Monday, July 6, 2009

Baby Andrew

We have been having so much with Jon's brother Mike, his wife Erin and their darling baby boy, Andrew. Here is the 8 month old showing off his walking skills and his beautiful rolls! I cannot get enough of this baby.

The Feathies came swimming at the pool and it was so fun. The pool is finally heated so the babies loved it!

Shannon and her cute baby Isabel came swimming too. It is fun for me to get together with Shannon as we have become friends through Erin and also through my sister, Rachael.

"The Boy" as Mike calls Andrew is always so mellow and just chillin (so Scottie and him are the perfect match).

Emmie loves her Aunt Kako! (and her crazy hair after she swims. Don't worry Kate, I didn't include that picture but I love it!)

All three of these babies have the most beautiful blue eyes.

Cousin bath time! Look at the size of Andrew compared to Em. I love it. This kid will be 6 feet 5 inches easily.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Our New Niece Sophia Elizabeth

This beautiful baby girl, Sophia Elizabeth Marsden, was born on Sunday morning (very early in the morning) to my brother Spen and his cute wife Diana. They have the cutest family already and I am so happy they have added sweet Sophia to their family.

Look at all that hair! I love it. My mom says that Marsden babies come this way---looking like they are already a few months old.

Two Little Girlies!

Best Friends! I was looking through all my pictures and noticed some very cute ones of these two girls. It has been so fun for Rach and me to live so close and for our girls to spend so much time together. Emmy can't live a day without saying their names over and over. In fact, she has merged the names Charley and Rachael into one: "Charachael."

They are so sweet to each other (most of the time!)

Swimming at the pool has been a favorite activity of the summer. They love the water and they love swimming together. Our two fair skinned babes (we cake on the 50+ SPF).

"winging" at the park. This is Charley's favorite video of her and Em so I thought I would post it again for her.

One day I took them to the "big blue park" as Charley says, and they wanted to lay down and rest. As you can see Emmy is about ready to get back up---her "rest" lasted as long as it takes to shoot a picture.

Mine and Jon's all time favorite moment caught on camera. Charley really did help Em up and it was so cute to see how Charley held onto the pole with one hand, and to Em's hand with the other. I love these little girlies! (The title of the post comes from a chant we do whenever we hold both Emmy and Charley in our arms at the same time: "two little girlies;" they laugh and laugh).

Sunday, June 21, 2009

We Love our Daddy

I wanted to post a tribute to Jon on Father's Day because he is the best dad in the world to our little Em. This picture was taken when we went fishing a couple of weeks ago. I love it. They were running around in this field together and playing with the big grass weeds in the water. For as much as a mama's girl Em is, she really does love being with her daddy.

Living so close to Jon's work has been a huge blessing because we get to pick him up almost every day for lunch. Lately we have been going to different parks for picnics. Em is never interested in the food because there are "sides" and "wings."

Em and Jon are good little buddies now. It wasn't always like this and Em still has her major "I can't survive if I'm not in Mom's arms" moments. However, props to Jon because he is one of the most involved dads I know and has weasled his way into Em's little heart. Lately when he leaves for work, she will ask throughout the day "daddy go?" or she'll go look out the window for the car and say "see daddy." She also likes to hide in this little blankie hut in her room. Every time we go in there, she puts her finger to her lips and says "shhhh, daddy," hoping daddy will come find her. Then anytime she does something out of the ordinary (like put black olives on her fingers, or put on mommy's makeup, or put on daddy's shoes) she says "daddy" because she wants to go and show him. It has been the neatest thing for me to see them form this bond. Jon, I really appreciate your ability to walk through the door every evening, lay work aside, and help out in whatever way you can. You truly do honor the noble callings of husband and father. We love you!

I also wanted to tell my dad how much I love him this day. He is "papa" to Emmie and as you can see in this picture, she likes to feed him! This was taken at Thanksgiving dinner. We went to Little America for the big feast and the only thing Em wanted to eat was chicken fingers. My dad gladly accepted her offer! Papa loves his grandkids and spoils them with his attention and affection just as he always has with his own kids. My dad is a big softie and cries when he talks about how much he loves his family. That is something I have never doubted--how much my dad loves me. He would sacrifice anything for anyone in our family. He is always so concerned about our well being and happiness. He also has a strong testimony of his Savior and I am so grateful he shares that with us. We love you papa!

