Sunday, April 24, 2011

The Easter Story by Honey

I know I haven't blogged in a long time but wanted to share the story Honey dictated to me this afternoon. I typed what she said. She made a few changes when she read it through afterward and she picked the pictures (mostly from Microsoft Word clip art) to go with it. I can't seem to post the pictures but here is the story...

The Easter Story by Honey

Jesus rode on a donkey. The people waved branches. They sang hosanna. They spread out their coats for Jesus to walk on. Some spread the branches on the road for Jesus to walk on.

Some people did not like Jesus because more people liked Jesus better. They made a plan to kill Jesus. Judas got money because he liked it. He said, "What will you give me if I do this?" Judas got 30 pieces of silver.

Two of Jesus' disciples went to find a place for Passover. When Jesus came Jesus washed the disciples' feet. After the Passover was done Jesus took his followers to the Garden of Gethsemane. Jesus said to the disciples, "Stay here I want to be alone for awhile."

Jesus prayed.

Then Judas and the priests came to get Jesus. They treated Jesus badly. They spit on Jesus. They hurt Jesus with sticks. They called Jesus names. They said you are not God.

They made Jesus carry the heavy cross where he was going to die. Then they put Jesus on the cross. Jesus died for our sins.

Jesus' friends put Jesus in the tomb.

Jesus is alive! Yay! Three women went to put spices on Jesus but when they got there Jesus was gone and the stone was rolled away. An angel appeared and said, "He is risen from the dead." The women sang, "Hosanna! Hosanna! Jesus is alive!"

The end.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Where did the time go?

Hi everyone! I can't believe the fall is flying by so quickly! I haven't even checked in on the blog in a long while. I'll try to catch up with a few pictures over the next few days and give you some of the highlights.

One interesting thing we've done this fall is attend 2 very extremely different weddings. Both very God honouring yet so completely different. Here's the full "Big Fat Greek Wedding" complete with smoke machine for a first dance. I for one had never seen that before. I'd never witnessed a pig dance or a bread dance either. We forgot our camera for the reception so this one is from a sister of the bride. Fancy decorated church, "Barbie" bride

And cousin Annette's wedding. A medieval fairy tale wedding set in a rock quarry complete with a princess and prince, 2 plays, cauldrons of soup heating over fires, and some rain.

Wedding vows amid a circle of parents, friends and family.

We enjoyed both weddings and one little girl at least has talked quite a bit about her wedding. She even said she'd invite me when the time comes. I'm glad! (But in no rush believe me!!)

Sunday, September 12, 2010

The Conductor :)

The First Day of School

Well, here are the pics in backwards order once again ARGH!
Honey had a great day in SK. She was especially thrilled to learn French. "Bonjour mes amis." See my hook :) and my backpack.
Jam got off to a good start too :) She has her same great teacher as in grade one and 2 of her good friends are in her class this year.

Daddy's happy to have Honey going to school with him for this year. She looks more nervous here than above since this was on the way into the school and those were when she was going home.

Here they are all ready to head out for day one. Both were excited and ready to go.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

More of the little guy :)

Hope you're not getting sick of Coffee :)
His big sisters aren't! The other day he fell asleep in his chair and Jam thought he might like her pillow (yes, she put it beside the chair) and a dolly to sleep with.
Gotta love that big grin!
It's not too clear a picture but this little shorts set he's wearing below is 40 years old. Bruce wore it when he was a baby. It was made from nice hot acrylic and made us appreciate the nice soft breathable cotton baby clothes we wear on him most of the time. It's always fun though to have clothes with a history to put on the kids even when they are a bit hot. He didn't seem to mind.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

More pics for August

Coffee's getting so big now. It's funny how he looks younger in pjs and older in clothes. While Grampie was here we went to see his Aunt and Uncle. This pictures is as close as we'll get to a 4 generation picture for the boys.

They live at a beautiful place out in the country.
Pacing back and forth with Joey on his shoulder was one of Grampie's main activities while he was here. As Honey would say, "Grampie's got the touch."
We enjoyed having two grandfathers at the same time.

Is this a proud big sister or what :)

A visit with Grampie wouldn't be complete without at least on trip to DQ.
I believe this will be our official 3 generation picture


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