G = Game Pieces
I bought a complete vintage set on Ebay a few years ago.. it seems a shame for it to just sit unused on the desk so I used 2 of the boards as the covers of a simple journal/notebook - it took a lot for me to use these because they're are sooooo lovely..
The book has a loto board front & back, heavyweight cartridge paper pages (lovely for sketching, writing, painting and inking onto) and nice simple binding of book rings (another favourite). I like to use these as it makes adding & removing pages really simple (and you can tie pretting ribbons and embellishments onto them).
I'll be back tomorrow with another 'game piece' project (or maybe 2) and then I'm all caught up with the ACP and back on track.
When I post on Tuesday/Wednesday it'll be the start of a new month/ new colour! ta da - and I'm being brave and using a colour that is not in my comfort zone - which will be a learning curve!
Hope you're all well, and are enjoying the sun (assuming you have sun!)
Take care