk...

a little painting created by Princess #1...

 a little surprise gift from a precious friend...
(that I just looooove!)

a little line-up of Spring polish...
(our favorites! by Essie, from left to right)
Sand Tropez, Turquoise + Caicos, Ballet Slippers, Coral Reef, Nice is Nice

a little spot of favorites in the bookshelf...

a little face that just melts your heart!...

Princess #2's dream-come-true-

 he joined our family this past weekend
and has us all a bit smitten!

 What's on your happy "little things" list right now?
Oh, please do share!

love & blessings!

Thursday, April 7, 2011


well, creating "noodle nests" that is...
one of the children's favorites they look forward to (and ask for!) every Easter!

a simple little treat, created with:

24 paper baking cups
3 T. butter or margarine
3 T. creamy peanut butter
3 C. mini marshmallows
1 (12oz.) bag chow mein noodles
jelly beans
24 marshmallow chicks

Melt margarine over low heat. Gradually stir in peanut butter, then slowly
add marshmallows. Stir until mixture is melted and smooth.

Remove mixture from heat. Add noodles and stir until noodles are coated.

Spoon mixture into paper lined muffin tins and shape to form nests.

When nests are cool, you may add jelly bean "eggs"...

 and of course a little chick too!

Happy "Nesting"!

Many Blessings!

p.s. ya'll just blessed me beyond words with all your emails (and comments)
filled with prayers and well wishes!
You are just the sweetest readers! Thank you from the bottom of my heart!-
and the stone is moving along...slowly, but moving!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Views from where I lay...

it seems a kidney stone has decided now would be a good
time to move (must be the theme for the year- move!)

so, I decided while I'm just laying here...
-which is NOT my favorite thing to do!-
I'll share a few random thoughts and photos from the new house-
from where I'm laying, on the couch, in the family room!
Did ya'll notice I wouldn't let them put the T.V. above the fireplace?
I was thinking I didn't want it to be the "main" focal point...
guess that didn't work out too well!- I bet your eyes went straight to
that large black box!-*please note however,  it is not on while I'm laying here!
(I'm not a huge fan of T.V.,  are you?)

my trusty sidekick Odie is laying in here too!
   His "downstairs bed" is kept right here in the family room-
He's never far from anyone who isn't feeling well, He's such a sweet dog!

I'm not sure if you can tell in this picture or not?...
but all the ceilings in the house are painted the palest blue,
I have done this in most of our homes- "nothing but blue skies" for this girl!
It just casts such a lovely glow in the home!
I chose chandeliers for every room in the house- I LOVE beautiful lighting!- 
it's like "jewelry" for your home!
Can you guess which room my husband "drew the line"
on my chandelier love?  yep! this one!...
now that I'm laying here though, I'm thinking I REALLY would like to replace
that fan with another chandelier!- we''ll see.

and of course on the coffee table you'll find a large glass of water-not coffee!
I've been drinking lots and lots of water,
hoping and praying this kidney stone will move on out!- quickly!
I've also been enjoying perusing through some of my favorite magazines and books!
Ya'll do know about Amy Powers amazing e-books (and now hard copies too!)
"Inspired Ideas"? Oh! there are such a delight! A true treat!

I brought my "stitching bag" down too,
hoping to work on a few little projects, but haven't felt well enough right now-
maybe tomorrow...

 for now though, I'm just content laying here- and not in the hospital-(thankfully!) 
focusing on just how beautiful life really is-
even when things don't go according to your plans!
Goodness! I think this might be the longest post I've ever written!
 Thank ya'll for enduring my random ramblings and little tour!
You are too sweet!

I hope you have a wonderful day!
 lots of love & blessings!

Thursday, March 31, 2011

coffee talk...

 a simple little set of coffee mugs I created for a few gifts...
(and a set for us to keep as well!)

beginning with solid colored mugs,
and using a porcelain paint pen (following the directions found on the pen)

I painted words chosen from some of my favorite scriptures,
with simple illustrations...

for the gifts:
I printed out the words, followed by the scripture that I had used for inspiration,
and enclosed it with the set of  mugs...

just in case you would like to create a set (or two!)  for someone (or yourself!)
I'd love to share my list with you! 
  just click the picture and print! 

and now I'm off to enjoy my "coffee talk" for today...
I think I'll choose "shine"- with an extra muffin too!

Have a wonderful weekend!
love & blessings!

Monday, March 28, 2011


eating cake for breakfast,
sprinkled with delicious fresh blueberries-
because that makes it a "healthy choice" right??

savoring beautiful words...

and preparing to enjoy a "creative feast"!
a lovely Monday indeed!

Happy Monday!
Many Blessings!

* sharing with my sweet friend Heather's "Life Made Lovely" Monday!

Friday, March 25, 2011

A pocket full of posies...

quite literally!
A simple little spring surprise I created for Princess #2...

beginning with a t-shirt I found with a tiny pocket...
(from Walmart for $4.50!- they have other colors too!)

then using one of my all-time favorite creative supplies:
fabric scraps!
do you save all your scraps too?
 sometimes just seeing them all together makes me smile!- so bright & cheerful!

I simply cut my designs from chosen scraps,
layered circles and strips for the stems,
and stitched them to the shirt!
(I did use heat-n-bond first for durability, I also chose to stitch
a bit away from the edges to allow a little fraying- which I love!)

but my favorite part of this little project was how excited Princess #2 was
with her new "spring surprise"!-
and then finding she had prepared her little outfit for the day...

complete with her precious accessories!
just melts my heart!! 

all from a simple "pocket full of posies"!

Happy weekend! &
Many Blessings!