It is so fun to have a newborn around for Christmas time! Today Lucas Ben is one week old. It is amazing how he has only been in our home for a short week, and yet we really can't picture our lives without him!
What a sweetie!
The reunion (I believe they may have met before this life :o)
Emmy was so sweet when she first saw Luke. We didn't say anything and she simply held him, nuzzled her cheek into his head and gave him a kiss. She is going to be a great big sister.
A very sincere, happy smile.
Interested in the binky, of course.
Our first family pic with baby Luke
First trip to the doctor's (yes, I hated taking a three day old baby to the doctor's office on a bitter cold December day but we had to check for his bilrubin levels and they were fine...we have much to be grateful for with this healthy little guy)
All bundled up!
Somehow sleep is always the bonding moment between daddy and his kids.
This guy is such a snuggler that I have found myself sleeping next to him a couple of times too!
Our little fireball Em has been into everything this week. I loved finding her in Luke's carseat eating fruit snacks---finally an activity that wasn't harmful, poisonous or disastrous!
We play "duck duck goose" with the dinosaur and the teddy bear. Em was excited about being able to pick up Luke's chair, put it on daddy's chair, and crawl under it to end up where she is in this picture. The Talented Twos.....just trying to focus on the positive of this week with Em because it was a rough one :)
I still swaddle the little guy real tight just like I did with Em. I'm hoping the colic doesn't start up again in a couple of weeks.
For now he is a pretty content little guy.
He does like the binky though.....round two with the green bink.
Lukie loved his first bath. They call this the "baby hot tub" in the hospital's nursery. Check out the umblicial cord. That thing is crazy! What a cool process. Ask Jon about the placenta though--that is a bit much for him to handle :) I thought it was fascinating but maybe that is because it was part of my body.
Jon earns the Best Dad award this week. He is so sweet with Luke and loves him so much. But not only that, he has been such a huge help here around this house while I recover and nurse Luke around the clock. Emmy is running circles around him and driving him up the wall but he is still our constant around here and does whatever he can for all three of us. We are a lucky crew to have him.
Jon experienced the first "whiz" from Luke at the hospital. It caught him off guard and he almost swore but caught himself to protect the newborn's innocent ears! I was laughing so hard :)
Such a sweetie
Jon can't complain about being daddy to #2
Family pic with Great Grandparents "Gug and Bumps" who couldn't be more sweet with these kids.
And we can't forget the family pic with baby Nakomi! Shelbs is taking a Child Care class and had to take care of a newborn doll for the weekend. The doll is programmed to wake up in the middle of the night for feedings and diaper changes. If you are too rough with the baby, it cries and you can get docked on your grade. Yes, Em did tilt the head in the wrong way and it started wailing. We thought maybe she had triggered the "Shaken Baby Syndrome" in the doll's program. This would be terrible for Shelby's grade. I felt bad but I couldn't help but laugh. Em was so concerned about the doll. She keeps asking about her a day later. I just thought this pic was hilarious too with the newborn Luke so peaceful and real looking and then Nakomi who looks real for a split second and then with a second glance your brain tells you something is not quite right. Classic.
Emmy loves holding Luke "by myself!"
Our sweet Emmy. This is going to be rough time for her but she is doing her best and so are we!
I just love a newborn's little body. So precious.
We just love our little Emmy Doo. It is amazing how my heart has just been so full of love for both Emmy and Luke this week. I kind of worried about how I would love Luke and Emmy the same. But it is amazing how a mother's heart works. I don't really feel like I have to share my love between Emmy and Luke. I actually feel like my love has increased for both of them. It is a really cool feeling.
My two darling kids. I can't believe we are a family of four. We are so blessed.
And here is the most recent shot of little Lukie that Jon took tonight while I put Emmy to bed.
He was wide awake and Jon got a good video clip of him.