Do you find yourself wishing that the present was different? Often I think, "I can't wait until my kids are old enough to ___." Usually this involves them doing something on their own. And then I catch myself. Tonight John emailed me a few photos he took with his phone from the past 18 months or so and it made me sad. Because some how, these girls turned from this:to this:
And our little guy turned from this:
to this:
In the chaos of every day life, I have to stop and remind myself to enjoy and treasure every moment because they're so fleeting. And they never return. Someday, Stila will stop wanting to pretend she's a hamster. All. The. Time. Someday, Alexa will stop calling her siblings "See-ya" and "Bwodes." And someday, Brody won't say "Sssss!" for "thank you" and "Pss-pss" for "excuse me."
Someday they'll be too cool to play with us at the beach
Or jump in the air just cuz.
Please don't happen anytime soon.