I think I pretty much lucked out with my father-in-law. Jon's dad is the greatest. I love this picture of Jon and his parents rocking out to karaoke. One thing that brings their family together is music. One thing I love about "Grandpa Joe" is the way he brings his family together. They always want to spend time together because they have so much fun together. Joe is the first to crack jokes, razz people and get us all laughing. Then Jama will get us laughing with some story and Joe and Luke will start wheezing and then we are all dying from tummy aches laughing. I also love Joe's ability to bring his family together spiritually. He not only reads scriptures with them, but shares openly how he is applying the scriptures in his life and the help that he needs from the Lord. He is the hardest working, most humble, generous, gracious man I know. He is also an amazing chef (my favorite being French Dip) and I am so glad he has passed on his love and talent for cooking to my sweetheart, Jon! Thanks for all you do and are Joe!

Saturday, June 20, 2009

As of Late

Just a few pictures of cute Em and our summer happenings. Here she is in her brand new pink Converse shoes given to her by our friend, Jake.

Swimming at the rec center. It took her awhile to warm up to all the chaos of this indoor swimming pool. Jon took her down the big yellow slide first thing and that tipped her over the edge of not liking anything to do with that place. However, after about a half hour of watching other kids and then slowly jumping to me in the water, she soon discovered the joy of swimming and wanted to run everywhere on her own. "My tone" (my turn) as many of you have heard her say.

We've also been swimming a lot at our apartment pool. We had some of the Feathies over this week to celebrate Uncle Scottie "Doo Daa's" birthday.

Em with her favorite Uncle, Jama (she is the only one who doesn't know that yet)

Em with her two aunts, Kate and Hannah. I love this picture! They are so sweet with Em and she talks about them in her prayers.

We have made it boating once this year to Willard Bay. Emmie was so happy and content to watch the water and of course be with her aunt Shelby and Grannie (and watch Uncle Parker and Sockie from a short distance)! She probably thought it was crazy to watch people hold on to a rope and get pulled out of the water. I always wonder what goes on through the little ones' heads.

I insisted on going early in my pregnancy so I could get one more taste of my love, waterskiing. It turned out to be a beautiful day and I even had a "glass water" run to boost my spirits and keep me on a high note until I get to experience that adrenalin rush again.

Jon prefers the Wakeboard. We sometimes call him "Roger" on the lake (mostly when he does something amazingly crazy and cool) and then we call him "Wally" (when he does something crazy that results in a crash landing). Don't worry Jon, we end up calling you Rog more than Wally.

We went to the Gateway Mall with Grannie, and Emmeline had to jump out of her stroller and "see water" It was a little cold that evening but it didn't stop her from getting completely soaked. She was loving it.

And a day doesn't usually go by without a stop to the park.

The cute baby Em that is not so much a baby anymore!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Emmie's songs

Em has been entertaining us with all her singing these days. Here are a few videos of her favorites songs. First, Ring Around the Rosies.

Next the ABC's

Rain Rain Go Away Come Again Another Day. She starts whispering it at the end. She will sometimes just break out singing this song in her carseat by herself.

Twinkle Twinkle, Little Star (she only says the first "twinkle" and then goes right into little star)

This is a song we do that goes like this "shake, shake, shake your hands as slowly as you can.....shake shake shake your hands as quickly as you can" She says "slowly as you can" pretty well. The song also has a variation of "roll, roll roll" which Emmie is doing "quickly" at the end.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

A Day in the Canyon

We went up Mueller Park canyon the other night and had tinfoil dinners (thanks to my parents' canyon pass and firewood). It was absolutely gorgeous and Emmie had the time of her life exploring every piece of grass, twig and beetle. We took some family pics and thought they would be fun for you to see.

She was loving every minute of this adventure!

Such a sweet girl

A drastic change in moods after another head "bonk" from falling.

I love this smile!! She gives it when she is truly excited about whatever she is doing. I didn't know a field of grass and dandelions would bring it out. I would see something in the distance (the sand volleyball court) and want to show it to her. We would start walking there (in my mind, thinking only of getting to the sand). She would take two steps, lean down and pick a piece of grass or a piece of dirt on the path. She was so fascinated by every little thing in between our starting point and our destination. I was only focused on the destination. I thought it was neat that she would help me remember that we can enjoy everything "in between" in our daily living rather than only focusing on finishing something or getting somewhere.