Monday, November 12, 2012

The MoHawk

We love Luke's hair. We have always loved Luke's hair.  We grew it out for the past couple of months so we could have fun on Halloween night. And we did!

This is my buddy's hair a week before the shave. It was getting pretty long and cute as ever.  But, it was time for a cut :)

Pre-shave. He looks a bit concerned

This had to be a lot of fun for Jon

There it is my friends

And the attitude comes right along with it!

It added a new dimension to the batman look!!

Batman, Princess Aurora, and the Little Mermaid!

Oh yes, Luke loved his hair and was totally stoked about it.  When we went trick or treating to one house, he panicked, looked up at me, and said "is my black hair still there?" 

Trick or treating with some friends

                                     We love our MoHawk Lukie. But don't worry, it only lasted 2 days!
Our lovely Princess

We have the two prettiest princesses at our house:  Ariel and Sleeping Beauty!!

                                         And believe me!  This girl is a daddy's girl :)
And I forgot a few more pictures from our Fall photo shoot

Sweet baby Peesh. She is an angel

Luker and his sticks....

Emmie shakin her bootie

My lil guy :)  Love this pic

This last picture is great. Our faces show it all :)

Fall Pictures

Enjoy some fun fall pics we took this season.  There are some Halloween pictures from our church party as well. In a near future post I will have some pics from Trick or Treating (and Luke's new cool hair), as well as our adventures with the Bagleys (our cousins in NJ).  These first pics are from a walk Jon, Claire and I went on while the toddlers had a babysitter.

Emmie's babysitter let Emmie paint her face black!!  She is crazy (and a lot of fun)

Our Jack-O-Lantern

Ward Trunk or Treat. You will notice in the following pictures that Luke decided mid party to change outfits!

BatMan with BatGirl!

Leaf pile jumping with neighbors

Fall family pics!